Classics fantasy – 10. A. Belyaev

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Classics fantasy – 10 - A. Belyaev

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smile when, for example, before it appeared with a stick in a hand, “in the best look”, the most ancient settler Ostrova – Italian Giulio Bocco.

      It is necessary to tell that Sleyton was afraid in this Mathusela’s soul as competitors. Really, Bokko had chances. Vivian, looking at him, slowed down with the answer, as if considering something, but then also made negative gesture the head and that, without knowing that, saved Bokko’s life as this short minute of fluctuation Feargus Sleyton already decided to get rid of Bokko if happiness falls to its lot. All defiled before Ms. Kingman. The last Sleyton appeared…

      But Ms. Kingman, having slipped an eye on its figure, resolutely shook the head:

      – No.

      – Wow! Here so piece! What now to do? – exclamations were heard.

      Sleyton was enraged, but constrained himself.

      – Ms. Kingman did not wish to choose none of us – he told with external tranquility. – But it cannot repeal our laws. It is necessary to change only a way of the choice. I offer here that: Ms. Kingman has to become my wife. If someone wishes to challenge it from me, let leaves, and we will try forces. Who will win, that also will receive it. – And Sleyton, having quickly rolled up sleeves, became in a fighting pose.

      Minute passed in waiting silence.

      And suddenly at the general laughter the old man Bokko, having thrown off a suit, safely rushed to Sleyton. The crowd surrounded them. It was visible that Bokko was once good boxer. It managed to reflect several blows of Sleyton dexterously. Time, on the third attack, he struck quite telling blow to Sleyton in a jaw from below, but right there swept on a floor from strong blow in a breast. It was won.

      After it there was a new applicant – Irish O’Gara. It was hefty, broad-shouldered small and was considered as one of the best boxers.

      Fight ran high with a new force. But Sleyton, strong, quiet and methodical, mastered also this opponent soon. Being covered with blood, O’Gara lay on a floor, spitting out the beaten-out teeth.

      The third rival was not…

      The victory remained for Sleyton, and he approached Ms. Kingman and gave it a hand. Viviana reeled and grasped the old woman’s hand Dode-Ternip.

      Chapter 11


      The Gatling sat in a dark punishment cell, considering the situation. At this time at a door someone quietly knocked.

      – Mr. Gatling! It I, Aristide Ternip-Dode… How do you feel?

      – I thank you, Ternip. May you tell, day now or night?

      – Evening, Mr. Gatling. And, one may say, solemn evening. Ms. Kingman chooses to herself the husband… All male population participates in this ceremony, except for two married: me and Flores. Therefore also charged us watch: to me – at your camera of the conclusion, and to Flores – at Simpkins.

      – Listen, Mr. Ternip, open for me a door.

      – With the greatest pleasure would make it, but I cannot. I am afraid. You do not know Sleyton. He will flatten out me in flat cake and will throw on eating up to crabs.

      – Be not afraid, Ternip. I pledge you the word that…

      – @-@. I will not open for anything. And here, um … – and it lowered a voice – if you get out from there, then I at anything…

      – Where I will get out?

      Ternip lowered a voice before whisper:

      – In the left corner of a cabin, at height of human growth, is such cat’s лазок, covered with a plywood plate. You draw aside a plate, well and… And opposite – Simpkins, by the way…

      Ternip did not manage to finish still phrases as Gatling already feverishly rummaged hands on walls, found a plate and quickly tore off it. The ray of light got into a punishment cell, Gatling rose on hands and crept through a narrow window in a dark corridor which brought to the deck. In a wall opposite there was a same window hammered with plywood. Whether not there Simpkins is located? The Gatling tore off plywood and really uvidat the astonished face of the detective which was looking out of a window soon.

      – Zhivey get out from there! It is the devil’s work! It is necessary to help out from prison of the own jailer! What you awkward! Hold my hand! Well! So! We go.

      The Gatling accompanied by Simpkins entered the hall of “the choice of the bride” while Sleyton gave a hand to Ms. Kingman.

      In a cabin there was a movement, then there came the waiting silence.

      Ominously – the uneasy type of Gatlinga promised being present that interesting events have to be developed.

      – On what elections stopped? – loudly asked Gatling, standing at a cabin threshold.

      Sleyton shuddered. Hardly noticeable spasm passed on his face, but in a moment he already regained self-control. Having turned to Gatlingu, he quietly told, pointing to Ms. Kingman:

      – You were late. She by right will be my wife.

      – I object. You illegally imprisoned me and Simpkins and eliminated from elections.

      – Any talk…

      But in crowd nervousness already began. At this moment of Gatling for the first time noticed that Sleyton has the party which is ready to support him in everything, but there are also enemies. They also shouted that again comers have to be allowed to “competition”.

      – Well! – Sleyton exclaimed. – Let’s prolong our competition! – And, having clenched fists, it raised them to the person Gatlinga: – You wish to try forces?

      – Even I insist on it!

      The crowd hooted enough.

      Fight was coming hot.

      – On the deck! On the deck! – voices were distributed.

      All came to the deck. Outlined a circle. Enemies removed jackets and rolled up sleeves. The old man Bokko undertook a role of the arbitrator. Islanders with bated breath monitored each movement of opponents.

      On this signal they at the same time met in the center of a circle. The Gatling led the hot attack. Sleyton methodically and somehow inertly beat off.

      From crowd remarks were heard. In the heat of hobby began to address boxers on “you”.

      – Protect forces, Gatling! You see that Sleyton wants to exhaust them at you and then to finish off!

      – Fervor you will not help!

      – Sleyton will take! Good fellow our Feargus! Oho, what blow!.

      The more fight ran high, the moods of two hostile parties were shown more brightly. They were imperceptibly demarcated: “sleytonist” stood already behind.

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