Classics fantasy – 10. A. Belyaev

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Classics fantasy – 10 - A. Belyaev

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into silent nervousness… The closer the gray bulk of the steamship approached, the some links which connected all these people in a single whole tried more. This whole broke up to certain people, with the personal cares, the destiny, the roads.

      The steamship is closer, the they became farther from each other.

      The daughter of the billionaire, dirty sailors, the fallen Ternip – that the general between them? Симпкинс and Gatling – again enemies.

      The Gatling was quiet, but is sad.

      And Simpkins already changed clothes and cheerfully whistled a song.

      Some more minutes of expectation – and they by steamship.

      Chapter 15


      To them the captain met halfway; passengers surrounded them with a dense ring… Симпкинс with a professional look as a shadow, followed Gatling…

      What did it need to do? In a rush of generosity and affection own heroism it promised Gatlingu before ascending to the steamship, to keep the secret of his personality and suggested to run as soon as the steamship arrives to the next harbor. But Gatling, this unclear person, is dry and with bitterness answered it: “Do the part” as though everything is indifferent for Gatlingu… Eventually, ten thousand dollars do not roll, and Simpkins already managed to whisper something on an ear to the captain.

      The sailors islanders who ran wild and weaned from people pressed close aside. Mr. Ternip very clearly tried to show that he not that these dirty people, though are not purer than them. He managed to keep the bowler hat full of holes and now pulled it over a forehead with a type of the dandy…

      While there were inquiries, a sharp-sighted eye of the detective managed to notice some portrait in the newspaper which was held by one of passengers of the steamship.

      Симпкинс asked the newspaper, fluently read the message and, having suddenly screamed, approached to Gatlingu standing nearby and Ms. Kingman, unexpectedly took out manual shackles from a pocket and with professional dexterity put on one “bracelet” a hand of Gatlinga, and another – Ms. Kingman’s hand, having held down thus their hands.

      All were struck. And Simpkins opened the newspaper and loudly read:


      The other day the secret of murder of Ms. Della Jackson of which Redzhinald Gatling was accused was absolutely unexpectedly revealed. In Lorrobi’s bank large theft from fireproof cash desk was found. As one of keys of this cash desk was at the son banker Lorrobi who led extremely dissolute life recently, suspicion fell on it, and it executed a careful search. The gone money at it was not found, and its participation in theft remained unspecified. However at a search the documents convicting Lorrobi of murder of the bride, Ms. Della Jackson fell into hands of the investigative authorities. The letter of Ms. Della Jackson to Lorrobi was found in a casket for letters. In this letter she refuses flatly to marry it after learned, through “private bureau of instructions”, about some details of his private life. Lorrobi had imprudence to keep the diary in which in detail states crime history. The mentioned letter was received by it in day of murder. Knowing about the rival – Gatlinge, Lorrobi spied on him long ago, using services of the maid Jackson bribed by it who reported to him about the preparing appointment. Believing that her love to Gatlingu, Lorrobi in a rush of jealousy was the valid cause of failure of Ms. Jackson decided to revenge Ms. Jackson. It was to the place of an appointment before Gatlinga, killed Ms. Jackson on the spot and disappeared, nobody noticed.

      Confessed to a crime of Lorrobi. Thus, thanks to combination of circumstances the victim of a miscarriage of justice Redzhinald Gatling whose innocence was investigated quite nearly died. Unfortunately, Gatling, apparently, died at the crash of the steamship “Veniamin Franklin”.

      – Here it, Gatling! – Simpkins shouted, finishing reading the newspaper. – And as not in vain I caught it and so much with it was taken, I also decided to sentence him to lifelong imprisonment… from Ms. Kingman if she has nothing against.

      It obviously had nothing against.

      The public welcomed this “severe” sentence a loud applause.

      Part fourth

      Chapter 16


      The old man Kingman is Viviana’s father – very much was delighted to return of the daughter. He did not hope to see any more it as Viviana Kingman appeared in the list of the died passengers of the steamship “Veniamin Franklin”. Was to marriage of the daughter Kingman kindly favorable disposed. He only shortly asked Gatlinga, meeting him:

      – Profession?

      – The engineer – Gatling answered.

      – Well. Business … – And, having thought, Kingman added: – In Europe, apparently, there is a belief that we, the American rich men, dream to give the daughters for the burned-through European counts. It is incorrect. Fools exist everywhere, and the American fools wish to become related with European, but I prefer the husband who made the way in life for the daughter. Besides I at you in unpaid to a debt: you saved my daughter! – And Kingman strong shook hands with Gatlinga.

      Once, when young spouses sat over the map, discussing the plan of the travel conceived by them, phone rang out, and Redzhinald, having taken the call, heard a familiar voice of Simpkins who asked appointments “on an important issue”. Before agreeing, Gatling loudly told in phone tube:

      – It you, Simpkins? Hello! You want to see us? – also looked interrogatively at the wife.

      – Well, let will arrive – Viviana quietly answered.

      – We wait for you – Redzhinald ended telephone conversation.

      At Simpkins everything became soon – “for hundred twenty percent rather, than at absolute Americans” as he spoke.

      Gatling heard noise of the approached car soon. Simpkins was and at doors started talking:

      – News! Large news!

      – What is, Simpkins? – asked Gatling. – Really one more of your criminals was the honest person?

      – I opened a riddle of a crime of the captain Feargus Sleyton!

      – In what this riddle?

      – So far it is, um, the evidence which is not subject to announcement…

      – Then you did not tell anything new, Simpkins! On the Island we knew that Sleyton has a shadowy past.

      – But what! I came to offer you one project – perhaps, to ask for your help.

      – We listen to you.

      – I should open Sleyton’s riddle up to the end. How you will treat the project once again to visit the Island of the Lost Ships?

      – You

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