My city 3: records Emmanuel. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 3: records Emmanuel - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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USSR were atheists. Luda told the following:

      – There can be you and are right, but nevertheless I consider that the first heart of Moscow it?. – Luda thought. – It is Moscow. – Luda, and then kind of in justification of the words answered, added. – Moscow – heart of Russia.

      Emmanuel significantly looked at Luda. She understood that on this question there is no answer. On extremely measure the people living here have no answer in Russia. They just dumped fetters of the Iron Curtain, and for these two years of freedom given them, they still fully did not feel that taste of freedom which is in the West, in the USA – the country of freedom of democracy. Countries of Washington, Granda, Lincoln. Emmanuel told:

      – Perhaps you are also right.

      There passed some time. The car stopped around one from the house on (X) Street. It was the big twelve-floor house in the center of Moscow.

      Luda told:

      – Arrived.

      They drove to the yard, and having parked a car at an entrance, Luda killed the car engine, and having addressed Emmanuel, told:

      – Here you will also live.

      Emmanuel having left a car looked around. It was the usual site on which at the playground played little children with the parents. Emmanuel paid attention to one woman. She stood together with other women and with them spoke about something. This woman was about to give birth, probably six months gone. Emmanuel bitterly sighed. This minute it presented itself on the place of this woman. She was pregnant, and Emmanuel having looked at the tummy, touched it with a hand, and thought: what this fine feeling to be a pregnant woman! She wanted to become pregnant. She wanted to give rise, but who could become for it that person who would present it this joy? She did not know it.

      In it it is a high time, Emmanuel heard behind herself Luda's voice. She told:

      – Go what here to stand?

      Emmanuel having looked at Luda, saw that that pulled out from back luggage office all bags and suitcases, looked at Luda, and heard who asked:

      – What will you take?

      Emmanuel understood that both of them should bear suitcases and bags. She approached the things, and having taken two weighty bags, having left to Luda a suitcase, asked:

      – Where to go?

      Having taken a suitcase, Luda showed on the closest door of an entrance, and told:

      – There.

      Women went to an entrance bearing on themselves things. In it it is a high time the young guy ran up to them and offered them the help.

      Luda thanked the man for the help, and that helped to inform of bags and a suitcase the apartment.

      The living space settled down on the fifth floor, this was the one-room apartment with the mixed bathroom. From the room there was an exit to a spacious loggia which lasted from the room to windows of kitchen. To apartments there was old furniture. Book shelves on which there were books of different years and subjects. On a floor the oriental carpet was put, and on a wall the carpet was hung up. One of walls had a double bed, the RUBIN-208 TV eight-channel was by the window on a bedside table. On which there were hours. On one of a wall the shelf on which there was stationary phone of red color was beaten. As for kitchen, here everything was ordinary. Table, chair. The gas stove, a table for cooking. On a wall regiments were beaten. The refrigerator ZIL was by the window. Radio Beacon hung on a wall. On which broadcast only one wave – the beacon. All as usually was in the Soviet ordinary apartments.

      Luda told:

      – Here so there lived once Soviet citizen.

      Emmanuel took an interest:

      – This whose apartment?

      – Ours.

      – I understand that yours, but who lived here earlier?

      – My mother. – Luda answered. Then she with despondency and chagrin added. – She sits now. – then she explained. – For speculation during the Soviet period. – it having made a long pause, gloomy added. – Year remained.

      Emmanuel having listened to Luda, heaved a deep sigh. She approached Luda, and having embraced her, in a consolation told:

      – Anything. You awake together. – then having made a pause Emmanuel added. – Never it is necessary to despair. Despair sign of hopelessness.

      Luda having looked at Emmanuel, firmly told:

      – I do not despair.

      Emmanuel having looked at Luda told:

      – It is good. – then she departed from it, and having approached the refrigerator ZIL, opened it, and having glanced inside, saw that it is empty. Having looked at Luda, asked Emmanuel:

      – And where here nearby grocery store?

      – Nearby. – Luda answered and asked. – And what?

      Emmanuel looked in the refrigerator again, and with chagrin told:

      – It is similar that in the refrigerator is empty.

      – Cannot be? – Luda was surprised. She quickly approached the refrigerator, and having glanced found in nothing. – We will probably have dinner and supper here.

      Emmanuel took an interest again:

      – Where grocery store? – then she kind of for fun added. – to go to bed on a hungry stomach …

      And without having managed to finish this phrase, she heard Luda's voice.

      – It is similar that today we have a visit of shop. – then Luda asked Emmanuel knowing already that that will tell in reply. – How about that to go to grocery?

      – I, for.

      – I too.

      Women left the apartment. Luda having closed a door gave keys Emmanuel. She told:

      – They now yours. – then she added. – Live.

      In the nineties, shops – supermarkets just that gained the steam. In few places it was possible to buy something from products, without overpaying and without being afraid that you will get poisoned. Tents occupied all center of Moscow. In any case Moscow! All Moscow region, all Russia. In each of tents there was the range of goods. But it was monotonous. Ninety nine and nine percent of the range of goods made alcoholic drinks and tobacco products. It seemed that those years Russia became an inveterate drunkard and smoked. And what? After Gorbachev crisis with alcoholic drinks – two bottles in hands how not to get drunk. Suddenly again alcohol will be gone – offensively. As for tobacco products, as for tobacco products, then too that for a sin to be smoked. I remember Gorbachev when I made crisis with alcoholic drinks then cigarettes disappeared somewhere. I remember malicious smokers and smokers nearly went for storm of the White House if only to achieve that cigarettes or at least cigarettes of "BELOMOR-KANAL" went on sale. Whatever you may say, life then was more interesting. We looked for something, stood in a queue, overpaid extremely expensively. Life was more interesting. As for Luda and Emmanuel, they had to go to do shopping to the center of Moscow. On the

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