Vegan Feasts: Essential Vegetarian Collection. Rose Elliot

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Vegan Feasts: Essential Vegetarian Collection - Rose  Elliot

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href="#litres_trial_promo">1 Another study in 1985 found the dietary intakes of vegans to be more than double the official estimated average requirement2 and yet another in Israel in 1986 compared the iron intakes of meat-eaters and vegetarians and found that “the intake of iron was significantly higher in vegetarians…it concluded that a long-term ovo-lacto vegetarian diet does not lead to mineral deficiencies”.3 This has been found to be so in children, too. A study in Holland which compared meat-eating and vegetarian pre-school children found that while the vegetarian children had a good intake of dietary iron, the meat-eaters “had intakes of iron below the Dutch recommended daily allowances”.4


      Although vegans don’t eat what are conventionally considered to be the best sources of calcium – cow’s milk and cheese – there isn’t evidence of calcium deficiency. In fact, what is not generally known is that these dairy products are not very helpful because although they do contain plenty of calcium, they also contain a great deal of protein. It appears that too much acid is produced when these are digested, which means that the body needs to neutralize it by releasing calcium from the bones before it is excreted in the urine. So, the calcium from such sources is badly absorbed and, in fact, causes more to be lost, as is suggested by the findings that the Eskimos have one of the highest calcium intakes in the world but also one of the highest incidences of osteoporosis.5

      Although vegans and vegetarians may consume less calcium than meat-eaters, their bodies seem to use and store it far more efficiently than meat-eaters. This is thought to be because of the quantities of boron present in vegan and vegetarian diets. Boron is a trace element found in apples, pears, pulses (legumes), leafy vegetables and nuts. There is none in dairy produce or meat. Many of the foods which contain boron are also often rich in calcium. A cupful of broccoli, for instance, contains as much calcium as 200ml (6fl oz) of cow’s milk, and sesame seeds, tahini, hummus, tofu, soya milk, almonds and dark green leafy vegetables are further rich sources.

      This vitamin is essential for the development of blood cells and the healthy functioning of the nervous system, so we need to be sure that we get enough of it. However, unlike many vitamins, B12 can be stored by the body, so it’s not one you need to have every day. Also, you only need minuscule amounts – the equivalent of one millionth of a gram per day.

      Vegetarians and vegans can easily ensure adequate intakes of this vitamin by eating the many foods fortified with B12, such as yeast extracts, yeast-based spreads and pâtés, most breakfast cereals, soya milk and textured vegetable proteins. Read the packets to see if the vitamin is listed in the ingredients.

      If you are really worried and unsure whether or not you are getting enough B12, you can always take a B vitamin complex supplement, but this is unlikely to be necessary if you are eating a varied, healthy range of foods.

      What can we conclude from this?

      Nutritionally, vegetarian and vegan diets are not problematical and there are, in fact, numerous health benefits. It is weird that although every health study undertaken points to the positive health benefits of a vegetarian or vegan diet (and the disadvantages of animal fats and proteins), people still worry that in becoming vegetarian or vegan we may be risking our health! The evidence points to exactly the opposite. For instance, the Oxford Vegetarian Study – an ongoing study of 6,000 vegetarians and 5,000 meat-eaters over 12 years – examined the likelihood of dying from cancer or heart disease. The interim results, reported on 25 June 1994, show that vegetarians and vegans have a 40 per cent reduced risk of dying from cancer, a 30 per cent reduced risk of heart disease and a 20 per cent reduced risk of premature mortality from all other causes. Another piece of research has shown that vegans and vegetarians are five times less likely to be admitted to hospital than meat-eaters. Indeed, numerous other studies have come up with similar findings that there are huge health benefits to be gained by becoming vegetarian and then taking the next logical step and becoming vegan. Apart from the personal benefits, such a move has a positive impact on world ecology and reduces animal suffering.

      It is vital you eat a varied balanced diet for good health. Breakfast is a good time to try some of the many grains, perhaps in the form of a bowl of oats and other flaked grains (such as rye, wheat or barley) with raisins or chopped dried apricots, maybe a few chopped or grated nuts and soya milk, which counts as one serving of pulses (legumes). Another good breakfast is porridge made with half soya milk and half water, topped with some flaked almonds or hazelnuts and perhaps a few raisins or some maple syrup for sweetness. Or, for a lighter breakfast, soya yogurt and fresh fruit make for a good start to the day. All these suggestions can be rounded off with wholewheat toast, vegan margarine and any preserves you fancy, as well as tea, coffee, herb tea or whatever you like to drink at breakfast.

      There are plenty of possibilities for quick snack meals, too. Almost any of the dips in this book can be whizzed up in no time and if you haven’t got time even for that, then hummus is widely available and good on toast, bread or pitta bread or in sandwiches with some salad. A burger in a bun – especially the Spicy Beanburgers makes a good quick snack and they can be cooked from frozen. Refried Red Beans are very quick to prepare if you use canned beans, or if you have a supply of cooked beans in the freezer, and these are delicious jazzed up with sliced avocado, tortilla chips, tomato and other salad ingredients. Red Bean Chilli is speedy to cook and makes a filling meal, especially if served with a baked potato. Talking of baked potatoes, to the question “What can I have with it instead of cheese?”, there are plenty of answers here. Some of my favourites are coleslaw, mashed avocado, chopped fresh herbs and vegan margarine, lemon and fresh herb sauce, tahini dressing, hummus or bean pâté – and there are many other possibilities.

      Pasta, of course, makes a good, quick, pleasurable meal that most people like. For a whole host of good vegan sauces, see here. If you want an extra topping in place of Parmesan, try chopped fresh herbs, pine nuts or even a scattering of crunchy croutons, all of which work well. Particular favourites of mine are Penne with Artichoke Hearts, Sun-dried Tomatoes, Olives and Basil, Fusilli Colbucco with Aubergine (Eggplant) and Wine Sauce and Lasagne al Forno.

      Potato-based dishes are good for quick meals, so try Rosti, Colcannon,Champ, Healthy Chips (Fries) and Potato Pancakes, which are all excellent in this respect. To turn them into well-balanced, healthy meals, simply serve them with a good salad, perhaps including grated carrot, sliced tomatoes and green leaves.

      Pastry dishes make excellent main courses and are particularly useful as the centrepiece of a special meal. Spanikopita is wonderful in the summer, served with just a ripe tomato and basil salad, with perhaps an asparagus vinaigrette as an appetitizer and Instant Raspberry Ice for pudding. Flaky Potato Pie is another great dish for a special meal, while Chestnut and Red Wine Pâté,

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