Loves' Conqueror. Renee Hand

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Loves' Conqueror - Renee Hand

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was in her voice as she placed her hand on her chin and looked down the hallway. “Oh, who cares where that damn room is, there are so many rooms in this house that one could get lost, and he expects me to run it?” Miranda pointed toward the large hall where she knew that Lord Hammil was entertaining his guests. “My first order of business would be to down size.” Davy looked quickly around them, and thankfully saw no one who could overhear their conversation. He placed his hands upon Miranda’s shoulders to calm her.

      “Relax, Miry, relax. There is no reason to get upset.” Miranda brought her fingers to her face as she let out a tear. She tried to regain her composure, and without looking into Davy’s eyes, was able to manage it. She breathed deeply several times before her eyes found Davy’s concerned ones. “What’s wrong with you?” Miranda shook her head knowing that if she talked about her sorrows of the evening that she would cry full force, so she shook her head. “We will talk about this on the way home, Miry.” Davy’s statement brought a nod out of Miranda. “The room you are searching for is down the hallway on the left. Do you wish me to accompany you?” Davy placed his hand on her cheek and made her look at him.

      “No, Davy, I will be fine. Thank you.” Miranda gave her friend a quick smile before she made her way down the hallway.

      “I will wait for you then,” replied Davy, his voice rising slightly in order for her to hear him. Miranda gave him a wave of her hand as she moved closer to the end of the hallway. The wall, which had a beautiful painting of the house hanging on it, loomed closer and closer. She noticed that the hallway turned left, and as she made the turn, realized there was not just one room hidden back there, but six. Miranda stopped and was about to break into tears when she found her strength inside her and removed the urge to cry. She was determined not to break down over something so foolish. She took a deep breath and opened the first door she came to.

      As she turned the knob, she realized the door wasn’t locked—that was a good sign. But as she opened the door she realized that the room she was in was not the one she was looking for. The room was made for comfort. There were long burgundy drapes covering the windows with matching furniture and many dark wooden tables littered with tapers. Some lit, some not. As she glanced around the room the light revealed the many books that were resting upon the bookshelves on the wall. Some were dusty and some were clean from being read often. Miranda was about to leave the room when out of the corner of her eye she noticed a bright piece of parchment staring at her. She turned back around and faced the parchment laying tantalizingly on the chair to her right.

      Miranda then remembered Lord Hammil telling her how he disapproved of people looking at his things without his permission. She wanted to turn and run out the door, but couldn’t move. Her eyes focused on the parchment in front of her. She quickly walked to the chair and looked down at the parchment glaring at her. As she read the parchment what she learned amazed her. There was a drawing of her crystal on the page in front of her with some writing scribbled to the side of it numbered like a list. She read it to herself.

      One: Captain Ditarius missing in the Caribbean

      Two: Find a crystal that he has in his possession

      Three: Knows where the mate of it is there are two pieces.

      Four: Member of crew caught and being held at Port Royal. Might know of his whereabouts?

      Five: Treasure hidden at Nombre de Dios, buried in the side of a mountain. Danger surrounds it!

      Six: Cannot open the vault without the key. Needs crystal to open it, crystal is the key.

      Seven: Get married!

      Miranda’s eyes widened with shock at the words she had read. Captain Ditarius was a name that most people called her father, especially now when his true identity was hidden. He had spent years building up the name’s reputation. He was missing? The news brought instant fear to her chest. Her father always told her that if he was hiding from the law that he could be found on Eleuthera Island. He had said that it would always be his sanctuary. She must find him and make sure he was safe and unharmed. She would kill anyone who tried to harm him. So, this was the business that Lord Hammil was going down to the Caribbean to take care of? Well, it is good that she would be going with him then. She needed to find her father first and then hide him, keeping Lord Hammil away from him for as long as she could.

      The knowledge that her crystal opened a secret vault hidden in Nombre de Dios surprised her immensely. She wondered if her father knew of the treasure. It didn’t matter much. The fact that she knew was enough. Her father didn’t tell her about the crystal when he first put it around her neck. Only that it was a piece of treasure from a ship they had plundered years ago and that she was to always wear it in remembrance of her mother. She lifted the hem of her gown and raised it to her thigh, seeing the precious stone tied there by a scarf. The neckline of her gown was too low to hide the necklace so she tied it to her thigh hoping to keep it safe, keeping her word to her father to always wear it.

      She let go of the hem of her skirt and it flowed like a waterfall back down to the floor covering her legs. Her eyes then fell upon some decorative pieces of parchment. She scanned them quickly and noticed they were letters of marque. She read through the top one quickly and absorbed every word including the name of the captain which was, Riveri, and the name of the ship, The Captain’s Avenger. She was about to go to the next letter of marque when she saw a rolled up piece of parchment with a pretty ribbon. Curious, she was about to reach for it when she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Nervously, she looked back at the door, which she forgot to close, rose quickly and hurried to the doorway. Upon seeing no one she rushed out into the hallway closing the door tightly behind her. She moved quickly for the turn in the hallway and once she cleared the corner could see Davy waiting for her like he had said he would.

      She passed by a woman in a bright yellow gown whose footsteps had to be the ones she had heard. The woman smiled at her but Miranda was too consumed in thoughts to return the gesture. Her eyes focused on Davy’s until she made it to his side. When they looked at each other, Davy knew something was wrong. Miranda’s chest was rising and falling heavily from almost running to him. Davy was about to speak when Miranda held up her hand to stop him. “We must speak,” was all she said. Davy was about to reply when they heard a booming voice coming from the hall.

      “My dove, where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Startled, Miranda raised her hand to her throat feeling like she had just gotten caught for looking into Lord Hammil’s private affairs. She cleared her mind before she spoke, “I have been right here, Leonard, talking with Davy.”

      “I believe you owe me a dance. I wish to claim it now.” Lord Hammil’s voice accepted no comment or discussion upon the matter as he offered his hand for Miranda to take. She smiled briefly and took it, though reluctantly. As Lord Hammil twirled her around the dance floor Miranda’s mind was reeling from all that she had learned. Lord Hammil then discussed with her the time they would be leaving tomorrow for the Caribbean and other important details. Miranda kept nodding her head, showing her fake smile to please him as she listened. As the dance finished Miranda was about to excuse herself when Lord Hammil held her hand tightly, wanting her for another dance. She tried to refuse but Lord Hammil ignored her.

      Miranda glanced constantly at Davy begging him to save her and when she thought that she could take no more, he did. Lord Hammil was not pleased when Davy tapped him on the shoulder, forcing him to stop.

      “What can I do for you, Davy?” asked Lord Hammil angrily.

      “I know you are oblivious to it, milord, but Miranda is tired, her feet ache.” Lord Hammil glanced quickly at Miranda who nodded her head.

      “I’m sorry, my dear, why didn’t you say something?” asked

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