A Very Special Holiday Gift. Barbara Hannay

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A Very Special Holiday Gift - Barbara Hannay

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according to the map on the screen, flying high above the Indian Ocean...

      The cabin lights were dimmed, Zac and Chloe had eaten an exquisite meal and had drunk some truly delicious wine, and their business class seats had been turned into beds.

      Beside Chloe, her boss appeared to be asleep already, stretched out in jeans and a black T-shirt, with his shoes off and his belt removed and his feet encased in black and purple diamond-patterned socks. He had also plugged in earphones and was listening to music and he had slipped on the navy silk eyeshade the airline provided.

      He was used to flying and she supposed he would sleep now, possibly for hours. He’d probably had very little rest during the previous night and she was sure he needed to sleep. Actually, Chloe’s night had been sleepless as well, so she knew it would be sensible to try to follow his example. Otherwise, she’d end up in London, useless with jet lag, with a boss who was ready and raring to go.

      Unfortunately, however, Chloe was too wired to sleep. The past twenty-four hours had been such a whirlwind and the thought of London was simply too exciting. She’d acquired her passport in happier times, when she’d thought she knew exactly where her life was heading...

      But she’d never used it. So she’d never been on an international flight before, had never flown business class, and had certainly never been to England. It was hard to believe she would soon be seeing the famous Tower Bridge and Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

      Needing to calm down, she fished in her bag for the magazines she’d bought from the airport newsagent while Zac was busy with a phone call. The mags were all about mothers and babies and parenting and Chloe hoped to find an article or two about caring for newborns. Just in case...

      Luckily, there were plenty of stories and columns covering all kinds of newborn issues. Chloe soon discovered what to do if a baby had colic, jaundice, an umbilical hernia...and masses of information about bath time, skin care, crying, feeding, burping...

      She read the information conscientiously, trying to take it all in, wondering if she would actually be called on to apply any of this in practice and hoping she’d remember the important details. Her real-life experience of babies was limited to admiring her friends’ offspring, and she’d found them cute to cuddle or play with and then she’d been happy enough to hand them back to their mothers.

      After her life turned upside down several years ago, she’d given up her own dreams of motherhood, so she’d never given much thought to the finer details of green nappies or colic or projectile vomiting.

      Even now, she blocked those images. Not every baby had those problems, surely?

      Instead, Chloe allowed herself to picture a tiny, warm, sweet-smelling bundle in her arms, a dear little baby girl, with soft pink skin and perhaps dark hair like Zac’s. A darling rosebud mouth.

      ‘Aren’t you sleepy?’ murmured a deep voice beside her.

      Startled, she turned to see that Zac had lifted his eyeshade and removed an earplug, and was watching her with marked curiosity.

      Chloe’s insides began to buzz—an annoying reaction to having him so close. ‘I...er...thought it might help if I read for a bit first,’ she said.

      Zac leaned closer, frowning. ‘What on earth are you reading?’

      The magazine in her lap was unfortunately open at a full-page picture of a tiny baby attached to an enormous breast.

      Chloe felt her cheeks heat. ‘I...um...just thought...in case...you know, the baby...it would be handy to have a few clues.’

      ‘It would indeed.’ Zac spoke smoothly enough, but his eyes once again held the bleak shadows that had arrived with the terrible news about his sister. ‘Good thinking, Ms Meadows.’

      Chloe swallowed. It was more than a little unnerving to find herself lying so close to her boss’s disconcerting, sad grey eyes. She could see his individual thick, dark eyelashes and the grainy texture of the skin on his jaw. She hadn’t been this close to a man since—

      ‘I’m sure I’ll be sleepy soon,’ she said quickly, before her thoughts could be hijacked by haunting memories.

      ‘Tell me something you’ve learned,’ Zac said, keeping his voice low so he didn’t disturb the other passengers, many of whom were sleeping. ‘I’m intrigued.’

      ‘Something about babies?’ Chloe whispered back.

      He cast another glance at the photo in her lap. ‘Or breasts, if you prefer.’ He gave her a teasing smile.

      Despite the rising heat in her cheeks, Chloe sent him a drop-dead look and closed the magazine.

      ‘Babies then,’ Zac amended, his lips still twitching in a smile. ‘Tell me what you’ve learned about babies.’

      In truth, she’d learned an awful lot that she hadn’t really wanted to know—about a newly delivered mother’s hormonal fluctuations, the stitches she might have in awkward places, her leaking or sore and swollen breasts.

      ‘OK,’ she said as she remembered a snippet of practical information that was safe to share with him. ‘Did you know that you should wash the baby’s bodysuits and nightgowns in hypoallergenic dye- and scent-free detergent?’

      ‘Fascinating.’ Zac yawned, clearly already bored.

      Good, he might leave her in peace.

      Chloe waited for him to replace his eye mask. Instead, he pointed to one of the magazines in her lap. ‘Do you mind?’

      This time, she didn’t try to hide her surprise. ‘You want to read one of these? A mother and baby magazine?’

      Her corporate executive playboy boss could not be serious. The Zac Corrigan she knew wouldn’t be caught dead with such an incriminating piece of reading material in his hands, not even in the relative anonymity of an international flight.

      ‘Yes, please,’ he said, holding out his hand and smiling blandly. ‘I’d like to be educated.’

      Lips compressed to stop herself from making a smart retort, Chloe handed him a magazine that focused on a baby’s first six months. She supposed he was probably teasing her, but he might be trying to distract himself from thinking too much about his sister.

      It was even possible that he genuinely wanted to learn. After all, if a father for Liv’s baby couldn’t be traced, Zac might soon find himself in complete charge of a newborn.

      For a while they both read in peaceful silence, the small glow of their reading lights making golden cones in the otherwise darkened cabin. But Chloe couldn’t relax. For one thing, she was too curious about how Zac might be reacting to the contents of his magazine.

      But it wasn’t long before he leaned close, speaking softly. ‘Did you know that babies can stare at you while they sleep?’

      ‘Excuse me?’

      He smiled. ‘It says here that they can sleep with their eyes half open. It looks pretty spooky, apparently.’

      Although his smile, up close, was dangerous for Chloe’s heart health, she couldn’t help smiling back at him. ‘Well, the article I’m reading warns

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