My city 3: records Emmanuel. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 3: records Emmanuel - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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person – if only to fill to him a belly and if heartburn, that is the checked method – alcohol. It is possible to eat nothing, just drink hot and do not think of anything. For you everything will solve alcohol.

      Having taken a sip of couple of spoons of soup kharcho, Emmanuel asked:

      – What is it?

      Luda having looked at Emmanuel puzzled with a look, answered:

      – How that? Soup kharcho.

      Emmanuel having frowned, questioned:

      – And you eat it? – she did not understand how it is possible to eat it? It is simply a poison, and more than nothing.

      – Yes. – Luda agreed. – It to you not America.

      – What does it have to do with America? – did not understand Emmanuel. – In America there are concentrates too, and we eat them …

      – Then that?

      Emmanuel with neglect answered:

      – It is a lot of salt, and pepper. So to stomach ulcer nearby.

      Luda frowned:

      – Stomach ulcer? – it having made a pause, added. – I did not think of it.

      Zhora got into conversation. He told:

      – The ulcer an ulcer, and is it is necessary.

      The woman having looked in Zhora's plate, saw that she is empty, and Zhora having looked at Emmanuel, told:

      – Maybe in Russia trade in shit why all this shit is eaten?

      Women shrugged shoulders.

      – Because – Zhora continued. – ourselves buy this shit. – it having made a pause, added. – Here if nobody buys it …

      – Can you and are right. – Luda agreed with Zhora. – If nobody buys … – she looked in a plate of soup kharcho. – this shit, would cease to produce it at all.

      Emmanuel agreed, and having made one more spoon of soup, asked:

      – And sour cream is? Luda, we seems her bought?

      Women looked at Zhora.

      Emmanuel asked:

      – You spread everything from a bag. Sour cream was?

      – Of course. – hasty Zhora answered. – It in the refrigerator.

      Emmanuel having risen because of a table approached the refrigerator, and having taken sour cream, returned back at a table. She opened it, and having put itself two spoons of sour cream, put it on a table.

      Luda having taken sour cream, also put to herself it in a plate, and having put the sour cream rest on a table, told:

      – You are right Emmanuel. The concentrate is a muck. – then she added. – but all the rest that we prepared should be tried.

      – Yes. – Zhora supported Luda. – Chicken turned out – it showed a thumb up. – In!!!

      Emmanuel having looked at Zhora and then on Luda, unexpectedly told:

      – Excuse me for the fact that I was impolite. – it having made a pause, deeply and a deep sigh heaved. Then she told. – But nevertheless this dirty trick without sour cream is it is impossible, and with sour cream still tolerantly.

      Luda grinned, and kind of keeping up the conversation, and she agreed with Emmanuel playfully having told.

      – You are not upset. All know that a concentrate – shit. – then she claimed. – But all ate it, едя and will eat. – then she unambiguously added. – because it is cheap.

      Having looked at Elisabeth on Luda, being angry with itself, answered:

      – I always come in rage when hungry. – then she added. – I did not want to spoil this evening.

      – And you also did not spoil it. – Luda told unambiguously. – You just told the truth about Russian kitchens, and all. – then Luda told. – That all of us about this kharcho say yes, at us what, there are no other subjects for a conversation?

      Zhora agreed

      – Of course is.

      – There now. – Luda told. – let's talk about something that to all of us will be interesting to three.

      Zhora immediately steamed.

      – I all hands, FOR.

      – I too for.

      They looked at Emmanuel. That sat at a table, and ate kharcho. Of course she felt ill at ease. She on a visit told that a table bad. The cooked food – shit. And all because she since morning was hungry. How here not to be angry with itself? Continuous a look from a plate of soup kharcho, it told:

      – It agrees.


      It is difficult for me to judge it acts Emmanuel, nobody will answer this question unambiguously: "why Emmanuel at a table was such what she was also any another?". It is obvious because she was really tired. On a visit at Grigory Ivanovich she solved: "it appeared in this apartment not casually. It was brought cunning there". She now also did not understand why it together with Grigory Ivanovich provided it this apartment? It for them absolutely foreign woman. The woman, which Luda if this her real name, brought to this apartment. To the apartment down the street Yablochkova д No. 18: "who were all these people actually?". Emmanuel did not know it. She addressed Zhora, having asked him about what it was interesting to it to know, namely:

      – Tell why we?

      Without having understood a question, Zhora having made a perplexed face, asked:

      – What forgive? It you now about what?

      – Well … – made Emmanuel long выжидающею a pause. – I mean – having made the next pause, she asked. – why we?

      – This question puzzled Zhora. He once again asked:

      – You it about what?

      It seemed that Zhora does not understand what asked him Emmanuel about. It had such person that from outside was it seems that it expresses full bewilderment and misunderstanding of what wanted to ask his Emmanuel about.

      Emmanuel seeing that Zhora cannot still understand what she wants to ask him about, it is burdened having sighed, said:

      – What all of you men are dull. – it having made a pause, having grinned asked. – Why you decided to help us? Because we are women or because of what still?

      Zhora immediately steamed:

      – You were pleasant to me at once – then he added. – Emmanuel.

      Women exchanged glances. Both of them knew, and Luda in particular that Zhora approached

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