Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому. Larisa Lubimova

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Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому - Larisa Lubimova

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with you about something; please feel free to speak your mind, as well.

      3 I’m at a loss as to what to do about this. Perhaps you have some ideas?

      4 We all need to have difficult conversations at some point, and this is one of those times.

      if it doesn’t help, don’t hesitate to be blunt

      1 I ’m just going to come out and say it: We need to talk. Now.

      2 In my office, five minutes.

      3 I am going to talk, and you are going to listen, okay?

      How to Express a Specific Concern

      Try to be polite, at least at the beginning of the discussion

      1 There’s just one thing that’s bothering me about this…

      2 You know, it seems like there could be a potential problem here.

      3 Let’s revisit this for a moment. I’m sure I’m not the only one with doubts.

      4 I’d like to put everything out on the table, okay?

      5 Ignoring a problem will only make it worse, don’t you agree?

      if it doesn’t work, don’t be afraid of sounding less polite

      1 I think we need to face reality: This is a problem.

      2 Can we at least agree that there is a problem?

      3 Am I the only person who is concerned?


      We suggest trying to be gentle

      1 May I offer my opinion? I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.

      2 I know nobody asked, but I’d like to weigh on this if that’s okay.

      3 Perhaps you’d like to hear my perspective on the situation?

      Don’t hesitate to sound more directive if it is necessary

      1 Have you considered asking a neutral outsider for his opinion?

      2 I know you’re not in the mood to listen to advice right now, but please hear me out.

      3 I can understand why you wouldn’t want to hear this, but I simply cannot remain silent.

      4 You obviously need help, and I’m just the person for the job.

      5 You’re clearly not ready to listen, but I’m going to tell you what I think anyway.


      Were I you, I’d try to be as delicate as possible from the beginning

      1 I’ve noticed that you’re having a tough time at work. Is there any way I can help?

      2 You seem a bit out of your depth lately. Are you having trouble with something specific?

      3 You seem to be floundering a bit lately. What’s going on?

      4 Your work has been slipping lately. Is there something wrong?

      5 You’ve been underperforming, and we need to address it before it becomes a problem.

      Unfortunately, sometimes we need to sound blunt

      1 A company can’t survive constantly covering for a worker who is a dead weight.

      2 If you don’t shape up, you’ll need to ship out, I’m afraid.

      3 It’s really simple: You either fix this or you’re fired.

      4 You do what you do, you get what you get.


      You are supposed to sound gentle before giving this bitter pill

      1 Your work here is very good overall, but I think you can bring it to an even higher level.

      2 Let’s start this off on a positive note. Here’s what you are doing well.…

      3I know you are capable of great things here, if you just tie up these loose ends.

      4I appreciate getting honest feedback on my work, so I want to provide that to you, too.

      5I know it’s difficult to receive feedback, but the benefits far outweigh the temporary discomfort.

      Don’t hesitate to be blunt when you see the necessity of it

      1 Most people don’t like criticism, but you’ll need to get used to it if you want to do well here.

      2 Everyone benefits from being critiqued, even you.

      3 I’m just going to be blunt here and tell you where you really need to improve.

      4 Let’s face it: Your performance in this particular area has been sorely lacking.

      5 I have serious concerns about your performance. What do you plan on doing to correct this?


      It’s even harder than reprimanding those who work badly and you can be quite empathic

      1 I hate this part of my job, but I would be remiss if I didn’t

      2 If you weren’t such a valuable employee, I wouldn’t even bother discussing this.

      3 Anyone can take a wrong turn, so I’ll just let you off with a warning. •

      4 What do you think would be fair? You know, since you’re the one who messed up.

      5 You made a mistake and unfortunately you will need to pay.

      Sometimes you can’t help sounding harsh

      1 I’m going to need to lower the boom on you.

      2 You screwed up, so you’re the one who will have to absorb the cost.

      3 One more of these incidents and I’ll have to re-think your employment here.


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