English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых.. Larisa Lubimova

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English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. - Larisa Lubimova

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usually use were instead of was for all persons in the if-clause:

      If I were him, I’d read more about bats.

      The following expressions can be used instead of if: provided/providing that, as long as, suppose/supposing, etc.

      Suppose you met a vampire bat, what would you do?

      EXERCISE 1

      Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Unreal Conditional

      1 If Kudjo /can/ play football, he /become/ the most famous football player.

      2 If he /have/ a car, he /drive/ to the country to look for the pup.

      3 How you /feel/ if you /be/ in the pup’s situation? No family, no food, no help.

      4 If the pup /not be/ so little, he /survive/ in the wild.

      5 Luna and Kudjo /be/ happy if the parents /allow/ them to keep the pup at home.

      6 Luna’s parents /not let/ her take the pup unless she /behave/ herself and /promise/ to take good care of it.

      7 If Kudjo /can/, he /help/ all bats in the world.

      EXERCISE 2

      Finish the sentences with the correct form of real or unreal conditionals:

      For example,

      If Kudjo read about bats, ….– If Kudjo read about bats, he would know what to feed the pup with.

      1 If you asked Kudjo to cook you a meal, ….

      2 If Kudjo had nothing to do, ….

      3 If Kudjo finds the pup, ….

      4 Kudjo’s life would be more comfortable and quiet if…

      5 When Kudjo goes to Japan, ….

      6 They would look after the pup if ….

      7 If Kudjo could, ….

      EXERCISE 3

      Look at the situations and make sentences using real and unreal conditionals:

      For example,

      Luna’s parents are afraid of bats and so they won’t allow Luna to have it at home. – If Luna’s parents weren’t afraid of bats, they would allow Luna to have it at home.

      1 People are scared of bats because they associate them with vampires.

      2 The sun might come out later, and they will have another picnic.

      3 Luna can’t make up her mind about who to talk first- mum or dad. She has just asked Kudjo for advice.

      4 Kudjo has done all his jigsaw puzzles and now he is bored to death.

      5 He doesn’t like rain and puddles so he is staying all day at home.

      6 Luna has bought an awful collar. Should Kudjo tell her the truth?

      7 Luna is crying. Her parents forbid her to take the pup.

      EXERCISE 4

      Put the verb in brackets in the correct form of unreal conditional and guess the last word of the sentence:

      Kudjo’s dreams:

      1 If I /be/ a bird or a bat, I /fly/ to other *****.

      2 If I /have/ wheels instead of legs, I /run/ far *****.

      3 I /eat/ a lot if it /rain/ steaks and *****.

      4 If I /have/ a castle, I /invite/ a lot of bats to live in *****.

      5 If I /be/ the World Leader, I /give/ all cats and dogs friendly caring *****.

      6 If I /can/ meet anyone famous from history, I /meet/ *****.

      7 If I /can/ go back in time, I /go/ to Ancient Rome to be the first tamed *****.

      EXERCISE 5

      Put the verb in brackets in the correct form of unreal conditional and answer the questions:

      1 If you /have/ a time machine, you /travel/ to the past or to the future?

      2 If you /be/ an animal, what animal you /be/?

      3 If a fortune-teller /offer/ to answer one question about your future, what you /ask/?

      4 If an alien /come/ to Earth for three days only, what you /show/ it?

      5 If you /can/ have any superpower, what it /be/?

      6 What spell you /want/ to know if you /be/ a wizard?

      7 What you /do/ if you /see/ a bat fly into your room?

      EXERCISE 6

      Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:

      kudjo and Luna were so anxious about the ***** that they completely forgot about the letters and the strange *****, which they had taken from the *****. A day later they were ***** and chatting in Kudjo’s room when Luna suddenly caught sight of the backpack and remembered the *****. She screamed with excitement, rushed to the bag, ***** it, took out the pile of letters and the box and ***** them to Kudjo. They decided to start from the box, but to their great disappointment, they didn’t manage to ***** it. They put it aside and opened the first letter. There was nothing special in it. It was written by a dog who moved to some old ***** after the death of a relative. Kudjo and Luna had read a couple of boring letters more and were about to stop when suddenly they spotted the word «ghost’.

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