My city 3: records Emmanuel. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 3: records Emmanuel - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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on extremely measure by hundred twenty times, and even is much bigger. Emmanuel having stupidly looked at Luda thought of what the cashier was mistaken, appeared is not present. The mistake was not. This was the actual price at the prices of the ninety third of the ninety seventh of years. Luda having paid off the cashier for purchases, left shop, and having addressed Emmanuel, told:

      – This Russia – the mother, here everything is expensive, and salary is lower, than in the Third World country, for example in one of the countries of Africa.

      – Yes? – agreed with Luda Emmanuel. – Whatever you may say, Russia is Russia. – then she asked. – As soon as here people live?

      Luda it is multiple-valued shrugged shoulders.

      – We can be … – she said with grief. – Sometime in the future?

      Emmanuel with grief sighed.

      – Can be. – she said. – Sometime. – then she added. – But not now.

      Having arrived back home, they met at an entrance of that guy which helped to carry them things to the apartment last time. He then hurried, and could not get acquainted with women. Now, when it returned after the urgent matters, he sat on a bench at an entrance and watching absolutely already dark sky thought of something. Having seen the women leaving a car, he immediately recognized them. He got up from a bench, and having approached them offered once again the help. Luda with it is inherent in the woman interest took an interest:

      – Do you pursue us?

      – No. – immediately the guy answered having taken bags in hand. – I do not pursue you, just passed by as last time.

      Luda smiled:

      – And at the same time sat on a bench at an entrance? – then she added. – We saw you.

      The guy convicted that it nevertheless did not pass by, and сидев on a bench at an entrance told:

      – My crime seems it is solved.

      Luda with interest took an interest:

      – And in what it consisted?

      The guy looked at Emmanuel, and then at Luda, and said:

      – I like your girlfriend. – not to offend the woman with whom he spoke he added. – I like also you.

      Luda knowingly nodded, and then asked:

      – And which of us is pleasant to you more?

      The guy for a second thought. He did not want to be impolite to women. But something it was necessary to answer, and he told:

      – You are pleasant to me both, everyone in own way. – then he added. – Both of you are beautiful and mysterious.

      – Yes. – Luda smiled having agreed with the guy. – In the woman – a riddle. – then she told. – Well, help us.

      The guy informed of bags their apartment on the fifth floor, and Luda having invited him on a visit, asked his name.

      – Zhora. – having presented it having looked at the interlocutor, asked. – And you?

      Luda did not understand:

      – What I?

      Zhora asked:

      – What is your name?

      – And. – became the woman awkwardly. Then it was presented. – Lyudmila. – she looked at Emmanuel, and presented it. – Emmanuel. – then she explained. – she arrived from abroad, and does not speak Russian. – then she added. – but she well knows English.

      – I speak English too. – he addressed to Emmanuel in English. – I am very glad to get acquainted with you.

      Though without knowing Russian, she understood that someone from them it was pleasant to this person. She answered in English.

      – And me too.

      Author: – Further dialogue happens in English.

      Zhora went to kitchen, and having put bags on a floor began to get from them products. When women entered on kitchen, all products from bags already stood on a table.

      Having seen that Zhora without asking permission began to manage in the apartment, Luda was indignant with his behavior, and with obvious hostility questioned:

      – You nobody learned to ask permission before managing in others apartment?

      Zhora immediately understood the mistake, and hurried to justify itself:

      – I thought that you were tired, and will be me you to help better.

      Emmanuel frowned. She did not love that someone the stranger without permission will do in others apartment what is not necessary. And to whom it will be pleasant? She told:

      – Of course we are grateful to you for your help, but …

      Zhora heaved a deep sigh.

      – Understood. – he told. – I leave.

      Women exchanged glances. Both of them wanted that Zhora remained with them. To remain that to modify, and for a conversation, for communication. Luda strictly asked:

      – Where do you go?

      – On an exit. – sadly he told. Then added. – I showed tactlessness that without the knowledge of the hostess of the apartment began to manage …

      He did not manage to finish the offer as Luda told:

      – We forgive you.

      Zhora turned back.

      Emmanuel added.

      – We of course are angry that you laid out everything from bags, but you made it from good intentions.

      Zhora immediately answered:

      – I wanted to help you.

      Emmanuel having approached Zhora, said in low tones:

      – I know. – then she asked. – Help us to prepare it is fished.

      Zhora immediately agreed.

      – Of course.

      It was soon fished it is ready. The baked chicken, soup kharcho, salads. Of course there was a tea. Generally whatever you may say we always ate monotonously. At the CPSU, and in Russia. There are no special delicacies in shops, and to go to restaurant expensively. Remember that Luda leaving from the father, suggested to have a bite Emmanuel. They of course, went to restaurant, but having looked at the prices, Emmanuel just was horrified. For the life, she of course saw the restaurant prices, but such!? It too.

      Having sat down at a table, all three were accepted to first course. Concentrate, soup kharcho. In general, who knows, the concentrate was and remains to one of favourite food. And let after it getting thirsty, let after it to rise pressure, and the stomach will begin to play unknown

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