English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых.. Larisa Lubimova

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English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. - Larisa Lubimova

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in a toolbox, grasped it and put it in the *****.

      7 Luna and Kudjo /hear/ a little click and the little box opened *****.

      8 To their great amazement they saw… a little piece of puzzle. They wished they /see/ something more *****.

      9 When they came to themselves, they burst into laughter. If they /know/ what was there before, they never /follow/ the *****.

      10 They wished they /spend/ that night in the forest looking for such *****.

      EXERCISE 8

      Enlarge the sentences by using the constructions in brackets:

      For example,

      Kudjo doesn’t want to get up. (wish) – Kudjo wishes he didn’t have to get up to go for a walk.

      1 Kudjo and Luna don’t know what to do with this piece of puzzle. («d rather)

      2 Luna is furious because she faced the music because of this piece of cardboard) that night. (wish)

      3 She is so angry that she wants to throw it away. («d rather)

      4 Kudjo wants her to calm down. (wish)

      5 He is pulling his wits together and wants Luna to do the same. (it’s time)

      6 Luna and Kudjo have even had a row because of it. (if only)

      7 Kudjo suggests putting this piece of the puzzle aside. («d rather)

      8 Luna still can’t calm down. (wish)

      9 Suddenly they receive a message from Chilly that he is coming tomorrow. (if)

      10 Luna is looking forward to seeing Chilly. (it’s time)

      EXERCISE 9

      Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:

      Kudjo and Luna got ***** when they learnt the Chilly was coming the following day. They started ***** the room for him, found a nice soft ***** and sparkling bowls. They had been doing it for the whole ***** when it dawned on them that Cuba was coming too. If only they had realised it a bit earlier. They didn’t have any ***** to prepare the room for her. If they ***** thought about it before, they would ***** bought another mat and some more bowls.Luna suggested putting Cuba up in her *****. Kudjo wished all the dogs ***** together but he decided to agree with Luna this time.

      While they were waiting ***** Cuba and Chilly to come, they completely forgot about that little ***** of a puzzle. If ***** they hadn’t done that! Later Kudjo wished he ***** remembered the place where they had put it.

      Next morning Cuba and Chilly *****. It was a great day. The dogs were joyful to meet up because they hadn’t ***** each other for a couple of years.

      Cuba and Chilly brought a lot of ***** from France, including tinned frogs’ legs for Kudjo and perfume for Luna. Kudjo wished they ***** brought something more delicious but he didn’t say anything. So polite of him!

      After breakfast Luna and Kudjo told their French guests about all their ***** in detail.

      EXERCISE 10

      Find and correct 12 mistakes in the sentences:

      1 If Cuba and Chilly didn’t come, Kudjo would have been very upset.

      2 Kudjo wishes Chilly were with him since the adventures started.

      3 Luna wishes Cuba gave her a bigger bottle of perfume. This little bottle is not enough. Kudjo wishes she didn’t give Luna any perfume at all.

      4 Chilly and Cuba was so impressed by the story that they got keen to go to the boarding house as soon as possible.

      5 They wish they can go to the abandoned camp too to investigate that house with that mirror.

      6 It’s high time our special group of «private detectives’ start working again.

      7 Cuba and Chilly wish they wouldn’t leave such an exciting place for France.

      8 When Kudjo told them the story about Dradjo, Cuba started weeping and said she would never let the dragon leave her if she had been in Kudjo’s shoes.

      9 The dogs have just decided to start a new wave of investigations tomorrow because today they are too tired. If they hadn’t been so exhausted after the flight, they will start immediately.

      10 Now Cuba and Chilly are kipping in their new cosy places while Kudjo and Luna were making a delicious lunch for them (without any frogs’ legs).

      EXERCISE 11

      Choose the correct option:

      1 When Chilly and Cuba *****, they ***** surprised to see such lunch.

      a wake up / will be

      b will wake up / will be

      c wake up / are

      2 Kudjo wishes Chully and Cuba ***** longer.

      a will stay

      b can stay

      c could stay

      3 Kudjo wishes Luna ***** so much perfume.

      a hadn’t used

      b wouldn’t use

      c won’t use

      4 If Kudjo ***** about that little piece of a puzzle, the investigation ***** differently.

      a didn’t forget / would have gone

      b hadn’t forgotten / would go

      c hadn’t forgotten / would have gone

      5 Kudjo and Chilly have decided to start from the boarding house and they wish Luna and Cuba ***** at home.

      a had stayed

      b stayed

      c will stay

      6 Luna and Cuba wish the boys ***** them what to do and what not to do.

      a wouldn’t tell

      b haven’t told


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