My city 3: records Emmanuel. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 3: records Emmanuel - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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That woman who was grandmother Emmanuel. Yes, this was it. Its exact copy. Praskoviya Fiodorovna's copy Grigory Ivanovich stood, looked at it without looking away. It seemed to it that the past returned. Praskoviya Fiodorovna here, near this woman. Near the guest who was brought by Luda, his daughter.

      Seeing that the man left just the room froze. He looked at Emmanuel without tearing off the look, Emmanuel was taken aback. For some reason it seemed to it that this person in some confusion. He looked at it, and could not look away from it as if he did not expect this meeting or she reminded him something or someone.

      Emmanuel it became feel ill at ease. She understood that something should be undertaken. She took an interest in English.

      – Everything is all right? "Everything is all right?".

      Grigory Ivanovich obviously, did not understand what asked him Emmanuel about. In response to her question, it just told two words:

      – All right. – then he recovered, and having given it the powerful hand, it was presented:

      – Grigory Ivanovich.

      The woman gave it in reply the hand.

      – Emmanuel.

      – Very pleasantly.

      – That. "What?". – did not understand Emmanuel that Grigory Ivanovich told, and in English asked again. – What did you tell? "What did you tell?". – then she added. – I do not understand. "I do not understand".

      Grigory Ivanovich having understood that he with Emmanuel does not understand Russian a uniform word, having invited her in kitchen, and having put on gas I spin a teapot, and Emmanuel having suggested to sit down at a table, in clean French asked:

      – Vous êtes venus de la France? "Did you arrive from France?".

      Having been delighted that Grigory Ivanovich knows French, Emmanuel took an interest:

      – Dieu merci! Et je pensais qu'excepté Ljudy je suis plus grande avec personne je ne parlerai pas. – then she took an interest. – Où vous appreniez le français? "thank God! And I thought that except Luda I more to anybody will not talk. Where did you study French?".

      – À l'école, puis dans l'institut.

      – Et comment vous avez deviné que je connais la langue française?

      – Ma fille Ljuda a dit que vous de la France.

      – Ljuda votre fille?

      – Oui, elle ma fille, et que?

      – Rien. Simplement…

      – Vous êtes étonnés que je un tel vieux, et j'ai une telle jeune fille?

      – Vous non tel vieux.

      – Et par quel?

      – Le beau. Moi il sois plus aîné, il est obligatoire à vous est tombée amoureux.

      – Et que? Maintenant vous empêche?

      – Je pense que chez nous l'assez grande différence à l'âge pour penser de cela.

      – L'âge n'a pas une importance.

      – Vous n'êtes pas droits.

      – Peut être. Mais quand même, pourquoi vous êtes venus à la Russie?

      – Je dois trouver qui.

      – Qui?

      – Mal.

      – Vous plaire Moscou?

      – Je ne connais pas. J'encore ne la voyais pas clairement.

      – Ljuda pourrait vous montrer toutes les curiosités et toute la beauté de cette ville.

      – Je serai contente. Et où Ljuda?

      – Se met en ordre. Elle est rapide sortira.

      – Il est clair. On peut poser une question?

      – Donnez.

      – Pourquoi m'ayant vu dans le hall, vous m'avez regardé ainsi que comme si ont vu du fantôme?

      – Vous avez remarqué.

      – A remarqué.

      – Vous m'avez rappelé une femme.

      – Quelle femme?

      I write the translation of this conversation below.

      – At school, then at institute.

      – And how you guessed what I know French?

      – My daughter Luda told that you from France.

      – Luda your daughter?

      – Yes, she is my daughter and what?

      – Anything. Simply…

      – You are surprised that I such old, and have such young daughter?

      – You not such old.

      – And what?

      – Beautiful. I be more senior, surely fell in love with you.

      – And what? now disturbs you?

      – I think that we have rather big age difference to think of it.

      – The age does not matter.

      – You are wrong.

      – Can be. But nevertheless, why you arrived to Russia?

      – I should find someone.

      – Whom?

      – No matter.

      – To be pleasant to you Moscow?

      – I do not know. I still plainly did not see it.

      – Luda could show you all sights and all beauty of this city.

      – I will be glad. And where Luda?

      – Makes toilet. It is fast will leave.

      – It is clear. It is possible to ask one question?

      – Set.

      – Why having seen me in the hall, you looked at me as if saw the ghost?

      – You noticed.

      – Noticed.

      – You reminded me of one woman.

      – What woman?

      In it it is a high time the kitchen included Luda. Having seen the father sitting at a table and talking to Emmanuel

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