My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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With a hated look Nadezhda looked at Larisa. – Analysis of DNA, here laughter! Yes it and can be forged.

      Larisa immediately steamed.

      – It you about?

      The hope hesitated. It was visible that she hides something? Something that concerned it one. It, and more than anybody.

      Larisa assumed.

      – Means you gave birth your words to the degenerate?

      The hope grew hysterical. – Do not dare to call my son the degenerate! – on her face there was a rage in a resnicker with hatred and rage. – You, whore! – then she added. – Not the degenerate, he has my son the father.

      Larisa did not sustain. She tried to be courteous, but this conversation left much to be desired. The hope apprehended Larisa in bayonets, she felt in it threat for the little son, for the Roman. She as could, bellowed.

      – And you do not call me the whore, and my child the degenerate! – then it steamed. – I am not a whore! I just fell in love with your son.

      The hope grinned.

      – Did you fall in love with it? How it is strange to hear it from you Larisa? You do not love it, you just want it. – she made a pause. – I do not know who the father of your child, but if it he, my son, then I do not envy you. He is married. He is married long ago, and he is not going to get divorced because of a love petty intrigue.

      Larisa immediately asked a question.

      – You are confident in it?

      The hope assured.

      – On all hundred.

      Larisa smiled. In her smiles there was something ominous. Hope could not understand that it wants to tell this ominous smile to it now. She for a second felt ill at ease. She felt that Larisa wants to tell something, something that never concerned her, something that she always knew, but was afraid to admit it to herself.

      Larisa knew that this news to Nadezhda was not news about which she did not know. She, of course, well knew about her, but preferred not to extend to this subject. Larisa told.

      – And Roman said to me that he wants children, and I will give him them.

      These words shocked Nadezhda. She knew about a problem in their family, but this problem was only in their house. Out of limits of their walls, nobody was able to afford it to take out.

      The hope immediately steamed.

      – His wife will take care of it.

      Here Larisa unexpectedly asked.

      – You are confident in it?

      At this moment, Nadezhda understood that Larisa knows everything. Roman told it that Vera will never give birth to him the child. It was really impossible? On Vera's assurance, she could not give rise. But his mother knew what put not in Vera, matter in Roman at all. But, whereas it promoted new life? It remained a question number one.

      The hope assured Larisa again.

      – On all hundred.

      Larisa immediately steamed.

      – And so it does not seem to me.

      It seemed that it simply plays with Nadezhda. She knows everything about Roman, and now wants that his mother understood that?. what does his mother have to understand? It is obvious to understand the son, and this сидящею before it the young woman. She is pregnant! She is pregnant from Roman! This has to accept Nadezhda. But it did not accept it. She did not even want to listen about it. For her son there was one wife, she was called Vera. It, and any more than nobody she chose for the son. Let will be happy!

      The hope directly asked.

      – What it is necessary to you from Roman?

      Larisa answered.

      – Marriage with his wife Vera stopped being marriage for a long time. Roman told me that he lives with it because just got used to its society.

      The hope asked.

      – Unless this dislike?

      – No, this dislike. – Larisa answered. – This only just habit. Habit, and anything else.

      The hope can and understood that Larisa is right. But she could not believe that it so. She considered that Roman was always happy, but she was mistaken. Roman was not happy, he was unfortunate. And on whose fault?

      Very few people know that parents only bring happiness to the children, they still somewhat responsible for misfortunes. I will not go into details this difficult relationship between children and their parents, I will just tell the main thing. We are offsprings, we always want what our parents offer us, and they want what we will never accept. Of course happens and vice versa.

      Larisa told.

      – I assure you, I never laid down with Roman if do not love him.

      The hope was indignant.

      – And you dare to speak to me about love still? You? Who destroys marriage?

      Larisa told.

      – That's it that marriage.

      – What do you mean?

      – The person married. – Larisa began to explain. – I consider that he created a marriage cell. Marriage of society. This cell cannot be strong as it is marriage. If they we tell got married as all normal people, that is entered the matrimonial relations, then here it is possible to tell that they have a strong family.

      The hope asked.

      – Means you consider that marriage is a marriage society, and the marriage does not?

      – Yes. I so consider.

      On this subject still it is possible to argue much, and none of us will tell that marriage – it is good. It's not true. Marriage or matrimonial has to pronounce the relation, here what words at a wedding, not marriage.

      – But it is nonsense!

      Larisa objected.

      – No, this nonsense.

      The hope agreed with Larisa.

      – Let there will be this nonsense at what here you?

      These words which were heard from Nadezhda were told resolutely and firmly.

      Larisa also firmly answered.

      – I want that Roman was happy.

      – Then you have to understand that Roman is happy also without you. – She made a pause. Heaved a deep sigh. – There is an idiot! – she cried out these words so that Larisa from surprise shuddered. – And I brought up it. – she abused herself. – And it the first skirt was given. – in the face of Nadezhda drops of tears were shown. She got up from a chair, and left the room. There passed five minutes, and it

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