Parallel Worlds pro et contra. Artur Zadikyan

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Parallel Worlds pro et contra - Artur Zadikyan

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of hearing her father's "modest" displeasure in a "quiet" argument with her mother was very possible. Fathers want sons, after all, and it's not their whim, it's subconscious. But YatSan was also a late child, so her parents certainly spoiled her as much as they could. Then there is the financially secure environment. YatSan's sister was married to a businessman who was a big bourgeois by the standards of their town. Accordingly, he did business with people of the same rank, which gave her the opportunity to meet, and then to seduce and marry some small-minded, but very well-mannered young man, the son of a vodka magnate of that region. The event that followed was most likely important for Irene in choosing the main person for the experiment. After seven years of marriage, YatSan was divorced, and she had never been pregnant. It was this fact that was very important to the science project. All this gave YatSan a kind of anger, a desire to overcome difficulties. Firstly, she was divorced, secondly, she had no children, so the desire to show herself a winner and the best in some field in her raged, hidden, however, absolute external calm. Thirdly, the craving for money. On the one hand – she had a rich sister, and on the other hand – the loss of financial security after the divorce, she somehow received nothing from her ex-husband. Accordingly, YatSan was obviously willing to take risks to become rich. And that made Rutru very happy. As for YatSan's physical ability to conceive a child, with the technology their secret world possessed, there was no problem, only a man could not give birth, and even then with a categorical refusal.

      Ruthra was a bit impulsive by nature, so it was important for him to feel sympathy for the people he chose. Irene took care of the rest. Ruthra couldn't fully work with a person if he didn't like them. So, without thinking long, although his brain was simultaneously solving a lot of questions, Ruthra asked Irene to organize a trip to the regions where the intellectual game of the team was held. A day later he was already looking at the scenery from a bird's-eye view of the hillside above the port city. Irene took care of the necessary online coin announcements, which had already appeared on the screen of the future head of the Ribhu team. There was a special meaning in the project's name. Of course, each person received a new name, which was pronounced not only in the dialog, but was also listed in all the documents of the Sphere system. Usually Irene did all this, prepared the necessary package of documents, and a new personality appeared. In the special services it was a usual thing. In the "stock" there were virtual personalities also with a full package of documents, and at the right moment the bodies were "attached" to them. A person who came into the system's field of vision, who was chosen by the system, could no longer remain the same. He would become the owner of the secrets of the world, which at first shocked him, and even more so were a shock to everyone else. To put it simply, in the Sphere system there were no concepts of good and evil in the usual sense. People were only temporary inhabitants of the planet, and the concept of "war" was applied in the programs with the same necessity as the concept of "peace".

      Ruthra already knew his new agents in absentia. So they were Andrian, YatSan, Julia and Catherine. Andrian wrote Ruthra a message with questions about a coin, which was a rare piece from the era of the Russian monarchs with the coat of arms of the Masonic lodge. They arranged a meeting where, over a cup of coffee, Ruthra, of course, sometimes with Irene's help, dazzled with his excellent knowledge of history, geography, politics and business aspects, mixing them all into one narrative, based on his passion for intellectual games. It was a primer – and it worked.

      After a couple of days, which did not pass without dialog about the reason for the meeting, Andrian offered Rutra to participate in an intellectual game with his friends from the team. That's how Rutra found himself in the gaming club. His time was precious. Or rather, Rutra couldn't pay much attention to it, so with Irene's help a network was launched, which spread praise odes about the new "cat in boots" of the local region across the expanses of a rather quiet, but periodically shooting town. Of course, and appearance, and manners, and some gallantry Rutra, coupled with generosity, manifested in treating girls with champagne and in paying the entrance ticket to the game, also played a role. Friendly sincere attention has always meant more than the words that ladies often hear in abundance from men, while knowing the real purpose that is actually the source of these displays. However, without seeing too much action, women tacitly relegate such a man to the rank of "tit-for-tat". Rutra even liked this kind of courtship himself, and it felt like some secret indicators that every woman has and very carefully hides from the male community; women and men communicate much among themselves wordlessly, and if they use language, they get a rattling mixture that can be both sweet and poisonous.

      Catherine was calm and judicious, the kind of person Ruthra wanted to entrust with monitoring and analyzing the contacts between Iulia and YatSan. Iulia in turn was to be both a beacon and an anchor for actions, motivations for actions, and checks and balances on YatSan's actions, but not all of them. IuLia had many pluses as well as, perhaps, minuses. For example, in her 36, she managed to live with several men for quite a long time, one of whom gave birth to a child, but after 3 years of joint life "love-wetting" ended: the woman chose a child and freedom. YatSan did the same after seven years and without a child, the absence of which may have been the cause of the estrangement, but this, of course, according to the rules of the genre, she denied. Although there "love-carrots" was initially boiled, suitable for vinaigrette. Either way the wenches were on a systematic search, which is what Rutra needed. Of course, that couldn't be the main criterion by which Rutra chose them.

      IuLia was active, a leader, a motivation for others, an epathetic personality. YatSan was more quiet, but very observant and cautious. By zodiac sign she was a Libra, and this played both a positive role – in the form of prudence and responsibility in actions, and a little bit negative – in manifestations of indecisiveness. Although the latter was not so important, the main thing, as they say, was not to make fateful mistakes that could not be changed . But time passed, and, as you know, ladies fade, and the school system produces every year not only future specialists, but also new competitors, and in the case of women – competitors, because boys older than themselves rarely choose and prefer younger, brighter.

      A spectacle was played out in which, especially for the ladies, of great importance were the demonstrative purchases for large sums of money or the money transfers that Rutra asked Iulia to make, giving access to his account. Once in a while, quite respectable men, richly dressed and with guards, would visit Rutra when he was in the company of the crew. In addition, Rutra would put calls on speakerphone that discussed large deals and incidents (both happy and sad) with very famous personalities. And, of course, a certain secret halo, maintained at his request, was around his reports, which Rutra would let Rutra secretly review ostensibly to correct spelling errors. These papers, of course, included very important organizations and individuals with high government positions mixed with unknown names, who nevertheless had solid academic degrees. Of course, this aroused interest.

      Once again, when Rutra pretended to be very busy so he couldn't take part in the game, he decided to stir up even more interest and offered to help the team help him. It was an intrigue fueled by the hint of large sums of money and even fame. Uh-oh, what is our life?…caviar, then red, then black. That's what Rutra himself liked to say. And it all worked out. Rutra devised a plan, he came up with a new event – the release of another book with overwhelming reviews and awards; everyone was invited to celebrate the success. Prior to this, Rutra had occasionally spoken about his work and the topics addressed in the books – conspiracies, mysteries, secret data – which suggested Rutra's uneasy inner content. So, at the meeting Rutra offered, already friends, to participate with him in a secret program, warning in advance that although they pay very large sums for participation – the responsibility will be no less high. In particular, Rutra announced a condition that required moving to a secret center and living there for a while, without leaving, under complete control, with minimal contact with the outside world. After a couple of glasses of the brut that the ladies had chosen, what Rutra said was received with interest and cheerful levity, and only Andrian, after cheers, asked seriously:

      – Is this something real or is it a game, based on a book you have in mind?

      – What's so unrealistic about it? I'm offering you a serious topic. And it looks fantastic at first, because you haven't seen anything yet.

      – Uh-oh,"

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