Loves' Conqueror. Renee Hand

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Loves' Conqueror - Renee Hand

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leniency on the matter. She has never been on a ship before, so she doesn’t know how to behave. I will see that she behaves more appropriately in the future. Women need to learn their place in this world. It is a shame that we have to be so cruel to them to make them see where that place is.” Locand briefly smiled at Lord Hammil as he spoke, his eyebrows furrowing as he heard Lord Hammil tell him of Miranda’s lack of sailing experience. By her behavior, Locand felt that Miranda had much experience on a ship; apparently, there were many things that Lord Hammil was blind too.

      “Why don’t you go ahead on deck. You know how women get when they are excited to see the men they care for. I am sure she will need time to fix her appearance before she sees you, so don’t be concerned if she doesn’t come to you right away. When she is ready, I will escort her personally to your open arms.” Lord Hammil smiled brightly as he nodded his head.

      “Yes, Captain, you’re right. Women do take too much time in their appearance. I will be eagerly waiting for her.” He then turned around and walked down the corridor to the stairs and climbed them. Locand did not move until Lord Hammil was out of sight. He then took a deep breath and opened the door again. This time Miranda was standing by the bed, her appearance not changing. Locand hastily walked over to Miranda and grabbed her roughly by the front of her shirt, closing the gaping hole that exposed her breasts. He brought her body just inches from his own.

      “Cover yourself from my view, woman. Do you not care that I see you this way?” Miranda’s blond hair fell forward to lie around her shoulders framing her face. Her eyes fell upon him innocently as she licked her full lips, her mouth suddenly feeling dry. The urge to grab her and throw her on the bed to ravish her body was overpowering. Locand had to fight for control. Miranda saw Locand’s eyes change in color but she wasn’t sure why. He was so powerful and strong. The way he brought her close to him made her want to be held in his arms. Her hands brushed over the mounds of muscle on his biceps as she tried to regain her balance.

      “Thank you!” were the only words she could get the nerve to muster. Locand looked at her strangely, not sure why she was thanking him. His gripped loosened upon her shirt as Miranda brought her hand up to take their place. He then took several steps away from her as she sat on the edge of his bed.

      “Why do you thank me? If you knew my thoughts you would not look so inviting and thank me for being this close to you.” Miranda’s forehead wrinkled as she thought about his words. She finished buttoning the buttons on her shirt before returning her eyes back to Locand’s. She noticed he was watching her every move. Remembering her modesty, Miranda looked down to assess her appearance making sure that all of her body parts were covered from Locand’s view.

      “I thank you for protecting me from Lord Hammil. I saw him standing behind you and thought he noticed my appearance. I would have had much to explain to him.” Miranda ran her fingers through her long hair. “You didn’t have to do that, you know?” Locand gazed into Miranda’s soft brown eyes and knew he did have to protect her. His tone changed as he turned around and faced the wall, his back now facing her.

      “You need to change from my shirt back into your dress. I don’t think Lord Hammil would appreciate you wearing my clothing.”

      “Are you not going to leave?” Miranda asked, her gaze focused on the middle of Locand’s back.

      “No! I told Lord Hammil that I would escort you to the deck. He would get suspicious if I did not bring you.” Then he added, not being able to stop himself. “I must say, though, my shirt looks better on you than it ever could on me.” A roguish smile came upon his lips as he heard Miranda cluck her tongue at his remark and remove his shirt. To bed her would be easy, Locand thought, but he knew she belonged to another. He needed to keep his attention on what was important. Instantly, Locand felt angry with himself for his behavior and lack of control. He was about to move to the door when he heard Miranda ask him, “Can you please finish buttoning these buttons for me, I cannot reach them?”

      Locand turned and looked at Miranda, surprised by her request. “I will get Davy for such matters. I have never been good with such delicate things.” Miranda moved to stand in front of him, her hair swept to one side.

      “Please, Locand, this is the first time in a week that I have actually buttoned one of my dresses to the top. There are four buttons in the back that I cannot reach, see?” Miranda turned around so Locand could see her dilemma. With clumsy fingers Locand tried to put the buttons in the holes. It took several tries but he finally finished the task. He then grabbed Miranda’s hair and moved it to cover the buttons on the back of her dress. As he touched her soft, silky hair, he could smell Jasmine permeate the air. The aroma was so intoxicating it took all of Locand’s will to stop his arousal.

      “Your scent could convince the most dangerous of men to do your bidding.” He raised his hand to stroke her hair, but quickly retracted it. His voice was husky as he spoke his words, but suddenly his tone changed when he said, “I am sure your Lord Hammil is pleased with you.” The anger in Locand’s voice surprised Miranda. She turned to gaze into his hazel green eyes, but he avoided her gaze by looking at the floor. “Miss Smyth, let’s not keep your Lord Hammil waiting, he is most persistent to check on your welfare.”

      “No, Locand!” Miranda started to say, but Locand quickly turned on her, his hands on his hips.

      “Have you not learned your lesson yet? And it is Captain Riveri if you don’t mind.” Miranda thought about which road she was to take. As her eyes looked deeply into Locand’s, she made her decision.

      “I will do whatever you ask of me, Captain Riveri. Forgive my outburst, but I only wished to explain to you what I was doing wearing your shirt. I feel embarrassed and foolish for taking such liberties with your apparel.”

      “I am sure that my shirt didn’t mind the intrusion. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. We can speak of it at a later time. Rest assured that I will hear your explanation, but from this point on please stay out of my things, unless you wish for me to go through yours?” Miranda quickly shook her head. “Good, because if I do, the fishes will be wearing that pretty blue dress of yours.” Miranda narrowed her eyes at Locand’s remark, but all he did was smile and nod, pleased that he got his point across. He then took Miranda’s arm and escorted her from the cabin to the deck in silence.

      “My dear, you look beautiful. Have you been faring well?” Lord Hammil ran his fingers through his hair as Miranda and Locand approached. Concern was evident upon his features. The sky was overcast, the sun blocked from the clouds that permeated the sky. There was a slight chill to the air, and the breeze had picked up. Miranda let go of Locand’s arm and hurried to stand in front of Lord Hammil, her long hair whipping around her face.

      “My concern is for you, Leonard, you look well. I am glad you have overcome your illness.”

      “The ginger helped,” and without warning Lord Hammil raised his hand to caress Miranda’s cheek. He then moved his hand to the back of her neck and drew her close to him, softly capturing her lips. The kiss was gentle and brief. Miranda was surprised by the gesture, and yet disappointed for its shortness. She leaned toward him again wanting to taste more of his lips, but he pushed her away, chastising her for her behavior. Miranda felt she had done something wrong.

      “Miranda, there are sailors watching us, we are not alone. Showing affection in front of these men is inappropriate. I only wished to show you my pleasure. You have pleased me with your concern. Now, if you care to join me in my cabin we could continue this further. I have missed the sight of you, but I hope that Captain Riveri’s punishment finally got through to you. I am not sure what you were thinking when you behaved so carelessly, but I hope you will be more agreeable for the rest of the journey.”


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