Loves' Conqueror. Renee Hand

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Loves' Conqueror - Renee Hand

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give you the right to discredit him. The queen looks highly upon him, and with the letter of marque that she gave you, I believe that you need to watch your step so you don’t lose it. Yes, that would be a shame if she found out that you weren’t looking after her best interests.” Locand stepped closer to Miranda and grabbed her roughly by the shoulders, bringing his lips just inches from her own. Miranda could smell Locand’s masculine scent as it drifted toward her.

      “Watch your step, lass, for it might be your last. Don’t threaten me—ever! Apparently, your lover told you of the letter of marque given to me by the queen. Which, by the way, is none of your business.” Before he could continue, Miranda added in her thoughts.

      “He isn’t aware that I know about the letter of marque given to you, but it doesn’t take a captain to figure it out. I mean, look at you. Your whole essence screams of your past and your crew looks like a bunch of cut throats. You’re looking for a new path and Lord Hammil’s the way to it.” Locand let go of Miranda abruptly and shook his head in frustration.

      “I’m surprised you have lived this long with your sharp tongue. Does your Lord Hammil know of this side of you?” Miranda rubbed her shoulders with her hands and glared at the man before her, her dislike for him growing inside her.

      “What he knows about me is none of your business. You have a job to get us safely to New Providence, Port Royal, where ever, and back. Do your job and stay out of my affairs.” She pushed herself past Locand and was about to reach for the door when she was suddenly turned around, her back pressed up against the door roughly preventing her escape. She tried to scream for Davy but was stopped when Locand grabbed her cheeks tightly and stopped her, the other hand placed tightly on the back of her neck. Miranda was so surprised with the action that she felt tears welling up in her eyes. Seeing that he was finally getting through to her, Locand softened his voice.

      “It makes me curious how you know so much about the cure for seasickness. Only people of the sea know how to cure its ailments. How did you know about the ginger?” Miranda glanced at the ground searching for an answer, and Locand noticed her pause.

      “Davy was a pirate long ago and has sailed for years. He told me about the ginger.” Locand analyzed Miranda’s features. She was correct about Davy, but he was certain there was more she was not telling him.

      “Just so you know, your guardian cannot help you, Miss Smyth. Unlike you, he knows who the captain of this ship is and offers me the respect I deserve. You, on the other hand, haven’t figured out who is in charge yet, so let me bring it to your attention. I am the captain of this ship, Locand Riveri. If you would like something, just ask me and I will make sure you get whatever it is that you desire. Go behind my back again and you will suffer the consequences. Do we understand each other?” Locand loosened his hold enough for Miranda to move her head as she nodded.

      “Good! I would hate to harm your pretty features, but I will, and without much qualm.” Locand moved closer and nuzzled her neck and ear, his warm breath caressing her skin. Miranda raised her hands to land on his hard chest to stop him as he whispered, “As you say, I was once a pirate. Being so you know what I am capable of doing.” Locand stood back and removed his hand from Miranda’s neck as he caressed her cheek, feeling her soft skin underneath his rough fingers. The smell of jasmine permeated the air as he glanced up and down the length of her body taking in her appearance. “From this day on you will be locked into my cabin until you can show me the proper respect due me. When you can obey my every command without comment, then I will let you walk on deck. Do we have an accord?” Miranda stared into Locand’s beautiful green-brown eyes as she thought over her answer.

      “Where will you sleep?” asked Miranda apprehensively.

      “In here!” replied Locand tersely.

      “Why, so I can endure your hostile and glorious presence? Davy will not approve or allow this treatment of me. He protects my virtue above all else. He will not let you touch me, nor will I allow it again without a fight.” Locand slowly backed away from Miranda as if burned.

      “Your virtue is safe with me. I will not touch you in the manner in which you are implying, nor am I planning to. I can go to any port and have any woman I want in my bed without a fight. Women who would be eager to spread their thighs for me to sate myself and would relish the feeling I would give them in return. I don’t need some high maintenance, sassy, opinionated, demanding woman to satisfy me when I have so many others at my disposal who are easier to tame.” Miranda wanted to slap Locand, but resisted the urge.

      “I bet you’ve had many women in your bed, and that it’s stained with their filth because you are definitely not the gentlemen type to have high bred ladies.”

      “I’ve had those, too.” Miranda scoffed.

      “You disgust me!” Locand took a step forward causing Miranda to lean against the wall for support.

      “I only mean to teach you a lesson. Davy will understand that, once being a first mate to a great captain. However, I thought your first response would be to tell me how much your lover would not approve. I am surprised to hear you care more about what Davy thinks than the man you are supposed to marry.” Miranda straightened from the wall and swept the blond curls from her eyes with her fingers, realizing too late he had set a trap she fell right into.

      “He will not approve either, for his feelings for me are strong. His emotions will run heavy with jealousy and cause you more problems if you do this to me. I will speak for him when I say that this is what he would think of your little lesson.” She could not resist this time. Without warning Miranda brought her hand back and slapped Locand across the cheek. The slap barely made his head turn. Locand’s eyes filled with fury, a smile shown brightly upon his lips as he saw the smug look upon Miranda’s face. He seized her by the waist, picked her up and roughly threw her onto the bed.

      “I believe we have an accord. We will see how long you can last without seeing daylight for a week,” Locand threatened. Miranda straightened her skirts and hair as she glared at Locand.

      “Fine! It won’t bother me a bit,” replied Miranda angrily. Locand glared at the girl on his bed once more before opening the door.

      “This would have gone so much better for you if you wouldn’t have acted like a stubborn wench.” Miranda folded her arms in front of her chest and looked away from him defiantly. Captain Riveri slammed the cabin door shut and locked it. Miranda could hear his mutterings down the corridor. Her eyes filled with tears as she cried her sorrows.

      CHAPTER 4

      “I must protest, Locand. You can’t keep her locked in your quarters like this. I know she deserves it, but it’s not decent.” It was night now, and Davy was alone with Locand discussing the treatment of Miranda. Earlier he had seen the crazy look in Locand’s eyes and knew he was angry with her. Knowing that it was not his ship, Davy knew that there was little he could do to stop him if he were to confront Miranda about her behavior. She had done what she wanted without discussing it with the captain first, as if she had full reign of the ship instead of him. Davy had to respect the captain’s rules aboard his ship, if he wanted to or not, and so did Miranda. All day he had waited for the right moment to bring up the topic, but the captain was never alone and he didn’t choose to make himself available until now. The night was calm, and the crew was talking quietly amongst themselves, some taking turns on deck while others slept.

      Locand knew Davy wanted to speak with him, so he motioned for him to follow him into the galley where there was an empty table and a door they could close for privacy. Earlier it had been filled with food, but now it just had a bowl of apples in the center. The cook was now sleeping in his

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