The Supreme Guardian. Dmitry Chernykh

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The Supreme Guardian - Dmitry Chernykh

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look the complexity of the situation. Yes, we were in a bind…

      The dining hall was overcrowded. Students were chatting, joking, eating, and completely unaware that something terrifying was happening right next to them. Namely, I – the Guardian of Ancient Knowledge, a powerful mage, a master of ten orders – was walking around the magic academy in a woman’s skirt! Not to mention that a freshman was sitting in the director’s chair, and a pensioner dragon was strutting around with a green mohawk.

      I sighed wearily. What had I learned in these few days? Practically nothing. There was no information about these vile astral displacement spells in the library. On the bright side, I saw Asya naked, which, in principle, was also a good outcome. Plus, I learned how torturous it is to wear tights. And how awful it is to walk in heels. And how annoying it is to comb and wash long hair. And how infuriating bras are!

      In short, I learned a lot of new things. And for the first time, I felt weak. Not physically, no. Asya turned out to be a rather mediocre witch, her staff didn’t suit her at all, and half of her internal magical channels were clogged. How she managed to cast spells at all, I couldn’t understand.

      I couldn’t use ninety percent of the spells while in her body. Even the simplest weaves worked only half the time. Meanwhile, Zheka in my body was doing great. In these days, he almost destroyed half of the academy’s classrooms. He recently used all my power to lift a pencil off the floor. And he did. Along with the floor and all the students in the auditorium. In short, he’s a fool…

      Pushing away my half-empty plate, I scanned the students. They were so carefree, so happy. The teachers, on the other hand, were clearly nervous. Maybe they sensed the change in magical fields? Or were they actually concerned about the disappearance of a colleague? The seat to the right of the director was still empty. Where on earth had Kazimir in the dragon’s body disappeared to?


      The gentle pre-dawn silence enveloped the ancient castle. I stood frozen near the window, watching as the sun’s rays peeking over the horizon habitually dispersed the twilight. I couldn’t sleep. Either due to the realization that I might remain a girl forever or due to the premonition of impending doom.

      Kazimir was gone. So was the steward. We had scoured every dark corner of the castle, but to no avail. The ritual was drawing near, and there was nothing we could do. It seemed I had lost this battle even before it had begun.

      – Asya! Uh, I mean, Seva! The enchanter is calling everyone urgently! – Zheka, who had comfortably settled into my body, burst in on me.

      We jumped up and hurried to the dragon. A small flame of hope was kindling in my heart. Could he have found something? Maybe we could switch bodies back? Or had he discovered the villain-steward’s lair? In any case, we had to hurry.

      As soon as we crossed the threshold of the enchanter’s office, he rushed toward me.

      – I’ve figured it out! – the dragon exclaimed joyfully. – I know how to buy us time!

      Now, this was interesting. By my calculations, we had only a couple of hours left until the ritual. What had he come up with?

      – The Veil of Despair can’t be penetrated even by its creator, which means he’s still in the castle, – the enchanter continued without pause. – We just need to move the castle somewhere else. Far away from the power concentration.

      The logic in the teacher’s words was definitely there. And I even knew how to do it, but… I had absolutely no energy for it. All my strength was with Zheka, and I shuddered to imagine what such sorcery might result in his execution.

      But once again, we had no choice. Nor did we have time for reflection and calculations. I nodded to the dragon, grabbed Zheka by the hand, and dragged him to the center of the room. The enchanter understood without words, grabbed the chalk, and quickly began to draw a runic weave on the floor. We couldn’t delay.

      – Listen to me carefully. – It’s hard to look imposing in the fragile body of an eighteen-year-old beauty, but fortunately, Zheka listened to his sister and was frankly afraid of her. – Now, you’ll visualize this weave, – I extended my hand, and an intricate pattern appeared in the air above my palm, – and fill it with power. If you make a mistake in even one line, we’re all dead. Understand?

      Zheka nodded uncertainly, carefully knelt down, closed his eyes, and began the ritual. Soon, there was a loud clap, and the castle shook so violently that we barely kept our feet. Did this fool actually manage to move us into a spatial pocket? The darkness outside the windows confirmed it – Zheka had succeeded!

      – Seva, did you explain to him how to anchor it to the source? – the dragon whispered.

      I looked at my companion in surprise. What a strange question. Why explain such elementary things?

      – You know they only study anchoring in the third year?

      That was a real blunder. What does it mean? He closed the loop? I stared wide-eyed at my satisfied roommate. Damn it! He not only transported us into a spatial pocket, but he also put a temporal loop on the castle!

      – What have you done, you idiots?! – someone roared, bursting into the auditorium.

      It was the dragon! Well, I mean, someone in the enchanter’s body, which was now taking on its true form of a huge reptile. And why was he yelling?

      – Decided to stop me?! The great Vseslavsky himself?!

      Oops! I was completely lost. So Kazimir was actually in the dragon’s body. But why then was he angry? He couldn’t possibly be the villain. As if hearing my thoughts, the director hurled some deadly filth at me. What was he doing? Why did he need all this? Where did all this power come from?! The questions remained unanswered. Kazimir’s spell reached its target. Jerking aside, I collapsed onto the floor like a broken doll. Before darkness completely engulfed my consciousness, I managed to see my friends also helplessly falling to the stone floor.

      Outside the windows, darkness reigned. We stood near Zheka, who was seated in the center of the runic circle. Wait! We were just killed a moment ago! Or… I slapped myself on the forehead. A time loop. Good job, Zheka! Well done!

      – He’s about to burst in! – I shouted to my bewildered friends. – Hide!

      My call worked. Asya, Zheka, and I dashed to the oak tree, while the enchanter traditionally crawled under his table. Just in time, it must be said.

      – What have you done, you idiots?! – Kazimir roared, bursting into the auditorium and transforming into a huge lizard on the move. – Decided to stop me?! The great Vseslavsky himself?!

      Kazimir suddenly fell silent. Apparently, he did not expect to find his adversaries missing. And why is he repeating the same thing? Interesting… It seems the loop closed on me, Asya, Altair, and Zheka, as we were closest to the center of the ritual execution. Does that mean the time transfer activates when one of us dies?

      – Why are you doing all this? – the enchanter unexpectedly yelled, peering out from under the table.

      Strange. I hadn’t noticed any suicidal tendencies in him. Kazimir laughed with a roaring laughter.

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