Complete Essays, Literary Criticism, Cryptography, Autography, Translations & Letters. Эдгар Аллан По

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Complete Essays, Literary Criticism, Cryptography, Autography, Translations & Letters - Эдгар Аллан По

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— which is the chief constituent of Fancy or the powers of combination. A thousand such lines may be composed without exercising in the least degree the Poetic Sentiment, which is Ideality, Imagination, or the creative ability. And, as we have before said, the greater portion of the Culprit Fay is occupied with these, or similiar things, and upon such, depends very nearly, if not altogether, its reputation. We select another example —

      But oh! how fair the shape that lay

       Beneath a rainbow bending bright,

       She seem’d to the entranced Fay

       The loveliest of the forms of light,

       Her mantle was the purple rolled

       At twilight in the west afar;

       T’was tied with threads of dawning gold,

       And button’d with a sparkling star.

       Her face was like the lily roon

       That veils the vestal planet’s hue,

       Her eyes, two beamlets from the moon

       Set floating in the welkin blue.

       Her hair is like the sunny beam,

       And the diamond gems which round it gleam

       Are the pure drops of dewy even,

       That neer have left their native heaven.

      Here again the faculty of Comparison is alone exercised, and no mind possessing the faculty in any ordinary degree would find a difficulty in substituting for the materials employed by the poet other materials equally as good. But viewed as mere efforts of the Fancy and without reference to Ideality, the lines just quoted are much worse than those which were taken earlier. A congruity was observable in the accoutrements of the Ouphe, and we had no trouble in forming a distinct conception of his appearance when so accoutred. But the most vivid powers of Comparison can attach no definitive idea to even “the loveliest form of light,” when habited in a mantle of “rolled purple tied with threads of dawn and buttoned with a star,” and sitting at the same time under a rainbow with “beamlet” eyes and a visage of “lily roon.”

      As an instance of what may be termed the sublimely ridiculous we quote the following lines —

      With sweeping tail and quivering fin,

       Through the wave the sturgeon flew,

       And like the heaven-shot javelin,

       He sprung above the waters blue.

       Instant as the star-fall light,

       He plunged into the deep again,

       But left an arch of silver bright

       The rainbow of the moony main.

       It was a strange and lovely sight

       To see the puny goblin there,

       He seemed an angel form of light

       With azure wing and sunny hair,

       Throned on a cloud of purple fair

       Circled with blue and edged with white

       And sitting at the fall of even

       Beneath the bow of summer heaven.

      The (lines of the last verse), if considered without their context, have a certain air of dignity, elegance, and chastity of thought. If however we apply the context, we are immediately overwhelmed with the grotesque. It is impossible to read without laughing, such expressions as “It was a strange and lovely sight”—“He seemed an angel form of light”—“And sitting at the fall of even, beneath the bow of summer heaven” to a Fairy — a goblin — an Ouphe — half an inch high, dressed in an acorn helmet and butterfly-cloak, and sitting on the water in a muscleshell, with a “brown-backed sturgeon” turning somersets over his head.

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