English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых.. Larisa Lubimova

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English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. - Larisa Lubimova

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      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —

      7 Kudjo can see only one option now- he’ll follow the bats alone.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —

      8 Luna doesn’t want to let him go without her.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —

      9 Finally, Kudjo has made up his mind to go there on his own.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —


      EXERCISE 8

      Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:

      Kudjo said ***** to Luna and gestured for the bats to start flying. They flew up immediately and moved very slowly and so low that nearly parted Kudjo’s hair. It looked uncanny. A cloud of ***** and a running ***** under the screen of night. Kudjo had been following the bats for ***** minutes when suddenly he felt somebody else running behind him. He stopped, turned around and sighed with relief. It was Luna. She got scared stiff when she was ***** alone and decided that she would be safer with Kudjo in the middle of nowhere than running alone to her *****.

      Kudjo felt relieved of a great weight to see Luna. If she had run on her own to her parents’ house, he’d have worried a lot.

      The cloud of bats was circling around impatiently over their *****. Their screeching sounds were getting louder and louder and their ***** were fluttering faster and faster. The dogs realised that they were very ***** to the place the bats wanted them to see. The bats were gesturing for them «It’s high time we continued». Kudjo and Luna yipped with agreement and ***** after the cloud of bats.

      (to be continued)

      EXERCISE 9

      Find and correct 17 mistakes in the sentences:

      1 Ten minutes later they ran to a weird place. If they wouldn’t have seen it with their own eyes they wouldn’t believed that such a place could be so close to their country house.

      2 It looked as if spring didn’t come there yet. They could still see snow here while everywhere around the trees and grass are turning green.

      3 Suddenly the dogs felt that something changed. Luna and Kudjo turned around and didn’t see any bats. They vanished into thin air.

      4 Kudjo and Luna turned out to be in the middle of nowhere without any help and support. If they wouldn’t have believed the bats, they would have already came home.

      5 What would you done if you had been them? Would you had tried to find the way home or would you continued exploring the place?

      6 Of course, Luna would rather Kudjo find the way back home, but Kudjo thinks it’s about time they find the answers to all their questions in this particular place.

      7 They checked every stone, every bush and every tree, but hadn’t found anything special.

      8 They couldn’t understand why the bats wanted them to come here.

      9 If the bats can speak Doggish or Kudjo and Luna can speak Battish, everything would be much simpler.

      EXERCISE 10

      Choose the correct option:

      1 It’s high time they ***** back home.

      a come

      b came

      c would come

      2 Luna’s parents would rather Luna and Kudjo ***** at home now.

      a were

      b are

      c would be

      3 They ***** more worried if they ***** where Luna is now.

      a will be / know

      b would be / would know

      c would be / knew

      4 Luna would rather ***** at home in her bed now, But not in this weird place.

      a be

      b would be

      c is

      5 If they ***** those bats, ***** them, they ***** this night in their warm and soft beds.

      a wouldn’t have believed / wouldn’t have followed / had spent

      b hadn’t believed / hadn’t followed / would have spent

      c didn’t believe / didn’t follow / would spend

      6 Luna started whimpering and Kudjo decided to go back home. But he didn’t remember the way they ***** here.

      a had come

      b came

      c have come

      7 If he ***** the bats but had run on his own, he would definitely ***** the way here.

      a wouldn’t have followed / had remembered

      b hadn’t followed / remembered

      c hadn’t followed / have remembered

      8 While Kudjo ***** to find the way back, Luna ***** and running around him.

      a had been trying / had been still whining

      b was trying / was still whining

      c tried / was still whining

      9 Suddenly she ***** whining and started digging out something very fast.

      a stopped

      b had stopped


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