A Very Special Holiday Gift. Barbara Hannay

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A Very Special Holiday Gift - Barbara Hannay

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airline’s website came up on her computer screen.

      ‘Ah...good question. Actually...’

      Another pause. Chloe began to fill the boxes on the flights search. Point of departure... Brisbane, Australia. Destination... London, UK. Date of flight...

      ‘How busy are you, Chloe?’

      ‘Excuse me?’

      ‘Could you spare a few days?’

      ‘To fly to London?’

      ‘Yes. This is an emergency. I need someone...capable.’

      Chloe was so surprised she almost dropped the phone. Was Zac really asking her to go to—to London? At Christmas?

      ‘I know it’s short notice and it’s almost Christmas and everything.’

      Her head spun, first with shock and a fizz of excitement, and then with dismay as she thought about her elderly parents at home, waiting for her, depending on her to look after the shopping and to cook Christmas dinner and to drive them to church. They would never cope without her.

      ‘I’m sorry, Zac. I don’t really think I could get away at such short notice.’

      As she said this, there was the sound of a door opening behind her and she jumped. Turning, she saw her boss striding into the office. Of course, he’d had his phone in the hands-free cradle while he was driving.

      As always, Chloe’s heart gave a pitiful little skip when she saw him, but at least she was used to that nuisance reaction now. She knew it wasn’t significant—pretty much the automatic reaction shared by most women who encountered Zac Corrigan’s special brand of tall, dark and handsome.

      This evening he looked paler than usual and his grey eyes betrayed a shock he hadn’t been able to shake off.

      ‘If you can come with me, I’ll pay you a hefty Christmas bonus,’ he said as he strode across the office to Chloe’s desk.

      But he’d already paid her a generous Christmas bonus. ‘Can you explain what this is about?’ she asked. ‘What’s happened?’

      * * *

       What’s happened?

      Zac lifted his hand and rubbed at his brow, where a headache had been hovering ever since he took the call from the hospital and now throbbed with renewed and vicious vengeance.

      ‘Are you all right, Zac? You look...’

      Abruptly, Chloe pulled a swivel chair from the nearest desk and pushed it towards him. ‘Here, sit down.’

      He held up a hand. ‘It’s OK, thanks. I’m fine.’

      ‘I’m sorry, but I don’t think you are.’

      To Zac’s surprise, his PA took a firm grasp of his elbow, gripping him through his coat sleeve. ‘I think you should sit down now before you fall down.’

      Zac sat.

      ‘Can I get you a cup of tea?’

      If he wasn’t feeling so strung out, he might have smiled at this old-fashioned response from his conservative and over-conscientious PA. She was dressed in one of her customary businesslike suits. Her white blouse was neatly buttoned and tucked in, and there wasn’t a strand of her light brown hair out of place. Good old, reliable Chloe.

      He was so relieved to see her tonight. He’d been desperate to get away from the giggling Daisy and, by contrast, cool, collected Chloe was a reassuring and comforting sight.

      ‘I don’t need tea,’ he said. ‘I’d just like to get these flights sorted, and I could really do with your assistance in London.’

      ‘I assume this is all because of the phone call...from the hospital.’

      ‘Yes.’ Zac swallowed, trying to clear the sharp, persistent pain that seemed to have lodged in his throat. ‘I’m afraid it wasn’t good news,’ he said with quiet resignation. ‘It was bad. Really bad. The worst.’

      ‘Oh, no... I’m so sorry.’

      Sorry... Zac was sorrier than he’d ever thought possible. He looked away from the sympathy in Chloe’s soft brown eyes. Then, staring bleakly at a spot on the grey office carpet, he told her the rest of his news...

      When he finished, Chloe took ages to respond. ‘I...I don’t know what to say,’ she said at last. ‘That’s so terrible. I...I never realised you had a sister.’

      ‘Yeah...well...’ He couldn’t bring himself to admit his estrangement from Liv, or that he hadn’t known about the baby, that Liv had never even told him she was pregnant, that she almost hadn’t told him about going to England.

      How could he admit to this prim and conscientious cliché of a secretary that his reckless sister’s pregnancy was just another of the many secrets she’d hidden from him?

      ‘I guess you’ll need help...with the baby girl...if they can’t find her father,’ Chloe suggested awkwardly.

      ‘Yes. I’ll be it’s...I mean...her guardian.’ He knew this, because the one thing he’d insisted on after Liv’s overdose was that she made a will. He’d hoped that a measure of reality would shake some sense into her. ‘I couldn’t possibly manage on my own.’

      Babies had never registered on Zac’s radar. He’d always supposed they were a dim possibility in his far distant future...when he eventually settled down and chose a wife and all that went with a wife... But, even though he was a godfather twice over, he’d never actually held a baby. There had always been plenty of women with willing arms and he’d been more than happy to buy expensive gifts and the best champagne to wet the baby’s head and then stay well in the background...

      ‘I’m sure we can find someone.’ Chloe was busy at her computer screen, scrolling through some kind of spreadsheet.

      ‘Find someone?’ Zac asked, frowning. ‘How do you mean? What kind of someone?’ He didn’t need to find someone. He had Chloe.

      She turned back to him with a smile that was almost sympathetic. ‘This is a list of your personal female contacts.’

      ‘You have them on a spreadsheet?’

      ‘Well, yes. How else do you think I manage to—?’

      ‘All right, all right.’ He gave an impatient wave of his hand. He knew Chloe was a marvel at managing his female friends—sending them the appropriate invitations or flowers, birthday or Christmas presents, get well cards, even, at times, offering excuses on his behalf...but he’d never given any thought to how she kept track of them.

      ‘What about Marissa Johnson?’ Chloe said now. ‘She always struck me as sensible.’

      ‘No,’ Zac said curtly, remembering the awkward way he and Marissa Johnson had broken up. He jumped to his feet, seized by a fit of restless impatience. ‘Look, there’s no point in looking at that list. I don’t want any of them.

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