The Book of Destinies. Chetan Parkyn

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The Book of Destinies - Chetan Parkyn

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the Generator Type, you also have a gut response that has its source in your lower belly, either the rising energy of an “ah-huh!” or yes response or the falling energy of an “un-uh” or “not now” response. It is important that you pay attention to your gut response before engaging your considerable energy with anything, especially if you get a “not now” signal. Trust this and wait for your next response! Antsy by nature, you may have the tendency to manifest before getting your inner “green light” to proceed. However, jumping ahead of yourself and your clarity can have anywhere from disappointing to drastic consequences for yourself and everyone around you.

      You have a two-step process to finding your clarity about any choice. First, if you are getting a “yes!” response, you are being given a “heads up.” A level of interest has been triggered in you, and you now have the potential to engage and be involved in whatever elicited your response. This is a first step only. From this response comes the urge to step toward what drew your response, and as you make that second step, you sense whether you are prepared to change an energetic response into a full-blown manifestation. It may take several steps like this, checking each time whether to proceed further or not. While in motion, there arrives what can be called a “moment of truth” in which you sense in yourself whether to proceed and manifest or step back and out of any further engagement. It can feel a bit like a “eureka” moment; you are simply “clear to proceed,” and you know it.

      This can be confusing for people who watch your process and expect that you are completely committed toward a course of action, when actually you are still in testing mode and can back away from further commitment at any time. Once engaged with someone or something, however, you are a whirl of activity, accomplishing all kinds of things and catalyzing everybody else into action as well.

      While you have a huge abundance of energy, and are easily able to carry on long past the fatigue point of others, be careful about expecting others to be able to keep up with you. You have the capability to tap into your own Sacral Life Force Energy, an almost indefatigable source of energy, and to live in a state of bliss and contentment when you follow your natural way of living: responding and testing, then engaging fully only when clear to do so.


      If you have a Projector Life Chart, you have the potential to be a guide who aligns others in their lives. Statistically, Projectors are in a minority, making up 20 percent of the world’s population; they are surrounded by Manifestors, Generators, and Manifesting Generators who all have an abundance of energy that is usually sustained over long periods of engagement. This makes it difficult for a Projector to indulge in endeavors at the same level as these “energy Types.” Even if they have the urge to do so, Projectors are designed to operate differently. As the US presidents Barack Obama and John F. Kennedy, among others, have so aptly demonstrated, this does not mean that Projectors fail to manage great achievements; it means that they are designed to go about them differently.

      As a Projector, you live in an environment of recognition and invitation. When an invitation comes to you, either directly or indirectly, and you sense you are being called into something, you and only you can tell if that invitation resonates specifically with you.

      If the invitation or calling resonates with you, your own personal Authority will indicate to you whether or not to proceed and engage. Jumping into situations without this clarity will leave you with a sense of not fitting in or of being unappreciated or even rejected.

      Before you understand your Type, you may find yourself longing for recognition so much that you push yourself to start initiating things. This inevitably leads to difficulties. Through waiting for invitations and the right callings, you naturally align yourself with right experiences, linking together people, places, and activities in a beneficial way as you provide your unique and natural guidance. Because you lack the sustaining energy to be active for long periods of time, and because you can observe without being so caught up in the energy vortex of others, you are best suited for those situations that call for your guidance and wise assistance. Being comfortable standing by, or changing your focus from one scenario to another, is an asset that gives you the opportunity to harness your energy and attention for when they are really needed.


      If you have a Reflector Life Chart, you are one of the most receptive people alive. Through your receptivity you have the potential to be the wisest of the wise, experiencing your life as a reflection of your environment and those around you. You are just like a mirror, reflecting other people’s characteristics back to them, giving them a perfectly clear viewing of themselves, often it might seem for the first time. Being so open, receptive, and available also brings with it an enormous vulnerability, especially if you have been told to behave like everyone around you. Reflectors make up less than 1 percent of the world’s population, so let’s be clear that you have committed to living a very different life.

      You often sense things in your environment that others miss. You may even absorb other people’s thoughts, feelings, motivations, wants, manifestations, and other things, and you can easily become overwhelmed by the internal sensations of others, which become your own if you are not careful. Finding time to be alone on a daily basis will help you to remain clear and uninfluenced by other people, and taking time to actively release anyone or anything that appears overwhelming is essential.

      As one of the most sensitive people on the planet, you have probably been misunderstood all your life as you naturally go about reflecting the world back to itself. Much as everyone would like to have your wise input on their lives, it is important that you set boundaries. These boundaries will certainly involve your living situation, and most probably any work environment, too. Where possible, you need to have your own room, preferably your own area of a house, and not live in an apartment complex or in close range of other people’s energetic influences.

      When you give yourself time every day to reflect on your experiences, you will find your day is filled with gems of meaning and truth. These gems become a storehouse of wisdom that can be passed into the world and the lives of anyone who asks. This is a lifetime to appreciate great patience and to realize that you have an inner agreement with life to trust whatever is offered. This is not to say that you are powerless, but to acknowledge the vulnerability of a rose flower, which is easily crushed if it is not guarded, but when cherished, nurtured, and protected holds within its nature an indescribable beauty.


      When we talk about Authority in Human Design, we are relating to our inherent decision-making process. Perhaps the most important thing we can ever know about ourselves is how to make decisions that work for us in any and all situations. Built into your Design is the means for this, and once you engage with it consistently, your whole life will change in positive and beneficial ways. There are six different Authorities, and we each have one for our lifetime. Knowing your own Authority is essential, but knowing other peoples’ Authorities is also illuminating!

       Emotional Authority

      Any Life Chart that contains a defined (colored in) Emotions Center has a decision-making process that is closely intertwined with emotional feelings. As we all know, feelings can rise and fall, from extremes of ecstasy and great excitement to failure and despair. To their cost, most people have never been made aware of how to gauge their feelings and are prone to act on impulse or conditioning rather than through finding their emotional clarity before making decisions. Emotional clarity comes from identifying a still point that is not attached to outcomes — a still point that is not absorbed in the “highs” and “lows” of any presumed endings but is committed to the journey to, through, and beyond those “endings.” Almost half the people on Earth have Emotional Authority, so, even if you do not have Emotional Authority personally, it is likely that your relationships and interactions with many of the people

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