English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых.. Larisa Lubimova

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English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. - Larisa Lubimova

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Она начала обнюхивать и облизывать своего детеныша и что-то нежное при этом попискивать.

      Если бы малыш не остановил стаю, Куджо и Луна были бы искусаны с головы до кончиков хвостов. К счастью, мыши оказались понятливыми и дружелюбными. Когда малыш все им рассказал, они начали подлетать к Куджо и Луне с разными угощениями- жуками, мухами и прочей летающей гадостью.

      Потом случилось самое неожиданное – они собрались в кучку, начали что-то пищать между собой и потом замахали своими крыльями. Если бы Куджо и Луна были летучими мышами, они бы сразу поняли, что их куда-то зовут. Но так как они были просто собаки, то до них эта мысль дошла лишь спустя несколько минут.

      (продолжение следует)

      Unit 5

      It’s time and would rather

      IT’S TIME…

      We use it’s time + somebody + Past Simple (Past Continuous) when they should have already done it or started it. We often use this structure to criticise or complain:

      It’s time Kudjo stopped barking at unknown dogs.

      You can also say It’s about time …. or It’s high time ….

      This makes the criticism stronger:

      It’s about time they were sleeping. It’s midnight.

      It’s high time Luna’s parents told her about all the family skeletons.

      Remember to use only Past Simple or Past Continuous in this construction, which refers to unreal present or future.

      EXERCISE 1

      Find the proper verb and put it into the correct form: eat, teach, come, return, remember, give up, become, stop, have

      1 It’s time Chilly ***** to Kudjo.

      2 It’s high time Kudjo and Luna ***** believing in ghosts.

      3 It’s about time Luna ***** a heart-to-heart with her parents.

      4 It’s high time Kudjo ***** serious and responsible.

      5 It’s time they *****. It’s lunchtime.

      6 It’s time they ***** home from walking. It’s very late.

      7 It’s about time parents ***** that they used to be children too.

      8 It’s high time Kudjo ***** Luna to speak the Humanish language.

      9 It’s high time Luna ***** flirting with other dogs.

      EXERCISE 2

      Look at the situations and make sentences using it’s /about /high/ time:

      For example,

      Luna always has filthy paws after walking, even in dry weather. — It’s time she became tidier.

      1 The weather is chilly and gloomy. It has been drizzling since yesterday.

      2 Kudjo looks sleepy. He has spent all night doing puzzles.

      3 Luna refuses to eat healthy dog food. She prefers pasta and pizza.

      4 Kudjo and Luna aren’t talking to each other. They have argued over trifles.

      5 Luna is in panic. Her dad is looking for the saw!

      6 Kudjo has forgotten to return the saw. He always forgets important things!

      7 Luna is cooking today. The dish smells and looks disgusting.

      8 Luna is waiting for Kudjo with the saw. He is late, as usual!

      9 The spring has come and cats are caterwauling!


      Would rather (do) = would prefer (to do).

      We use would rather («d rather) + V0 to express preference: He’d rather stay at home today.

      The negative form is: I’d rather not + V0

      He’d rather not go out tonight.

      We say ’would rather do something than do something else’:

      He’d rather stay at home than go out.

      When the subject of would rather is different from the subject of the following verb, we use another structure: I’d rather somebody + Past Simple

      In this structure we use the past, but the meaning is present not past.

      He’d rather Luna stayed with him at home and cooked something tasty.

      EXERCISE 3

      Answer these weird questions using «d rather or «d rather not:

      1 Would you rather eat a spider or a snail?

      2 Would you rather be invisible or have the ability to fly?

      3 Would you rather get lost in the jungle

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