Loves' Conqueror. Renee Hand

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Loves' Conqueror - Renee Hand

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Miranda placed her hand on her hips.

      “Is it that obvious?”

      “It is obvious to me, and I don’t know you that well. I have spent little time with you in the past month and my thoughts about you are still unclear. However, you do not dote on the poor man like a woman who loves him would. Don’t get me wrong, there are times when you appear to be very devoted, but it is only when he is partially weakened. Otherwise, you avoid him at all cost and are using my cabin as an excuse to avoid him. Do you call that love?” Locand stopped his rocking as he awaited his answer, “Because if so, then I’ve been behaving incorrectly all of these years. In my eyes, when two people truly care for each other, they show consideration, forgiveness, kindness, and love.”

      “I do not love him, but it does not mean that I don’t care about what happens to him. He has wealth, power, and if you look beyond all of his strange obsessions, he’s not a bad man. He deserves happiness in his life just like anyone else.” Locand thought about Miranda’s words for a moment, feeling they held much truth.

      “Do you always look beyond what a person shows you about themselves? If so, then maybe you should take some of your own advice and treat Lord Hammil with more respect than what you have been.” Miranda looked down at the floor in shame.

      “I know I’ve been acting terribly, Locand. I’m sorry for being such a pain. I don’t mean to be. There are just so many things that are on my mind and in my heart. Can you forgive me?” Miranda raised her gaze to meet Locand’s, her large brown eyes and pouty lips showing her youth. Locand reached out and cupped Miranda’s cheek in his hand. It was a perfect fit.

      “I forgive you, Miranda, but I think your apologies should extend farther than me, don’t you?” Miranda nodded her head. She then reached out her arms and stepped closer to Locand, embracing him. Her cheek rested against his broad shoulder as she held him. Locand was stunned by the action and wasn’t sure how to respond. He then turned his head toward her hair and smelled her Jasmine scent. The urge to hold her against him was overpowering. But when his arms remained at his sides, Miranda pulled away from him, analyzing his features.

      “Does it bother you to show me affection? I was merely thanking you for your counsel.” Miranda was starting to feel that all men had the problem of showing women affection. Locand removed her hands from around his waist and stepped away from her. His eyes betraying the emotions he was feeling.

      “It would not be appropriate for you to do that again. Please refrain from doing so the next time you wish to thank me. Believe me when I say that words will do just fine.” The coldness in Locand’s tone made Miranda feel embarrassed for her actions.

      “Forgive me! I will remember that in the future to never thank you by touching you.” The anger was evident in Miranda’s voice. She could not understand what she did that was so wrong. Locand shook his head at her and ran his fingers through his dark hair. He then reached out and grabbed Miranda’s hand, holding it in his.

      “One day, hopefully when you are married and content, you will realize the effect you have on men. You are young and desirable, Miranda, and though I’m the captain of this ship, remember that I’m also just a man, and even I’m not immune to your charms. You cannot act so alluring and expect me not to notice or want you.” Miranda brought her hand to her chest and stepped away from Locand, appalled.

      “Do you think I am trying to seduce you? Please believe me when I say that I am not.” Miranda looked around the room, her eyes wide. “You must think that I’m a strumpet.”

      “No!” Locand shouted and took a step toward her. “I don’t believe that for a moment, but I need to bring it to your attention. This is why I didn’t want you aboard my ship. It has been over a month since some of these men have had a willing woman in their beds—much longer for me. You are beautiful and tempting. Men look at you and see someone they could lie with. It is important for you to stay close to Davy and Lord Hammil when you are on deck. It is for your own safety. I trust these men with my life, but lust is powerful and a woman is easy prey here. I recommend wearing something that reveals less of you, especially in the bodice area. Davy had said that you have brought men’s clothing. If that is so, then I recommend you wearing them. We already know that if you are in need of a shirt that you fit mine.” Locand smiled as he turned toward the door with his intent upon leaving.

      “When I walk on deck may I stay by your side?” asked Miranda lightly. Locand turned around, his arms folded in front of his chest.

      “Stick to your loyalties, Miranda, you do not know me well. Davy and Lord Hammil are the ones that should be protecting you—not me.”

      “I don’t understand, if you are the captain of this ship, then isn’t it your job to protect us all?” Miranda folded her fingers together in front of her, her eyes staring at Locand intently, but he only took a deep breath, retaining his patience.

      “Of course I will protect you, but you miss what I am saying. One day when you really want to, touch me again. Then and only then will you ever know what I truly mean. Trust me when I say that you should stay close to the ones who care about you, for I am incapable of doing so. It is a luxury that I cannot afford, and I will not favor you in front of these men or in front of your dear Lord Hammil.” Miranda was about to ask another question, but stopped when Locand opened the door and left the cabin, leaving her alone to think about the words he had said to her.

      CHAPTER 6

      That night there was a storm, only one of many that they would sail into. The waves were tall and luminous as they crashed onto the deck of the ship. The crew was busy moving on deck, with Locand at the helm yelling his orders. The wind and the waves were forceful upon the ship. The wood could be heard creaking and cracking from the intensity. Locand tied himself to the helm with rope so he wouldn’t be washed overboard. Most of the men did the same, depending on where they were on the deck of the ship.

      Miranda was below deck attending to Lord Hammil, who had another bout of seasickness from the rocking motion of the ship. His forehead was sweating as he lay upon his bed, hunched over in pain, holding his stomach. Miranda pressed a cool cloth to his forehead as she held onto the bed for dear life, the movement of the ship nearly sending her across the room. She grabbed a bucket as she saw Lord Hammil turn to her, the pale look on his face giving away his intentions.

      The storm went on for hours. Her hands and arms were sore from the grip she had upon the bed. When she was able to relax, she covered Lord Hammil with a blanket and wiped his brow again with a cool cloth. He now lay in a better position, his legs extended away from his chest, his eyes closed in rest.

      Miranda had taken Locand’s words to heart and apologized to Lord Hammil for her behavior. Though she and Davy were the only ones that knew what Lord Hammil’s plans were, she agreed that she couldn’t treat him so terribly. When she had stepped into her cabin, he had been sitting on the bed waiting for her. They talked for awhile and then he held her. As they fell asleep in each other’s arms, the storm had hit. Lord Hammil insisted upon returning to his cabin, but once there fell prey to his ailment once more. She was taking care of him, feeling sorry for his condition.

      Miranda quickly rose from the bed and grabbed the bucket that Lord Hammil had vomited in. She moved to the door and opened it, letting some fresh air flow through the room before she closed it. As she stepped into the corridor, she stopped by the galley to see if Billy was all right. When she stepped into the room, she saw Billy on the floor cleaning up the plates and silverware that had been tossed to the ground. Suddenly, he cursed and held his hand, blood could be seen dripping to the floor. Miranda set the bucket down and rushed over to help him. On the way, she grabbed a cloth that was piled onto the table.

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