The Book of Destinies. Chetan Parkyn

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The Book of Destinies - Chetan Parkyn

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something without being able to provide any scientific knowledge, experience, or precedent to reassure them. Just because you know something that you consider important does not mean that anyone else is ready and willing to hear it or do anything about it.

      If you seek to bring big changes into the world, find the correct timing and make sure the changes you seek are creative, practical, and most importantly, aligned with your inner sense of what you know is right. Provided you are acting according to your own Type and Authority, and therefore in right timing, this approach assures your success and personal fulfillment.

      Sun in Gate 2

       The Interpersonal Life Theme of DEFIANCE (2)

       Don RicklesTraci LordsBilly JoelAlbert FinneyGary Glitter

      Your Life Theme is to defy the current status of affairs that confront you in life to find another, perhaps higher, or at the very least different way. You turn the tables on anything in life that you deem requires redirecting by employing any argument or principle that you can find. Rather than being constrained to seek satisfaction through your mind or your emotions, you succeed when you allow yourself to be driven by a profound inner connection with your Higher Self and what you know in your bones to be right.

      You whole life journey involves breaking with the “status quo” of outdated and inept ways of living to be free to introduce and encourage authenticity to the world around you. You befriend those who honor your transcendent ways and enjoy those who are open to expanding their reality by engaging with your creative concepts and statements. At the same time, you quietly move apart from those who do not appreciate your transformative ways, however much they might want your attentions.

      With your Conscious Sun in Gate 2, you are open to receive direction from aspects of your nature that give you an attunement with a source that cannot be proven but that gives you a profound sense of “knowing.” When you know, you know. When you relay that knowing or wisdom into the world, you are likely to be met by disbelief and sometimes scorn until what you know becomes apparent to everyone. You are likely to react to traditions and belief systems that you realize are obsolete, but you know well that good timing and clear statements are very important in bringing about definite changes in people’s attitudes. Remember your own Type and Authority, and you will find your own perfect way to defy the world’s sleepy ways.

      Sun in Gate 3

       The Personal Life Theme of THE LAWS (1)

       Charlie ChaplinQueen Elizabeth IIVictoria (Posh) BeckhamJennifer GarnerAnn RomneyKate Hudson

      Your Life Theme is to establish law and order in an unruly world. You do this by becoming aware of the values that are important to you, which have been gleaned from the lessons of past experiences and dealings with those around you. As a child it was important for you to come to terms with rules and regulations and their consequences. When you appreciate these consequences today, you begin to find the flaws in the ways society has arranged things and can either bring about improvements or find your way around obstacles that you reckon cannot be changed. Potentially melancholic, your nature is transformative in that your own life will progressively jump through many different realities while you espouse the values and laws that you deem essential for the world in which you live.

      You are probably aware that in the best circumstances laws are made to give guidance and provide an environment of fairness. However, they also need to be relevant in changing times. Rules that are imposed as a fixed dogma sooner or later are broken or deliberately rewritten. Life is not static, and as changes happen, so does the need to rearrange laws. You will continuously find yourself in the midst of this process and come to realize that not only is your life in an ongoing state of transformation, but so are the lives of everyone, including your family, friends, associates, and clients. Some people will thoroughly enjoy the constant changes taking place around you, and others will find some cause to distance themselves. You are an agent for life transformation, and this is an aspect of your life that is essential for you to appreciate.

      With your Conscious Sun in Gate 3, you are called on to innovate through new concepts, standards, and ideas. You have a great need to be grounded and organized while you are innovating; if you aren’t, you will find yourself constantly challenged and increasingly unsure of what values are most meaningful for you. Recognize that your life is mutative and that you are always bringing transformation into your own life and the lives of others. Many people are not keen on radical changes and will confront you or leave you to your own ways because the innovations and lifestyle you embrace are too transformational for them. Be clear in your need for organization, and pay attention to your own Type and Authority. If you do, you will find that not only do you attract the company that really appreciates you and your ways, but your life will grow in leaps and bounds and so will your sense of fulfillment.

      Sun in Gate 3

       The Fixed Life Theme of MUTATION/INNOVATION (1)

      Your Life Theme is to transform your world, one way or another, and bring innovations to everyone’s life. You do this by overturning old practices, laws, or customs that no longer serve the welfare of humanity and by presenting new alternatives, tried or untried, to replace them. You tend to be very set in your approach to innovation, and you easily attract those who will allow you to take a leadership role regardless of where you might take them. Providing influence or leadership comes naturally to you. With leadership comes the responsibility not only to those who follow you but also to yourself to discern who and what you wish to attract and who and what to avoid.

      You have a powerful imagination along with a strong ability to influence others. Both of these abilities need to be exercised with clarity to serve you best. Often you are dealing with situations that involve people who do not have what might be considered the highest values in their lives. Rather than get swayed by values that are not resonant with you, be vigilant that in your own life you allow your own self-assurance to bring about the innovations you know to be right. It is not difficult for you to upend traditions that have been set in place for eons, but having that ability and knowing when to use it is an important distinction to make.

      Being overly rigid in your approach toward innovation can lead to disappointments when you cannot make the changes you stand for. However, this fixed attitude of yours can unexpectedly open doorways into powerfully transformative arenas affecting you and everyone around you in thoroughly empowering and groundbreaking ways. Be clear through your attention to Type and Authority about who and what really resonates with you, and you will be amazed at the opportunities life gives you and who joins you and contributes to your journey.

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