A Very Special Holiday Gift. Barbara Hannay

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A Very Special Holiday Gift - Barbara Hannay

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made-up eyes brimming with vacuous curiosity. He turned his back on her.

      ‘Then I take it you’ll be prepared to be our contact for any arrangements?’

      ‘Yes,’ Zac said stiffly. ‘But tell me what happened.’

      ‘I’ll pass you onto someone from the hospital, sir. The doctor will be able to answer all your questions.’

      Dizzy and sick, Zac waited desperately as the phone went through several clicks and then a female voice spoke.

      ‘Mr Corrigan?’

      ‘Yes,’ he said dully.

      ‘This is Dr Jameson from the maternity ward.’

      Maternity? She was joking, surely?

      ‘I’m very sorry, Mr Corrigan. Your sister was brought to our hospital after a vehicle accident. There were extensive head and chest injuries.’

      Zac winced. Head and chest. The worst.

      ‘Olivia was rushed to theatre and we did our very best, but the injuries were too extensive.’ A slight pause. ‘I’m afraid we couldn’t save her.’

      Zac went cold all over. So there it was. Two people had confirmed the impossible. His greatest fear was a reality. After all these years when he’d tried and failed with Liv, he’d now failed her abysmally...

      And it was too late to try again.

      He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. Horror lashed at him as he fought off images of Liv’s accident. Instead he clung to a memory of his beautiful, rebellious young sister from years ago when she was no more than sixteen... He saw her on the beach, during a holiday on Stradbroke Island, her slim tanned arms outstretched, her dark gypsy hair flying in the sea wind, her teeth flashing white as she laughed and twirled with childlike joy.

      He remembered it all so clearly. With her brightly coloured sarong over a skimpy yellow bikini, she’d looked so tanned and beautiful. Innocent, too—or so Zac had thought—and, always, always, so full of fun.

      That was how he’d thought of Liv back then—full of fun and life.

      Now...he couldn’t believe that her life had been extinguished.

      ‘But we were able to save the baby,’ the English doctor said.

      Baby? Now Zac sank in weak-kneed horror onto the edge of the bed. What baby? How could there be a baby?

      ‘Are you there, Mr Corrigan?’

      He swallowed. ‘Yes.’

      ‘You’re listed as your sister’s next of kin, so I’m assuming you knew that Olivia was pregnant?’

      ‘Yes,’ he lied when in truth he’d had no idea. When he’d phoned Liv only two weeks ago, she hadn’t said a thing about being pregnant. Right now, he felt as if the world had gone quite mad.

      ‘Your sister was already in labour,’ the woman said. ‘We believe she was on her way to hospital when the accident occurred.’

      ‘Right.’ Zac sagged forward, elbows on knees. ‘So—’ he began and then he had to stop and take a shuddering breath, which wasn’t much help. He forced himself to try again. ‘So—this baby. Is it OK?’

      ‘Yes, a beautiful baby girl, perfectly unharmed and born by Caesarean section only a couple of weeks before her due date.’

      Zac pressed a shaking hand to his throbbing forehead. His stomach churned. He was sweating again. This woman was trying to tell him that some crazy twist of fate had snatched his beautiful sister’s life and left a baby in her place. How bizarre was that?

      He wanted to drop the phone, to be finished with this absurd conversation. No way did he want to deal with the gut-wrenching news that had just been so calmly delivered.

      But, of course, he knew he had no choice.

      With a supreme effort, he shut off the hurt and pain and, like the cool-headed businessman he usually was, he forced his mind to confront practicalities.

      ‘I presume you’ve contacted the baby’s father?’ he said tightly, recalling the man who’d convinced Liv to run away with him. A guy from a band—a band no one had heard of—an older man with dreadlocks streaked with grey and restless eyes that could never quite meet Zac’s gaze.

      ‘Your sister wasn’t able to tell us the name of the baby’s father. There was a man in the car with her, but he assured us he was only a neighbour and not the father, and our blood tests have confirmed this.’

      ‘But he could tell you—’

      ‘I’m afraid he doesn’t know anything about the father’s identity.’

      ‘Right.’ Zac drew a deep, shuddering breath and squared his jaw. ‘So this baby is, for all intents and purposes, my responsibility?’ Even as he said this, he knew it hadn’t come out right. He’d sounded uncaring and hard. But it was too late to try to retract his words. He could only press on. ‘I’ll...er...make arrangements to come over to London straight away.’

      * * *

      Chloe had just finished pinning the last decoration in place when her boss rang back.

      ‘Chloe, I know it’s late, but I need you to book me a flight to London.’ His voice was crisp and businesslike, but tight, too, the way people spoke when they were fighting to keep their emotions in check. ‘You’d better make it the soonest flight possible. First thing tomorrow morning, if you can.’

      ‘Of course, and would you like a hotel reservation as well?’ Chloe hoped she didn’t sound too surprised, or worried... If there was a crisis, the last thing Zac needed was an anxious, fussing PA.

      ‘Yes, book a hotel room, please. Somewhere central.’

      ‘No problem.’ Already she was firing up her computer.

      ‘And I’ll need you to sort out those accounts with Garlands.’

      Chloe smiled to herself. ‘All done.’

      ‘Already?’ He sounded surprised. ‘That’s great. Well done.’

      ‘Anything else?’

      ‘Could you ring Foster’s and tell them that Jim Keogh will represent me at tomorrow’s meeting.’

      ‘No problem.’ Chloe paused, in case there were any more instructions. ‘That’s all then?’

      ‘Actually, Chloe...’


      ‘You’d better book two flights to London. Just two one-way seats at this stage. I’m not sure how long I’ll need to be over there.’

      Ridiculously, Chloe’s heart sank. An annoying reaction. Why should she care if her boss wanted to take the giggling girl who’d answered the phone with him on an all-expenses-paid trip

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