Malcolm. George MacDonald

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Malcolm - George MacDonald

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at him for a moment, frowningly, and made no reply. But the frown gradually relaxed before Malcolm's modest but unflinching gaze, and the shadow of a smile slowly usurped its place. He still kept silent, however.

      "Am I to gang or bide, my lord?" repeated Malcolm.

      "Can't you wait for an answer?"

      "As lang's yer lordship likes—Will I gang an' walk aboot, mem —my leddy, till his lordship's made up his min'? Wad that please him, duv ye think?" he said, in the tone of one who seeks advice.

      But the girl only smiled, and the marquis said, "Go to the devil."

      "I maun luik to yer lordship for the necessar' directions," rejoined Malcolm.

      "Your tongue's long enough to inquire as you go," said the marquis.

      A reply in the same strain rushed to Malcolm's lips, but he checked himself in time, and stood silent, with his bonnet in his band, fronting the two. The marquis sat gazing as if he had nothing to say to him, but after a few moments the lady spoke—not to Malcolm, however.

      "Is there any danger in boating here, papa?" she said.

      "Not more, I daresay, than there ought to be," replied the marquis listlessly. "Why do you ask?"

      "Because I should so like a row! I want to see how the shore looks to the mermaids."

      "Well, I will take you some day, if we can find a proper boat."

      "Is yours a proper boat?" she asked, turning to Malcolm with a sparkle of fun in her eyes.

      "That depen's on my lord's definition o' proper."

      "Definition!" repeated the marquis.

      "Is 't ower lang a word, my lord?" asked Malcolm.

      The marquis only smiled.

      "I ken what ye mean. It's a strange word in a fisher lad's mou', ye think. But what for should na a fisher lad hae a smatterin' o' loagic, my lord? For Greek or Laitin there's but sma' opportunity o' exerceese in oor pairts; but for loagic, a fisher body may aye haud his ban' in i' that. He can aye be tryin' 't upo' 's wife, or 's guid mother, or upo' 's boat, or upo' the fish whan they winna tak. Loagic wad save a heap o' cursin' an' ill words—amo' the fisher fowk, I mean, my lord."

      "Have you been to college?"

      "Na, my lord—the mair's the pity! But I've been to the school sin' ever I can min'."

      "Do they teach logic there?"

      "A kin' o' 't. Mr Graham sets us to try oor ban' whiles—jist to mak 's a bit gleg (quick and keen), ye ken."

      "You don't mean you go to school still?"

      "I dinna gang reg'lar; but I gang as aften as Mr Graham wants me to help him, an' I aye gether something."

      "So it 's schoolmaster you are as well as fisherman? Two strings to your bow!—Who pays you for teaching?"

      "Ow! naebody. Wha wad pay me for that?"

      "Why, the schoolmaster."

      "Na, but that wad be an affront, my lord!"

      "How can you afford the time for nothing?"

      "The time comes to little, compairt wi' what Mr Graham gies me i' the lang forenichts—i' the winter time, ye ken, my lord, whan the sea's whiles ower contumahcious to be meddlet muckle wi'."

      "But you have to support your grandfather."

      "My gran'father wad be ill pleased to hear ye say 't, my lord. He's terrible independent; an' what wi' his pipes, an' his lamps, an' his shop, he could keep's baith. It's no muckle the likes o' us wants. He winna lat me gang far to the fishin', so that I hae the mair time to read an' gang to Mr Graham."

      As the youth spoke, the marquis eyed him with apparently growing interest.

      "But you haven't told me whether your boat is a proper one," said the lady.

      "Proper eneuch, mem, for what's required o' her. She taks guid fish."

      "But is it a proper boat for me to have a row in?"

      "No wi' that goon on, mem, as I telled ye afore."

      "The water won't get in, will it?"

      "No more than's easy gotten oot again."

      "Do you ever put up a sail?"

      "Whiles—a wee bit o' a lug sail."

      "Nonsense, Flow!" said the marquis. "I'll see about it."

      Then turning to Malcolm,—"You may go," he said. "When I want you I will send for you."

      Malcolm thought with himself that he had sent for him this time before he wanted him; but he made his bow, and departed—not without disappointment, for he had expected the marquis to say something about his grandfather going to the House with his pipes, a request he would fain have carried to the old man to gladden his heart withal.

      Lord Lossie had been one of the boon companions of the Prince of Wales—considerably higher in type, it is true, yet low enough to accept usage for law, and measure his obligation by the custom of his peers: duty merely amounted to what was expected of him, and honour, the flitting shadow of the garment of truth, was his sole divinity. Still he had a heart, and it would speak,—so long at least, as the object affecting it was present. But, alas! it had no memory. Like the unjust judge, he might redress a wrong that cried to him, but out of sight and hearing it had for him no existence. To a man he would not have told a deliberate lie—except, indeed, a woman was in the case; but to women he had lied enough to sink the whole ship of fools. Nevertheless, had the accusing angel himself called him a liar, he would have instantly offered him his choice of weapons.

      There was in him by nature, however, a certain generosity which all the vice he had shared in had not quenched. Overbearing, he was not yet too overbearing to appreciate a manly carriage, and had been pleased with what some would have considered the boorishness of Malcolm's behaviour—such not perceiving that it had the same source as the true aristocratic bearing—namely, a certain unselfish confidence which is the mother of dignity.

      He had, of course, been a spendthrift—and so much the better, being otherwise what he was; for a cautious and frugal voluptuary is about the lowest style of man. Hence he had never been out of difficulties, and when, a year or so agone, he succeeded to his brother's marquisate, he was, notwithstanding his enlarged income, far too much involved to hope any immediate rescue from them. His new property, however, would afford him a refuge from troublesome creditors; there he might also avoid expenditure for a season, and perhaps rally the forces of a dissolute life; the place was not new to him, having, some twenty years before, spent nearly twelve months there, of which time the recollections were not altogether unpleasant: weighing all these things he had made up his mind, and here he was at Lossie House.

      The marquis was about fifty years of age, more worn than his years would account for, yet younger than his years in expression, for his conscience had never bitten him very deep. He was middle sized, broad shouldered but rather thin, with fine features of the aquiline Greek type, light blue hazy eyes, and fair hair, slightly curling and streaked with gray. His manners were those of one polite for his own sake. To his remote inferiors he was kind—would even encourage them to liberties, but might in turn

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