Loves' Conqueror. Renee Hand

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Loves' Conqueror - Renee Hand

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For one more week she would be able to act normally, without peoples’ false expectations of her. The thought brought a smile to her lips as she hugged Davy closer to her.

      CHAPTER 5

      By the middle of the following week, Miranda was practicing with her sword. She had made a target from a sack she had asked the cook for and filled it with an old pillow making it bulge. She then hung it against the bed post and gave it a few stabs. She practiced her footwork continuously, moving back and forth in front of the sack with sword in hand. She did this for several hours before deciding to quit, hiding the sack in a secret place so it couldn’t be seen. She then relaxed on the bed reading a book. She wasn’t surprised when she heard a key unlock the door. As she looked up, her eyes met the blue ones of the cook.

      The cook, Billy, was an older man with gray white hair and a bearded face. He was a kind man who seemed to always smoke a pipe. He was shorter than Miranda, who stood five feet and eight inches in height. His face was tan and wrinkled from old age as well as the sun. Since she had talked to him about the sack, he now felt comfortable around her to make conversation whenever he brought her food.

      “How has the sack worked for you, missy?” asked Billy as he laid a tray of food on the table. Miranda rose from the bed, her blue skirts swaying around her bare ankles and feet.

      “It works great, now all I need is a real target to practice on. I appreciate you not mentioning this to the captain or to Lord Hammil. I don’t think they would approve of my talents.” Before Miranda popped a piece of fruit into her mouth, she smiled politely to Billy. Her brown eyes expressed her sincerity. She kept her hair combed, letting it hang down the length of her back as it reached her middle. Billy couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful woman before him. As she smiled, he could see the dimples that formed at the corners of her lips.

      “If the captain says anything to me about it, I will have to obey him. But I don’t see the harm in helping you keep busy. At least you are staying out of trouble. I will not mention what you are doing as long as I am not asked.” Miranda patted Billy on the shoulder as she turned and walked to the bed, lying across it again. As Billy left the room Miranda quickly glanced at the bed post, making sure that she had put the sack away and out of sight.

      A couple of hours had passed when the door to the cabin was unlocked again. It was night and Locand wanted to change his clothes, as well as get a good night’s rest. He was determined to sleep in his own bed. He had made arrangements to have Miranda moved into her own cabin, but when he opened the door and found her sleeping across his bed, her hair hanging off to the side with book in hand, he couldn’t wake her to do it. He decided to go into his trunk to get a new shirt but was surprised when he opened the trunk at the end of the bed and found that the clothes in it were not his.

      Locand glanced around the room, the light from the candles guiding his way. He found his belongings pushed to one side of the cabin, with his books and maps. He gazed at the girl on the bed in anger, frustrated that she would take over his cabin and bed. But the sight of her lying still and peaceful changed his mood. One of her legs rose up farther on the bed, her skirt rising up exposing her bare calves, ankles and feet. Locand grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her body, hoping it would keep her warm. As he moved to see her face, he couldn’t help but to touch her soft, smooth cheek.

      She looked like an angel as she rested on the bed, her right arm extended in front of her while her cheek pressed partly into the blanket. Her left arm was bent and her elbow was brought to press into her side, a red book held loosely in the palm of her hand. Locand gazed at her lips, which were full and red. They were slightly parted as she drew breath. He couldn’t resist but to run his thumb across them gently. When her tongue darted out and touched his thumb, he cautiously leaned down, and while cupping her cheek, pressed his lips against hers tenderly. Her mouth was soft and warm against his. He pulled back, not wanting to be caught in the act of what he was doing, or thinking. Still asleep she angled her face up wanting more. She wanted him. He leaned down again and touched her lips. When she began to press her lips harder against his, he quickly pulled away, denying himself. He withdrew his hand and cursed himself for his weakness. Miranda returned her head to the blanket and licked her lips, sighing in peacefulness.

      Locand was about to turn and leave, angry with what he had just done, when he looked again at the book Miranda held. He slowly reached for it and removed it from her grasp. When he glanced at the book, he felt a twinge of familiarity, and as he opened it, he knew what she was reading. It was his journal that he kept of all the places he had gone to and the ships they had plundered, of all the adventures that he had as captain aboard The Captain’s Avenger.

      Locand closed the book loudly and stared at the girl lying across his bed. He was angry with her for looking into his private belongings, but as he glanced around the room he noticed how she had replaced most of his things with hers, even the trunk at the end of the bed was hers. Locand roamed around the room, his hands behind his back. He wanted to wake her and yell at her for what she had done, but then he thought better of it. He realized that she never would have made herself feel more at home if he wouldn’t have locked her into his cabin in the first place.

      What he thought was a punishment for her turned out to be a punishment for himself. She wasn’t even fazed by being locked into his cabin. Furthermore, she seemed to enjoy it. What kind of lesson was she learning? Locand wondered. It was as if she wanted to be alone away from everyone. The thought confused him. Most women he had aboard his ship, which was rare, begged to be on deck. They never wanted to stay below. But Miranda almost went out of her way to be below deck.

      Locand shook his head, not being able to understand the female mind. He then turned and left the room, forgetting about the clothes he had wanted to get. He locked the door behind him, determined to change sleeping arrangements by morning. Though he wanted to discuss with her about invading his privacy, he also wanted to avoid her. He no longer worried that she would become a distraction to the crew. His new worry was that she was becoming a distraction to him. The more time he spent with her the more he thought about bedding her.

      The temptation to do so was strong within him. The last thing he needed in his life was a woman. They were mere distractions, making men change their ways and lifestyles, and he wasn’t ready to retire his ways just yet. Lord Hammil kept popping into his thoughts, and he knew that if he ruined his bride for him, there would be hell to pay. Locand almost didn’t care, and yet, there was a feeling inside of him telling him that it was wrong to deflower a woman that belonged to someone else. The situation frustrated him, so he decided to avoid her, and avoid her he did.

      For the rest of the week, he did not go back into his cabin, nor the week after. He had Billy get the clothes for him he needed, but not once did he try to get them himself again. After a month had passed, he was tired of evading his cabin on the account of Miranda, so he ordered his men to remove her belongings and place them back into Davy’s cabin. He had thought that the transition went smoothly, until he heard a scream. All Locand could do was shake his head. The sun was bright, but there were clouds coming over the horizon. Locand knew there was a storm brewing.

      Lord Hammil rushed below deck upon hearing the sound. When he had tried to talk with Miranda the week before, she would not speak to him. Now she avoided him completely. She even refused to take walks on the deck with him and out of stubbornness, locked herself into Locand’s cabin. At night, Miranda would sometimes walk on deck, but only when she knew that Lord Hammil was sleeping, but Davy always accompanied her. She had finally convinced Davy to practice the sword with her in the hold of the ship where the storage space was located. There was enough room to move around and no one would be able to see them. However, Davy also suggested they ask Locand for permission first. He refused to practice with her until he gave it.

      Now, however, Davy was on deck with Locand as Miranda was being forced from the cabin. Davy was heading for the stairs

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