Classics fantasy – 10. A. Belyaev

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Classics fantasy – 10 - A. Belyaev

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not speak about it!

      – And I for some reason want to speak about it today. Tell, Ms. Kingman, it is frank: you trust in my crime?

      Ms. Kingman was confused.

      – I do not know whether you committed a crime, but I know that you it is better than much so-called “honest people” – Ms. Kingman answered.

      – You trust me… I want to tell you everything.

      – The right, is better if you fell asleep.

      – No, no… Listen… I served as an engineer at Jackson… The shipbuilding plant… was not heard? I loved to Dell Jackson, the old man Jackson’s daughter. After war of business of Jackson reeled. It was threatened by crash. And, as it often happens in a circle of capitalists, Jackson made the plan to improve the things by marriage of the daughter with the son of the large banker Lorrobi. Dell loved me. But she was very attached to the old man to the father and decided that she has to sacrifice herself in spite of the fact that unbalanced, degenerate Lorrobi to it was deeply antipathetic. I did not consider himself to have the right to dissuade her, but wrote her the letter in which asked to see it last time in the neighborhood of the city. I decided to go to Europe, and I already had a steamship ticket in a pocket. Having left the car with the driver at the road, I went deep into a grove, but in the agreed place did not find to Ms. Jackson. I was very upset, however I had no time for further searches or expectations. Having wandered a little more in this deserted place, I got on the car, having arrived to the harbor before the departure of the steamship, and left coast of America.

      Once, reading the newspaper already in Genoa, I was struck with the message from the New Mink: Dell Jackson it was killed. Her body is found near the place appointed by us of a meeting. Among its papers the investigative authorities found my letter with appointment invitation, exactly there where it was found, and that day when she was killed…

      Testimonies of the interviewed driver who carried me finished a picture. All proofs fell on me. Also motives of murder seemed reasonable: all knew that I reckoned on Ms. Jackson and that Lorrobi pushed aside me. Rivalry. Jealousy. Revenge… In the same newspaper there was a large announcement of delivery of reward of ten thousand dollars to the one who will find stay and will hand over to the police the murderer Ms. Jackson – Redzhinalda Gatlinga… My head was estimated. I had to disappear. Симпкинс tracked down me and had to win a prize for my capture if not our ship-wreck… That’s all – wearily finished Gatling.

      Ms. Kingman listened to the story with breathless attention.

      – But who killed Ms. Jackson?

      The Gatling shrugged shoulders:

      – It for me remains secret… Perhaps, casual robber… But the fact that to me not to justify oneself is important… All proofs against me… And the coast, desired for all of us – rescue for you, but death for me. As soon as I descend on the earth, I will become a criminal again, and… our roads will disperse – he quietly finished, looking at it.

      Ms. Kingman with a mournful face bent to his head and kissed on a forehead:

      – I trust you! And for me you will never be a criminal.

      – I thank – and he closed eyes.

      Chapter 14


      Next morning Gatling felt better. Fever decreased. It passed in a radio equipment room and sent the radiotelegram with a signal of “SOS” (a distress signal – “Save our souls!”) and the indication of longitude and width on which there was a boat.

      All crew of the underwater vessel was in alarm. Electricity burned dimly. Became to pant. Oxygen was on an outcome. It was necessary to rise by all means to the ocean surface, but dense seaweed it is tenacious held the production…

      Old men Ternip, gasping widely open mouths, lay on a floor. Young people felt a little better.

      Lamps were ready to go out every minute from a lack of current…

      – There is the only means – told Gatling – to get out via the hatch for torpedoes and to try to clear away a knife a way among seaweed. – And it took a knife. – I will try to make it…

      – You went crazy, Gatling. With your hand…

      – It is impossible! – also other voices were heard. And all exchanged glances, as if looking for who would undertake this venture.

      – Here that, Gatling – Simpkins unexpectedly acted – you saved to me life, and I at you in a debt. I undertake this business. Do not contradict. There is no victim. Eventually, if to die whether so everything is equal where. Ladies can turn away! – Having quickly undressed and having armed with a knife, he told: – I am ready! If in twenty minutes the submarine does not rise to the surface – means, I died!

      Quickly turned off an internal cover of the hatch, Simpkins crept in a narrow pipe, the cover was wrapped, and the external cover at the same time automatically opened…

      Симпкинс disappeared. Painful minutes of expectation stretched.

      And Simpkins at this time as the unprecedented torpedo, got out of a side of the submarine and, clinging to seaweed, began to work with a knife quickly. Having felt what to it does not gasp, he emerged on a surface, recovered the breath and again dived into greenish sea depth. Work moved slowly.

      The stay periods under water were shorter and shorter, it was necessary to have a rest on a surface longer and longer…

      In the twilight of a submarine people choked and with the distorted reddened faces tensely looked behind a minute hand of hours…

      Ten… Fifteen… Seventeen… Nineteen… Twenty… Twenty five… Twenty six… It is over…

      A half of crew was in subconscious state… In lamps only the red spark as the going-out coal shone. Groans were heard. People grabbed themselves a breast; one rode on a floor, hid in corners under furniture, others climbed up, being piled up on tables and chairs, and looked for greedy, opened, as at fish ashore, mouths though a breath of fresh air. Were stared from orbits. Cold sweat covered a forehead. But air was poisoned everywhere.

      And these last minutes of despair began to seem to people as if the boat easily rose a nasal part, shook again down and slowly began to rise. Yes, it is not a hallucination. The arrow of the device specifying immersion depth spoke about the same. More and more…

      – We on a surface!

      The shivering hands of Gatling and two sailors hurried to unscrew a cover.

      Suddenly bright light blinded all. The stream of vivifying sea air joined the boat.

      Air. Light. Life.

      And in joyful vanity people clambered up, pulled out old men Ternip, the wounded sailor.

      The Gatling rushed to Simpkins’s body lying on the edge of the ship case… Симпкинс fell into a faint from overfatigue,

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