The Book of Destinies. Chetan Parkyn

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The Book of Destinies - Chetan Parkyn

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a river flowing through you, your Life Theme compels you to stream a continuous flow of creative self-expression. You do this by monitoring an ongoing source of inventiveness that propels you to express yourself regardless of other people or surroundings. Your tendency is to continuously tell everyone what you know, often disregarding their actual needs and interests or their ability to comprehend you. This tendency can upset people because your torrent of knowledge, relevant or irrelevant to their lives, overwhelms them.

      Others might ask you to be quiet, or at least to restrain your verbal comments on life, and so you turn toward other means to express yourself through art, writing, or music. All the time, you find ways to illuminate how life can be expanded and potentially improved. You have an extraordinary way of connecting to life, and you perceive many dimensions and creative possibilities that other people would miss altogether if you did not point them out somehow.

      You will come to appreciate that having time alone allows you to dive deeply and without interference into the creativity that courses through you. At other times, you will deliberately seek out company to point out just exactly what you are appreciating, sometimes finding that your audience cannot grasp it in the same way that you do, and in exasperation you withdraw to your own company again. When you recognize that all expression has its perfect timing and adapt your interactions accordingly, you will see how you creatively and easily transform people’s lives in ways that bring great benefit to them. When you trust in your own Type and Authority, you will come to appreciate the right timing for all your creative pursuits and expressions. You will learn how to be as effective and fulfilled in your life as you possibly can be.

      Sun in Gate 1

       The Interpersonal Life Theme of DEFIANCE (4)

       Fyodor DostoyevskyBrittany MurphyLeonardo DiCaprioMiranda LambertFall of the Berlin Wall

      Your Life Theme is to defy the current status of affairs that confront you in life to find another, perhaps higher, or at the very least different way. You turn the tables on anything in life that you deem requires redirecting by employing any argument or principle that you can find. Rather than being constrained to seek satisfaction through your mind or your emotions, you succeed when you allow yourself to be driven by a profound inner connection with your Higher Self and what you know in your bones to be right.

      You whole life journey involves breaking with the “status quo” of outdated and inept ways of living to be free to introduce and encourage authenticity in the world around you. You befriend those who honor your transcendent ways and enjoy those who are open to expanding their reality by engaging with your creative concepts and statements. At the same time, you quietly move apart from those who do not appreciate your transformative ways, however much they might want your attentions.

      With your Conscious Sun in Gate 1, if anyone is going to find an alternative way of doings things, it is you! It is not that you always need to be contrary; it is more that you like to honor the variables that life offers. Just going along with the crowd, with the “expected” or “politically correct” way of doing things, does not sit well with you. You will play along for a while, especially when others force you to behave in particular ways, and then you’ll take off and do your own thing as though nothing had happened. You hold a deep respect for individuals who stand in their own truth and who might benefit from your support, guidance, and creative input, and you will seek out ways to offer them your contributions. People often want to get involved with you or at the least look over your shoulder to see what you are up to. It is always your Type and Authority that tells you who and what is important for you in this lifetime.

      Sun in Gate 2

       The Personal Life Theme of DIRECTION (THE SPHINX) (2)

       George ClooneyTony BlairSigmund FreudJohannes BrahmsKarl MarxEva PerónGary Cooper

      Direction is your purpose in life, whether you are finding a direction for yourself or showing the way for others. Many will see you as a lighthouse that allows others to find their own bearings. At times you find yourself pointing a way that defies normal explanation, but if you are true to yourself and your creative impulses, the direction will be the right one. On our planet, the Sphinx in Egypt symbolizes an ancient, forgotten, yet ever-constant mystical guidance toward something greater than ourselves. Somewhere in your being, you remember.

      Be aware that your ability to point the way for someone does not automatically imply you then have to take the lead for them, or that it is your responsibility or obligation to carry others through their lives, even if you could. If you find yourself overly obliged to others and continuously helping them find their way, you might consider reviewing how healthy those relationships really are. Pointing the direction for someone and then encouraging them to engage with their own abilities is the best approach. Ultimately, everyone is responsible for their own life journey, and forgetting this can entangle you in one distraction after another.

      With your Conscious Sun in Gate 2, you have the means to know things about life and the potential directions that you can take or offer to others, which sometimes cannot be explained because your knowing has no obvious rhyme or reason. It’s as though “when you know, you know,” and you cannot always explain exactly how or why. Your receptivity is constantly attuning to an orientation in life that goes beyond society’s obvious, “normal” assumptions. Often, a chance statement can realign someone’s life without you or them being aware at the time how that happened. Trust in your own Type and Authority to know when to involve yourself and be available to give your uncanny guidance and when to stand aside and hold your peace.

      Sun in Gate 2

       The Fixed Life Theme of THE DRIVER (2)

      Your Life Theme involves pointing the way for yourself and others through your own internal engagement to find meaning in life. You establish your own direction in life through balancing the opposites within you, often stretching out expansively into worldly activities, and at the same time you sense your own reality from a silent core of inner “knowing.” This balancing process can bring you to the point of being fixed and unchanging in your aims, either remaining stationary and unmoving or set on an unshakeable external trajectory through life.

      It can be said that “when you know, you know,” and yet there is very little possibility you can explain to someone else exactly how or even what you know. Certain people are going to be happy around you, open to what you are communicating, and amenable to any transformation that comes through what you tell them. However, others might not be so open to what you are telling them, and in these situations, you have to measure within yourself how important

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