Loves' Conqueror. Renee Hand

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Loves' Conqueror - Renee Hand

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before she answered.

      “Please, my gown is complicated to get into. Your help would be greatly appreciated.” Miranda smiled mischievously and winked at Davy as she turned around and left the room. Madam Fairaday stared at Davy as he shook his head slightly, again pleading with her to say nothing to Miranda. She didn’t respond, but only lifted her skirts as she exited the library, following Miranda up the stairs.

      An hour had passed and Miranda and Madam Fairaday were in her bedchamber still working on her appearance. Miranda was glancing into a mirror at her hair when she saw Madam Fairaday sitting behind her deep in thought. She hastily turned around and smiled politely.

      “What’s wrong? You are quiet today.” Madam Fairaday smiled briefly as she stood from her chair.

      “I will get Davy to finish tying the lacings in the back. No matter how hard I pull them, they are still not tight enough.” Miranda stood from her chair. “You do look beautiful tonight.”

      “As do you. In fact, I think that you already have an admirer.” Madam Fairaday stared at Miranda in confusion.

      “What do you mean?”

      “Davy! I think I know why you were alone with him.” Fear crept into Madam Fairaday’s chest.

      “You do?”

      “Yes, I think he has feelings for you, or you for him?” Madam Fairaday laughed loudly as she exhaled a breath of relief.

      “No, dear child, that’s not the case.” She then walked up to Miranda and embraced her. “You know that I care for you as if you were my own daughter, don’t you?” Miranda nodded her head as she smiled brightly. “I have no daughter of my own so I’m blessed to be able to dote on you. It’s meant so much to me.” After squeezing Miranda again gently, Madam Fairaday pulled away. “If there’s nothing more, my dear, I will see you later at Lord Hammil’s?”

      “Of course, if he will free me from his grasp long enough to talk with you.”

      “Don’t worry. I will make sure he allows us time to talk. If he doesn’t I will make a scene. I know how much he would love that.” Both women laughed at the very thought of seeing Lord Hammil’s embarrassed cherry red face. Madam Fairaday then kissed Miranda’s cheek, walked to the door, opened it and left. Davy entered shortly afterward. He moved right toward Miranda’s unfinished laces and pulled on them.

      “Davy, may I remind you that today you need to watch what you say instead of me when we are at Lord Hammil’s?” Miranda winked at her friend through the mirror. She then admired her appearance. She chose a brownish gold gown with gold underskirts. White lace wrapped around the bodice and sleeves. The color matched her eyes exactly and flattered her figure. The skirts flowed smoothly when she walked around the room. Miranda was thin with curvaceous hips and supple thighs, but neither assets could be seen by any man. Her breasts were full and round, her shoulders soft and narrow. When Davy pulled the last lace too tightly, she glared quickly back at him, knowing that he did it on purpose, though he apologized.

      “Did you have a nice visit with Madam Fairaday?” asked Davy changing the topic.

      “Yes! I always enjoy our visits. I almost wish we didn’t have to go to Lord Hammil’s so I could spend more time with her instead,” poured Miranda as she admired herself in the mirror again. “I know what I can do, I will invite her over for tea tomorrow. Then we can gossip properly when we are not so distracted.”

      “You look beautiful, Miry, but we are running out of time and need to get going. Stop stalling.” Miranda admired herself one last time in the mirror, then left with Davy by her side. Davy wore a dark brown waistcoat and black breeches with a white shirt shining underneath. His hair was slicked back and his face clean shaven. Davy escorted Miranda to a carriage waiting for them by the street and helped her inside. When he stepped in and closed the door, the carriage started moving. Silence filled the carriage until Miranda could see the torches shining outside of Lord Hammil’s estate.

      “I don’t mean to be selfish, Davy, but what if Lord Hammil refuses to let you stay by my side?” Miranda focused on Davy’s features, her concern for him bothering her ever since Lord Hammil had said the words.

      “Have you been thinking about that the entire ride?” Miranda didn’t smile or smirk, but remained still and serious. Davy placed his hand upon Miranda’s and squeezed.

      “You know I promised your father that I would take care of you when he was away. Even if you marry Lord Hammil, he cannot make me break my oath. I may not be by your side as often, but I will always be here for you if you need me.” Miranda placed her other hand on top of Davy’s and smiled, feeling reassured.

      When the carriage stopped, Davy removed his hand from Miranda’s grasp and opened the door. He quickly helped her step out and then walked slowly to the door. When Miranda entered into the hall, Lord Hammil hurried over to greet her. He lifted her hand and grazed it with his lips. He then nodded his head in Davy’s direction.

      “My dear, we have much to discuss. Shall we go into my study and talk before my guests arrive?” Miranda had no time to refuse as he placed her hand on his arm and walked her to the study. Lord Hammil casually walked her into the room and helped her sit into a chair in front of his desk. He then turned to Davy and asked if he would be so kind as to wait in the hallway. Davy glanced at Miranda who nodded her head, letting him know that she would be fine with it. Davy then turned and left the room, but not before saying, “I will not be far if you need me.” Miranda nodded her head and noticed the glance that Davy had given Lord Hammil. She saw the irritated look on Lord Hammil’s features and had to stop herself from smiling. Davy closed the door behind him.

      Lord Hammil moved to his seat behind the desk and folded his hands to lay upon his flat stomach. His eyes glanced periodically up at Miranda who sat in her seat patiently, her hands lying in her lap, fingers clenched tightly together.

      “You look beautiful tonight, Miranda. I appreciate you coming. I’m not ashamed to say how much pleasure it will give me in having you meet my friends. I will immensely enjoy seeing the envious looks upon their faces.” Miranda smiled politely at Lord Hammil’s comment, but didn’t respond. The nervousness she felt prevented her from speaking. Lord Hammil traced a long slim finger along the edge of the desk as he said, “Any news yet from your father?” Miranda refused to tell Lord Hammil anything about her family, especially the truth. However, she knew that by stalling him again, he may be put off, and she knew that her father would no doubt bless the union between them. Her father often spoke of her living a normal life with a wealthy gentleman instead of being a pirate renegade sailing the seas. Though the sea was all that she craved for, Miranda wanted to make her father happy, so she told a lie.

      “I received a letter from him this morning and he has given his approval for us to wed. He’s sorry that he will not be able to say this to you in person.” Lord Hammil rose abruptly from his chair, almost knocking it over, and hurried to stand in front of Miranda, his features expressing his joy.

      “Does this news please you, Miranda? I must know.” Miranda rose from her chair with confidence, arms hanging by her sides and her chin lifting firmly.

      “Yes, Leonard, you are a fine man. It would please any woman to become your wife.” Miranda told Lord Hammil what he wanted to hear, knowing that her words would please him. She then relaxed slightly and smiled, but her joy didn’t reach her eyes. Lord Hammil failed to notice. He placed his hands upon Miranda’s shoulders and pulled her to him awkwardly. Surprised by the action, Miranda placed her hands between them to rest on Lord Hammil’s chest.

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