My city 3: records Emmanuel. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 3: records Emmanuel - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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I saw it.

      – Whom it? – did not understand Emmanuel. – Whom do you mean?

      – Then … – Grigory Ivanovich told. Emmanuel looked at it, and saw that Grigory Ivanovich just about and will begin to cry. He wanted to give it this ring, to give because she reminded someone to him. But whom? She did not know it. Grigory Ivanovich wanted to find suitable words, but could not find them. Then it simply gave it Emmanuel, having told at the same time. – Take.

      Emmanuel took a box in which there was a ring, and having looked at Grigory Ivanovich told:

      – Well, I will take it, but I have a condition.

      – What?

      – You tell me about it.

      – Well. – Grigory Ivanovich assured her. – Tomorrow I will arrive to you and I will tell about it.

      In it it is a high time, Luda seeing that Grigory Ivanovich became unstuck, she approached him, and having embraced him, said in low tones:

      – I am always with you. – then she added. – Father.

      – I know it. – quietly Grigory Ivanovich answered. Then he looked at Luda, and told. – You have with Emmanuel a sightseeing tour today. – having reminded of it, Grigory Ivanovich added. – She waits.

      Luda having looked back, saw nobody. Emmanuel, not to disturb family a conversation left in a corridor, and having come downstairs on the first floor, and went outside. Now, having visited this apartment she understood nothing. She was sure that these people waited for it, and here Grigory Ivanovich's gift a ring with sapphire, and recognition it that it is similar to some woman? All this history brought her brain into bewilderment.

      At this time the entrance left Luda. She approached Emmanuel, and having seen bewilderment on her face, told:

      – Mon père a perdu autrefois le seul amour, et ne peut aucunement l'oublier. Et vous il est évident à lui d'elle ont rappelé. "My father once lost the only love, and cannot forget about it in any way. And you it is obvious to it it reminded".

      – Est-ce que je suis semblable ainsi à celle-ci? "Really I am so similar to it?".

      – Cela qu'est semblable, vous comme une personne. "The fact that are similar, you as one person".

      They got into the car-Taxi. Luda having turned a key ignition pressed the accelerator pedal, and the car went down the street Yablochkova afar. Having hidden behind the turn, towards to the modern history. Rushed on the highway full cars.


      Ignorance, beauty and envy

      – "Moscow! As much in this sound for heart of Russian came down as much in it responded". These lines from the poem by A.S. Pushkin as well as possible approach this chapter. The Russian soul – a riddle. Still nobody understood the Russian people as it understood itself(himself). The Russian – can live everywhere. He will adapt to any situation, to any situation. The foreigner cannot and could never understand Russians, their way of life, their mentality. Whatever you may say – the Russian person – a riddle.

      Now, езжав across Moscow Emmanuel looked out of the car window, and thought. Thought of how this city – Moscow is beautiful. The center of the capital of the updated Russia. In any case the updated Russia, imperial Russia, events of the seventeenth year of the twentieth century. She endured everything. Nothing broke it. She stood after all sorrows having fallen down her shoulders. Moscow – the capital of Russia. Who knows what secrets Moscow hides. Under it labyrinths of tunnels. There is a subway, there is also a subway number two. It is located deeply to a pose be thrilled. Nobody knows what there occurs? And wash the subway in the dead of night, with incessant attention of law enforcement bodies, and FSB can even. The subway it will never cut out to us the secret; for what it was constructed? For transportation of people, or for something bigger? They say that in the subway there are pathogenic and abnormal zones. Zones which can transfer us in time. It can indeed. I will not quash these rumors, perhaps they are truthful. As well as hearing, somehow passed about the third subway somewhere under an earth subsoil. Who knows? Can do it so it and is, and can do it just rumors. Who knows? Moscow – the city full of riddles and secrets. In an earth subsoil still look for Ivan the Terrible's library. Whether there is it actually or this only a legend? The library in other place can? Somewhere in Sergiyev Posad the former Zagorsk. Ivan the Terrible's library somewhere there can? At its tomb? Who knows? It only assumptions. One of many which could be.

      Now, when Emmanuel looked at this city from a car window, she did not know about anything what now here was described. She just looked at Moscow, and admired its beauty. She with admiration said in English:

      – The beautiful city, I for the life did not see anything finer.

      – Yes. – Luda agreed. – It is worth looking at Moscow. – then she added. – But you will not see Moscow, do not go down to the Moscow subway yet.

      Emmanuel with obvious interest took an interest:

      – And what subway?

      Luda having looked at Emmanuel with pride inherent in it told:

      – The subway is the heart of Moscow, the second for value.

      Emmanuel with obvious female curiosity asked:

      – And the first?

      Luda having looked at Emmanuel carefully took an interest:

      – And you as think?

      – I? – did not know that to answer this question, Emmanuel having made a pause, having looked in a window, and having seen some churchlet which they passed by and which immediately disappeared, Emmanuel assumed. – Church. – these words at it took off from her lips mechanically. She did not know why she told "CHURCH", she never thought of it. She in general did not trust in anything. She hoped only for herself and on anybody it is more.

      Luda ambiguously thought. She did not know that to answer this question. For it, as well as for many in Russia there was one precept. Grandfather Lenin's precept. In which it was said: "There is no god". This unambiguous "There is no god", and there was a doctrine about it. In general, the atheism practiced in the USSR. Nobody went to churches, all were afraid to take off from party. And since eight years when we were accepted in Little Octobrists, already then inspired in us doctrines of V.I. Lenin and his associates: – There is no god and never was. Our teachers inspired in us this theory which at that time was the Bible for the people. And having come to a higher educational institution. We had to besides the main subject whether you want it or not to know Marx's capital and Lenin's doctrines by heart. It was also the main subject of the doctrine. And then all the rest. But there passed time, times changed. The power of the CPSU fell, having left behind only a heap of unresolved problems. The power of dictatorship fell, on light came to light a huge number of parties. Such about which nobody till ninety first year heard at all. The religion became popular, all a coma laziness stretched in church. It turned out that all those people who abused church sent her, and. t д, and. t. п, became jealous opponents of atheism, and believed in God. Strange? People who despised church and wanted to kill it in its germ became truly believing. It is unlikely it so. It is simply fashion. As fashion for expensive fashionable dress. When there passes on it the fashion, it will be just thrown out on a garbage can. As well with religion. Once you come to the power of other party and who knows? Where will the truth believers get to? Will go underground or again will change

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