Parallel Worlds pro et contra. Artur Zadikyan

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Parallel Worlds pro et contra - Artur Zadikyan

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      – I'm telling you, the subject is wo," Ruthra clenched his fist and pointed his thumb up.

      – Did you even understand what he meant? – Andrian asked her.

      – I missed something too," Catherine intervened.

      – Rutra, are these amounts a gimmick?

      Of course, for the average person, such an offer might have seemed unrealistic. Moving to a secret center, and literally everyone should know the legend about a completely different activity, although with some secrecy (allegedly a shift in a foreign country), the offer to receive a million dollars at the end… it was confusing, but at the same time made them feel euphoric. This cocktail bubbled in them for about 13 seconds and eventually burst out in fireworks in the form of cheers and emotional aura vibrations.

      – Rutra, say it's a joke! – Iulia's eyes were shining, and at the same time she hoped it was true.

      – Guys, please sit down and listen to me seriously now," Rutra said calmly and monotonously. – I'm offering you a very serious thing. Are you ready for it? It is a very great responsibility, and perhaps even a danger and a risk. But I tell you at once that you are in no particular danger, provided you comply with the requirements. The main threat to you is if you violate the regime of secrecy and secrecy. At this stage, I must warn you of your responsibilities and offer to participate. Either you refuse, or from now on you are in the program… and are bound by secrecy, even if you do not agree to the experiment. And if you do, you can't leave the program until it's over. This program is supposed to last a year. You can't leave the system even if you don't participate in the program. Not until after a year. And if you violate the non-disclosure regime, you'll be arrested and most likely spend the rest of your life in a restricted area.

      Their faces became serious, the ladies looked at each other, then smiles appeared. Ruthra continued, noticing this:

      – What did you think, you were offered that much money out of the blue? Surely there's something important behind it.

      – Strange, why us? – Andrian asked.

      – Yes, amazing," Catherine maintained her interest.

      Iulia looked at Ruthra questioningly. Their gazes crossed involuntarily. Ruthra felt a spark. Iulia was unaware of his ability (with Irene's help) to read minds. She used a secret language that Ruthra called the "poke method," and many called it enchantments. Where the origins of the word are unknown. It's like the concept of god: anything that is intuitively perceived as reasonable but rationally inexplicable. Few people think about why we determine a lot of things by looking, what the expressions "to read the eyes", "to strike with a look" mean. This language was to be finally understood by mankind in the era of the reign of artificial intelligence …

      Ruthra could easily read her intentions and goals, and it was clear. An unmarried woman with a child, good-looking (both externally and internally); of course she wanted to marry, and to marry a worthy man. This did not interfere with the plans. It even accompanied them. Ruthra decided to play along. Of course, Catherine and YatSan also desired attention. Many men don't understand why women try to be so attractive: it's a kind of sport. They, having received attention, can forget about the admirer at all. The main thing – to satisfy their desire, and no matter how then a man would not try – interest and love for himself may not deserve. This is the nature of women. They need a lot of "tits in the hands". They need a guarantee just in case. Just like men, but on the contrary, pokoketnichal, put noodles on ears – and maybe there will be a continuation, maybe it will be easy to plunge into the "labyrinths of nirvana".

      It was a card to be played, of course, even though Ruthra was betting on YatSan, but again he intuitively sensed her peculiar irresponsibility, which was itself unconsciously manifest. It was just that the girl, if she could be called that, had not yet found herself in situations where everything depended solely on her, on her thoughtful actions.

      – Can we make it?

      – Let's get serious.

      Rutra was surprised to hear it from YatSan. She was clearly intrigued and interested in the proposal and the experiment.

      – Listen carefully. This is very serious. First, do you accept the condition of secrecy?

      – Accept," IuLia said, smiling, while glancing at YatSan, indicating a lack of understanding of the seriousness of the offer.

      Ruthra, looking at the situation "from the outside", was able to realize: they were not yet a good idea of the danger if they broke their promises. He decided to explain everything again in a different environment and in a different place.

      – Let's do it this way, if you're interested in what I've suggested – tomorrow we'll meet at that building, and then in the appropriate office I'll tell you everything in detail.

      Rutra pointed them to a building not far from the café where everyone was sitting. It was the local FSB office.

      – Just no questions, no doubts, no pomp and circumstance, no disclosure. Consider our agreement already made. The sum I offered you is not offered for a case that does not involve great responsibility and risk. I'll ask you to take that into account, too.

      – That's what makes me doubt," Andrian retorted.

      – Do you accept the treaty? – Ruthra asked sternly.

      – I think so," Andrian answered first and as if for everyone, looking at his friends.

      – I'll see you tomorrow, then. I'll meet you there.

      Ruthra pointed at the building again. There was a look of disbelief on their faces. Ruthra got up from the table and said goodbye, making one last remark:

      – But I tell you right away: if you don't believe me, if you are not serious, if you say one word, then immediately, even if I ask you to do so, refuse. This is an extremely important matter. I'm not joking. Honestly… I can read what is behind your smiles.

      – No smiles. I really believe it, but it's unusual," Iulia justified herself.

      – You'll understand tomorrow. Goodbye.

      Chapter 10. Ticket to those worlds

      The next day, as agreed, they met at the appointed place. Accordingly, a command was given "from above" and an indication was given of where Rutra had decided to perform the rite of enlistment. By and large, he was not even surprised by the arrival of all of them: he had confidence in the boys. In addition, the fact of the reward played a significant role. People do not know whether the promise of paradise is true or false, but the probability that it is true is so important that they try to fulfill the conditions to hypothetically be there, especially these conditions are not so difficult. And here coming to a meeting is too simple a requirement to fail to fulfill and deprive oneself of the possibility of getting a weighty sum of money.

      Rutra made sure that the people were met and escorted to a secret windowless room in the underground floor. He wanted to create an aura of mysterious importance, which he succeeded in doing: the arrivals were no longer the jokers they had been before, their faces were serious. Rutra did not "cheapen" the plot with such a conversation starter: "Well, now do you realize who you're talking to?" No, as was his custom, he behaved in a simple manner and got straight to the point.

      – Good morning, gang.

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