Loves' Conqueror. Renee Hand

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Loves' Conqueror - Renee Hand

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imagine my life without you by my side.” Davy caressed her cheek as he smiled from her comment.

      “Yes, my child, you love me as much as I love you. You are like a daughter to me. Now, go and get ready, and you might want to consider a bath with some of those scented oils your father brought you from France.”

      “Why? You won’t let Lord Hammil close enough to me to notice.” Miranda glanced back at Davy as she walked from the room to the stairs and winked. Davy moved to stand in the doorway the servants once occupied, who were now returning the furniture to its rightful place.

      “If you desire for him to touch you or more, all you have to do is say the word and I will leave your side and let him.” Miranda looked down at Davy from the stairs, her eyes narrowing.

      “No!” Miranda spoke sharply.

      “I thought as much. The look you gave me the last time Lord Hammil attempted to kiss you, begged for me to stop him.” Davy folded his arms in front of his chest. His weight pressed up against the doorframe. Miranda played with the red sash at her waist. Whenever her and Davy practiced with the sword, she would wear breeches with a white shirt and sash pretending she were a pirate.

      “I have never been kissed by a man, Davy. I am unsure of what I am supposed to do.” Miranda looked down at the steps, averting her eyes from meeting Davy’s.

      “There is no shame in that, Miry. Your father and I are grateful for it. However, if you become Lord Hammil’s wife, he will want you to show him affection. You cannot avoid it forever.” Miranda glanced back at Davy, then proceeded up the stairs.

      “I will think about it,” and with that said Miranda walked the rest of the way up the stairs, Davy watching her go. He began to walk down the hallway toward the kitchen when he heard a knock on the door. He saw a servant walk toward the door and answer it. It was Madam Fairaday.

      Madam Fairaday was an extremely wealthy woman with a full bodice and thinning figure. Her features were pleasing to the eye. She was at least in her early fifties, but one would never know it for her appearance never revealed her age. She had slightly graying black hair with beautiful hazel green eyes. Her skin was pale with a slight hint of red upon her cheeks. Her hair was wrapped delicately upon her head and her gown was of a dark green that flattered her figure. It had a low neckline and thinning waist but the skirt billowed out around her almost preventing her from walking through the door without help. Davy instantly hastened to her side and kissed her hand in greeting.

      “Madam Fairaday, how nice it is to see you again.”

      “It is always nice to be seen, Davy.”

      “Miranda is upstairs getting ready if you would like to join her. I need to change as well so I will not be able to escort you.” Madam Fairaday waved her hand in front of her carelessly.

      “There is no need to escort me, Davy. I’m familiar with the way.”

      “Very good, then I will see you shortly.” Davy was about to turn around when he felt Madam Fairaday’s hand upon his arm.

      “Can I speak with you alone for a moment?” Davy looked quickly around him, then escorted her into the library. When they walked into the room, he quickly closed the door behind them, neither wanting to sit.


      “I wanted to ask you something before I attend to Miranda. I know that you don’t want to talk about this, but I have to ask you. Have you heard from Stratton lately?” Davy shook his head as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

      “No! We have not heard from him in a while.”

      “Neither have I. I am concerned.” Madam Fairaday bowed her head toward the ground, her stare focusing on Davy’s feet.

      “As are we, but there is no reason to worry yet.” Madam Fairaday returned her eyes to meet Davy’s and gave him a weak smile.

      “There is one more thing. Does Miranda know about—?”

      “No!” Davy quickly answered cutting her off. “And I don’t think she should, at least not yet.”

      “But Davy, you are her guardian, how can you keep this from her?”

      “And you, my dear woman, are Stratton’s new wife. It is not my responsibility to explain what happened between you or why.”


      “There are no exceptions!” shouted Davy angrily. “We all discussed this, remember?” Madam Fairaday gazed at Davy wide-eyed. “She should not know yet. Now is not the time to explain to her the relationship that you two have. She will not understand and will only feel hurt. Trust me on this. Stratton has to explain to her what is going on between you. I will not intervene on either of your behalves. It will only make the situation worse because I know of the deception. What you two did was spontaneously romantic, yet disgustingly deceptive. Both of you did not think of the consequences of your hastened marriage.” There was a long pause before he continued, “What of your son, has he found out? Is that why you are bringing this up?”

      “Yes, I have told him.”

      “And how did he take it?”

      “Not well,” responded Madam Fairaday sadly. “He didn’t take it well at all, but we have talked and he now understands that my happiness is more important than his anger or surprise, though he’s still vexed with me. Actually, he has not gone out of his way to speak to me about it, and every time I bring it up, he avoids the topic. He says it does not bother him, but I know he’s lying. I know my son and when he first found out about my relationship with Stratton’s months ago, he was—well—crushed. Now that he knows that we are married, his anger knows no bounds.” Madam Fairaday paused before saying, “I cannot spend all this time with Miranda and not tell her the truth, too. I do not want to see that same expression on her face, that look of betrayal. No, I could not bear to see it from her. Seeing it from my son was painful enough.” Davy placed his large hands on Madam Fairaday’s shoulders and squeezed reassuringly.

      “She will understand the feelings that you two have for each other but she will not understand anything else for her vision will only be filled with hurt. Her reaction will mirror your sons, I will guarantee it. No matter when you tell her, her reaction will still be the same.”

      “Yes, all the more reason to tell her now and get it over with before the lie spitballs into something bigger and more unforgivable.”

      “No, you are doing the right thing by keeping the truth from her, don’t doubt yourself. What you need to focus on is still befriending her. Then, once she knows the truth, her anger won’t be so terrible.” Madam Fairaday shook her head at such nonsense, wanting to change the topic. Before she did, she raised her eyebrows and clucked her tongue loudly.

      “There is one more thing. I have friends who are wives of some of the queen’s most trusted advisors and chiefs of staff, and I have learned something very disturbing. You see, they said—” Before she could say anymore Miranda opened the library door and peaked inside. Davy instantly removed his hands from Madam Fairaday’s shoulders.

      “Madam Fairaday, I thought I heard your voice.” Miranda gazed at Davy and then at Madam Fairaday curiously. “What are you doing in here?” Davy was about to speak but Madam Fairaday quickly interrupted.


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