Complete Essays, Literary Criticism, Cryptography, Autography, Translations & Letters. Эдгар Аллан По

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Complete Essays, Literary Criticism, Cryptography, Autography, Translations & Letters - Эдгар Аллан По

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England. The effect of the first stanza is materially impaired by a defect in its grammatical arrangement. The fine lines,

      Home of the Percy’s high-born race,

       Home of their beautiful and brave,

       Alike their birth and burial place,

       Their cradle and their grave!

      are of the nature of an invocation, and thus require a continuation of the address to the “Home, &c.” We are consequently disappointed when the stanza proceeds with —

      Still sternly o’er the castle gate

       Their house’s Lion stands in state

       As in his proud departed hours;

       And warriors frown in stone on high,

       And feudal banners “flout the sky”

       Above his princely towers.

      The objects of allusion here vary, in an awkward manner, from the castle to the lion, and from the Lion to the towers. By writing the verses thus the difficulty would be remedied.

      Still sternly o’er the castle gate

       Thy house’s Lion stands in state,

       As in his proud departed hours;

       And warriors frown in stone on high,

       And feudal banners “flout the sky”

       Above thy princely towers.

      The second stanza, without evincing in any measure the loftier powers of a poet, has that quiet air of grace, both in thought and expression, which seems to be the prevailing feature of the Muse of Halleck.

      A gentle hill its side inclines,

       Lovely in England’s fadeless green,

       To meet the quiet stream which winds

       Through this romantic scene

       As silently and sweetly still,

       As when, at evening, on that hill,

       While summer’s wind blew soft and low,

       Seated by gallant Hotspur’s side

       His Katherine was a happy bride

       A thousand years ago.

      There are one or two brief passages in the poem evincing a degree of rich imagination not elsewhere perceptible throughout the book. For example —

      Gaze on the Abbey’s ruined pile:

       Does not the succoring Ivy keeping,

       Her watch around it seem to smile

       As o’er a lov’d one sleeping?


      One solitary turret gray

       Still tells in melancholy glory

       The legend of the Cheviot day.

      The commencement of the fourth stanza is of the highest order of Poetry, and partakes, in a happy manner, of that quaintness of expression so effective an adjunct to Ideality, when employed by the Shelleys, the Coleridges and the Tennysons, but so frequently debased, and rendered ridiculous, by the herd of brainless imitators.

      Wild roses by the abbey towers

       Are gay in their young bud and bloom:

       They were born of a race of funeral flowers,

       That garlanded in long-gone hours,

       A Templar’s knightly tomb.

      The tone employed in the concluding portions of Alnwick Castle, is, we sincerely think, reprehensible, and unworthy of Halleck. No true poet can unite in any manner the low burlesque with the ideal, and not be conscious of incongruity and of a profanation. Such verses as

      Men in the coal and cattle line

       From Tevoit’s bard and hero land,

       From royal Berwick’s beach of sand,

       From Wooler, Morpeth, Hexham, and

       Newcastle upon Tyne.

      may lay claim to oddity — but no more. These things are the defects and not the beauties of Don Juan. They are totally out of keeping with the graceful and delicate manner of the initial portions of Alnwick Castle, and serve no better purpose than to deprive the entire poem of all unity of effect. If a poet must be farcical, let him be just that, and nothing else. To be drolly sentimental is bad enough, as we have just seen in certain passages of the Culprit Fay, but to be sentimentally droll is a thing intolerable to men, and Gods, and columns.

      Marco Bozzaris appears to have much lyrical without any high order of ideal beauty. Force is its prevailing character — a force, however, consisting more in a well ordered and sonorous arrangement of this metre, and a judicious disposal of what may be called the circumstances of the poem, than in the true material of lyric vigor. We are introduced, first, to the Turk who dreams, at midnight, in his guarded tent,

      of the hour

       When Greece her knee in suppliance bent,

       Should tremble at his power-

      He is represented as revelling in the visions of ambition.

      In dreams through camp and court he bore

       The trophies of a conqueror;

       In dreams his song of triumph heard;

       Then wore his monarch’s signet ring;

       Then pressed that monarch’s throne- a king;

       As wild his thoughts and gay of wing

       As Eden’s garden bird.

      In direct contrast to this we have Bozzaris watchful in the forest, and ranging his band of Suliotes on the ground, and amid the memories of Plataea. An hour elapses, and the Turk awakes from his visions of false glory — to die. But Bozzaris dies — to awake. He dies in the flush of victory to awake, in death, to an ultimate certainty of Freedom. Then follows an invocation to death. His terrors under ordinary circumstances are contrasted with the glories of the dissolution of Bozzaris, in which the approach of the Destroyer is

      welcome as the cry

       That told the Indian isles were nigh

       To the world-seeking Genoese,

       When the land-wind from woods of palm,

       And orange groves and fields of balm,

       Blew o’er the Haytian seas.

      The poem closes with the poetical apotheosis of Marco Bozzaris as


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