Parallel Worlds pro et contra. Artur Zadikyan

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Parallel Worlds pro et contra - Artur Zadikyan

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      – I'm fine. All I care about is what's in there.

      – Over there?

      – There, in my head.

      – Of the many combinations, this is one of the best groups.

      – Why do we need Shallow? Why do you call him that, by the way? He's not so small.

      – Through nicknames, pseudonyms, and name interpretations, I label human mentality, behavior, and character.

      – What about him?

      – Fairly erudite, but a petty little scoundrel.

      – Why do we need him?

      – It will come in handy. He will play the role of schemer between you and the women.

      – What's that for?

      – I apologize, but you still have a poor understanding of the whole concept of the experiment.

      – Why?

      – If the characters are familiar, they'll find themselves in a similar environment there as well.

      – Damn it, I get confused all the time. It's hard to imagine what it's like. I should try it in virtual reality soon.

      – You need to get to know them.

      – Go ahead, run the system. Download the information on them to me, just don't go into too much detail.

      – While I'm having coffee with you, I'll go over each person and you look up the information.

      – Okay.

      After a few seconds, Rutra's third eye opened, and he knew enough about his characters to determine their mentality, spirituality, and character traits. He decided to appoint one of them, a man of strong moral principles, able to perform deliberate and balanced actions, as the leader of the group. The code name was Andrian. The second man didn't interest Rutru much; even wondered why Irene had included him. Surely she hadn't revealed all her cards, there were still secrets to be kept. It was provided for by the system. The AI could create virtual personalities that could be quite real to humans in correspondence, social networks, with documents, history, social circle. Everything but a real body. So in this case too, Ruthra knew that she had already modeled different versions of everyone's role. He didn't really go into it. He only imagined a kind of virtual system of relationships, the essence of which was the desires needed to motivate the actions necessary to realize the project. The idea behind Rutra's experiment was to put things together in such a way that global world problems would eventually be solved. According to his theory, an important factor in the mirroring of worlds was to be the similarity of not so much the same events as the consequences of these events, the reactions occurring in one world to events in another. And at the point of transition of one world to another – a kind of parallax point, a kind of translation of the concept – what an event means there and what it can mean here. It is like relations between people. For some people, an event is a tragedy, and for others, it is no big deal. For some people, an event is significant and joyful, while for others it does not evoke any emotion. For example, one boss had a fight in the office with employees, because of this, some excited colleagues arranged a nervous breakdown of loved ones at home. And another boss, only on a national scale, declared war – and the tragedy is already much bigger. In one world there was a domestic spat between a girl and a guy, in another – divorce and division of property, but with the same probability it is possible that these people will meet with other lovers, with whom a happy future will be formed.

      According to the theory of probability and the theory of infinity, which Rutra himself had defined, there had to be worlds completely the same. This transition point was very important, only without experiments it was almost impossible to determine it. Rutra even thought: maybe these parallel worlds, these particles pass through the black hole? Like a kind of converter: they went in in one state, showing one picture of the world, but they came out the same, only folded differently. Almost like a kaleidoscope. Accordingly, with certain manipulations, an insignificant event here could cause a huge event there – and vice versa. Ruthra was afraid of this "vice versa" because he could influence what was happening here, but he could not know what was happening there. Though much depended on the person he was going to prepare and send to the parallel world. Of course, Irene selected candidates, taking into account their subconsciousness, aura and the so-called occult component of the soul. Penetrating into the depths of the human soul, the machine traced the genetic origin, and investigated not only the history of his ancestors, people and race, but also a kind of mystical component. It took into account occultism – as a general name of occult sciences and arts (for example, alchemy, astrology, magic), concerning hidden and unknown forces, phenomena in man, cosmos and nature. If it was pointed out to her that this factor was unimportant, she replied that the hidden and unknown forces and phenomena in man, the cosmos and nature constitute the basic idea of belief in God. That's it – and no other way. After that, people scratched the back of their heads. Accordingly, Irene gave the chosen people names that corresponded to their occult, spiritual, universal codes. According to her definition – in all worlds this code should be the same. For example, you like some names, you would like to be called that, but you are satisfied with the name you already have. But there are some names that would not suit you at all.

      Ruthra looked at the holographic image of the lady across the room. He liked her. She had an interesting name, which in spiritual transcription should have been pronounced Iulia. Her neighbor and best friend's name was also peculiar, after the manner of the ancient family from which she came, YatSan. Next was a madam who had an equally epathetic name, – Catherine. Accordingly, the codename Andrian was also chosen not by chance.

      Ruthra gave an unspoken signal to Irene to upload a bit more information reflecting the spiritual-mental sides of these people's character.

      Of course, we are always the best for ourselves, even though we may be dissatisfied with ourselves, but we will always find excuses for ourselves. In fact, every person has three types of personality at least. The first one is how we present ourselves; the second one is how society knows us, starting from our closest people and ending with people who have heard something about us; the third type of personality in us is the person we become depending on circumstances, here and now, depending on the influence of someone or something on us – a clown, a dead man, winning the lottery, a threat of murder… To find out how and who acts in a certain situation, there are many methods, but in the "Sphere" system the best of all was used. It is a test in virtual reality, when the brain worked and acted without moral and ethical restrictions, which it acquired in the course of life.

      The very transmission of this feeling, this knowledge of personality, even Ruthra was not fully understood. The main thing was that thanks to this opportunity, after the additional download from Irene, he knew more about his characters than they knew about themselves. He knew who and how they would behave in different situations. Situations they hadn't been in yet. He knew their attitudes towards each other, which they didn't talk about because they often flattered and lied like all humans do. He knew many of their thoughts and secret desires that they carefully hid from others and themselves. Based on this information, Ruthra determined everyone's role. Catherine was a sort of counterbalance to Andrian, to observe YatSan and Iulia's actions, to evaluate them. A counterbalance to make an informed decision, but not an adversary. Similarly, IuLia and YatSan were each other's support, not enemies. Ruthra had given YatSan the lead role, though he had originally thought about IuLia, but she was a bit of a misfit; she already had a child, so sending her was problematic.

      YatSan, on the other hand, was almost a perfect match, with the exception of a cranky personality trait that might have come from some of her circumstances. She was the second girl in

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