English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых.. Larisa Lubimova

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English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. - Larisa Lubimova

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the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past unreal conditional:

      1 If Kudjo and Luna /not want/ to find the letters, they /not go/ to Luna’s country house last weekend.

      2 If they /not go/ to Luna’s country house, they /not climb/ to the attic.

      3 If they /not climb/ to the attic, they /not alarm/ bats there.

      4 If they /not alarm/ bats, the little pup /not get/ frightened.

      5 If the pup /not get/ frightened, it /not get/ stuck in a crack.

      6 If it /not get/ stuck in a crack, it /fly/ away with its family.

      7 If it /fly/ away with its family, it /not leave/ on its own.

      8 If it /not leave/ alone, Kudjo /not find/ it in the tree.

      EXERCISE 2

      Put the verb in the correct form of the unreal conditional of past and answer the questions:

      1 What you /do/ if you /find/ half a worm in the apple you were eating?

      2 If you /be/ born a hundred years earlier, how your life /be/ different?

      3 If you /allow/ to eat whatever you wanted in your childhood, what you /eat/?

      4 What you /do/ if you /smash/ your friend’s laptop?

      5 If for your last birthday a friend /present/ you a picture she had painted and you didn’t like it, you /put/ it on the wall in your house?

      6 What you /do/ if you /see/ a huge spider in your bath last night?

      7 What you /do/ if you /come/ home from shopping and /realise/ that you had forgotten to pay for something expensive?

      8 What you /do/ yesterday if you /tell/ that all of us had only two days to live?

      EXERCISE 3

      Look at the situations and make sentences using the unreal conditional of past:

      For example,

      Kudjo fell off the wall and hurt his paw very much.– If Kudjo hadn’t fallen off the wall, he wouldn’t have hurt his paw.

      1 Luna slipped on a banana skin. She twisted her leg.

      2 Luna wanted to make tea. She burnt her paws with boiling water.

      3 Luna’s mum dropped the iron. She burned her paw.

      4 Luna’s dad didn’t drive carefully. He crashed his car.

      5 Luna fell down the stairs. She hurt her knee.

      6 Luna’s dad walked into a lamp post. He bumped his head.

      7 Luna’s mum didn’t slice the bread carefully. She cut her paw badly.

      8 Luna didn’t look where she was going. She crashed into a dustbin.

      Has something triggered the curse of Luna’s family?

      EXERCISE 4

      Finish the sentences using the unreal conditional of past:

      1 They wouldn’t have found out the truth if ….

      2 If Luna’s parents had known that Luna had been in the attic and taken the box, ….

      3 If Luna’s parents hadn’t come back home so soon, ….

      4 Luna and Kudjo would have opened the box if ….

      5 If Luna’s parents had told them the truth from the very beginning,…

      6 Kudjo and Luna would have thrown the box away if ….

      7 If they had known why the bats were occupying the attic, ….

      8 If bats hadn’t flown away, ….

      EXERCISE 5

      Put the verb in brackets in the correct form of conditional sentences and guess the last word of the sentence:

      1 If the bats hadn’t been alarmed, they /continue/ roosting in the attic and protecting the *****.

      2 If nobody helps the little pup, it /not survive/ in the *****.

      3 Kudjo and Luna would have helped the pup if it /not escape/ from *****.

      4 They would have found it immediately if they /look/ in the backpack *****.

      5 If they find it this time, they never /let/ it go until it is *****.

      6 They wonder what the bats will do if they /realise/ that the pup is *****.

      7 If they /realise/ it, will they come back to look for *****?

      8 If they /come/ back, would they stay in the *****?

      EXERCISE 6

      Finish the sentences with your ideas using different types of conditional sentences:

      1 If Chilly comes tomorrow, ….

      If Chilly came tomorrow, ….

      If Chilly had come last weekend, ….

      2 If Kudjo and Luna saw the box, ….

      If Kudjo and Luna sawed the box, ….

      If Kudjo and Luna had sawn the box that time, ….

      3 If Luna’s parents learn about the box,…

      If Luna’s parents learnt about the box,…


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