My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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situation with Nadezhda too. After Roman told Vera about what to him was advised by the doctor, that met Larisa, and told that Roman needs support now that to them you should not look for guilty of the incident with all of them now. The novel needed their help, and they came to the general opinion. What yet not to be resolved a situation with Nadezhda, they will not argue that now it is better for Roman.

      So, it also occurred. Vera and Laris did not begin to argue these heavy minutes for Roman. They thought that all this to end. Both of them wanted a fast solution, Alice was an exit.

      In the previous book it was told who such Alice? Alice is the character created by human mentality, his loneliness. Larisa felt lonely. It was one, all the life, and did not want to remain alone. Obviously therefore it had Alice's image. Girls who are always with us. Our the second I. I to which it is possible to talk.

      Roman understood nothing? Why Nadezhda here? Who then is buried in a grave? These questions were left without answer. He told.

      – I understand nothing. – then he fainted.

      Laris stared at Roman, then having recovered screamed, and having fallen to a floor, having inclined before it, began to pull it shoulders, kind of bringing him round.

      – Yes that it occurs? – she looked at Nadezhda and in despair screamed that was urine. – You is dead! You ghost Oh, damn! – on her eyes tears appeared. It had a hysterics. She screamed. – Yes that from us it is necessary to you, the Devil you a pobera!? Leave us alone! Let's us live! – on beggarly looked at Nadezhda. – I beg!

      The hope looked at Larisa and Roman, and she did not feel sorry for them at all. Both of them betrayed it. Death wished it.

      Roman, her son, wanted not to be only dependent on it. Not to clean after it the vessel, to hold down itself on eyelids a chain. They were united by only one, to be happy. That Larisa wanted to get rid of her because she wanted happiness, purely women's happiness. Love and family, and for it could kill somebody. Larisa grinned. In it there was no sympathy at all. There was nothing human.

      The hope looked at Larisa and Roman, and to it became disgustingly sickening. She saw before herself, not the son, and his mother of his children, and two is perfect strangers to her the person. People who such were not. In their eyes there was only hatred and rage. The hope told.

      – As I am sorry you. You, two. I see how you hate me, want that I quickly died! What? perhaps and to happen, but before … – the Hope ominously grinned, appear, that she just about and will spit them in a face. Then she told. – Live. What you for people such? You wish death to the person who in fact made nothing bad. I only wished happiness to the son. And what mother wishes bad to the son? In my opinion, only нелюдь, and that to seek to give to the child happiness! And you? – here she made a pause, and heaved a deep sigh. – it agrees. – she told. Perhaps I not the best mother, all are not ideal. But unless you Roman is ideal? Do you say that you loved Nina, but why you married Vera? What? It so fascinated you what you and about Nina forgot? – Nadezhda reproached the son. – maybe you never loved Nina? And can?. – here she for a second faltered, it was occurred by a thought that Roman wanted from it only sex. Sex more than anything. And this sexual inclination, it took for love, and the love actually was not. Only sexual inclination. The hope grinned. – Here you see, – she told. – You did not love Nina. If you love it, then you would not change it on trust. Love? In a concept the mankind is not present love, only sexual inclination, and only. – then, kind of in manual to Roman, Nadezhda said. – Here I see that me you have nothing to tell. There is nothing to object me. I mean it is right.

      Yes, Nadezhda was right. The rights in everything. For her son Roman, the love was not. There was only a sympathy and sex. Practically nobody knows what is love. The love is the sacrifice made by someone for the sake of something. To protect the loved one having offered itself. Theory that victim donation and love this two different forms, this mistake. Self-sacrifice and love not of a razdelima. Many people itself offered themselves for the sake of something? For the sake of love to fine! Let's not list all these delights of life, for and for the sake of what it is possible to offer itself. All to come down to one. The love is a self-sacrifice of one person in relation to another. Who can brag now that he loves someone? This person is capable to offer himself for the sake of another? On this question there is no answer. Even century people will sympathize each other, considering that this love. But they are capable to offer themselves for the sake of love, hardly?

      Larisa анализировав a situation understood that Nadezhda tests both of them, and perhaps wants to enrage them. As for Roman, he perhaps would also agree with Nadezhda, but he considered that this so. He loved Nina, and now cannot forget her. After so many years of life with Vera, he always remembered Nina. But who knows? Whether she understood it? On this question we never learn the answer.

      Laris told.

      – You are wrong. Roman loved Nina.

      The hope grinned, and ironically added.

      – And married another.

      At this time Roman did not sustain and as if blew up.

      – ENOUGH!!! – he cried out. – I speak to you enough!!! – then he addressed mother. – really for such person? Not minutes of rest? You mistreated me when Nina was alive, and now reproach me that I did not love her! I loved it! Loved as without knowing who! And she loved me! Loved selflessly, all heart. – here he made a pause, and added. – And you mother to me broke life! And not only my life, but also life of my child.

      The hope was silent. It was not what to tell. She was really involved in the fact that Nina and Roman left, but they would leave if Roman really loved Nina, a question?

      The hope told again.

      – If you love it, you did not leave it. You would marry it.

      Roman objected.

      – And I also did not leave it. – then he emphasized. – this it left me.

      The hope was surprised.

      – Left? – then she emphasized. – means did not love?

      Roman heaved a deep sigh and began to cry. Began to cry bitter tears. Then he exclaimed.

      – I did not leave it! It left me to save our child!!!

      In it it is a high time, to Larisa's patience the end came. She listened to Nadezhda, and was terrified how it was possible to be such cruel woman. Stories of the Novel about the mother there was nothing in comparison with what she saw now. This was the woman, and the monster. The monster in full sense of it a word.

      – STOP!!! ENOUGH!!! Really for family such? – she shouted that was urine. – Look at yourself! You, Roman? You have to honor the mother what she would not be. And YOU that? Her Chait, as soon as it is possible! – then she spat to it in a face and added. – Poddonok. I am sorry that I am mother of your children. – It closed up to it hot slap in the face. Her eyes burned with rage and hatred. And she through clenched teeth hissed. – I hate. – then her rage passed to Nadezhda. – And you? What did you make for the son? Deprived of it the right for luck? Married him to Wicky.

      Here Nadezhda steamed.

      – This not your business.

      Larisa did not agree.

      – No, this my business. I am mother of his children. Has to know about it everything. From stories of the Novel I understood that you the cruel man. But …


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