The Book of Destinies. Chetan Parkyn

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The Book of Destinies - Chetan Parkyn

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helps people get their lives in order. You will be called into emotional situations of all sorts, sometimes applying a loving hand and at other times needing to bang people’s heads together to get them to see sense. The challenge for you is to remain objective in dramas so that you are emotionally clear yourself. Your gift is getting people to appreciate both themselves and those in their life who are in a position to affect their emotional well-being.

      With your Conscious Sun in Gate 6, you will find that it always falls to you to be the mediator in the realm of emotions, that arena of pleasure and pain, agony and ecstasy, delight and disaster, sex, food, drugs, addictions, and all the highs and lows of life. In your own way you will guide many people to transform their difficulties into benefits, their trials into accomplishments, and their shortcomings into profits. You have ways of making an ordeal into an experience, sometimes imparting to everyone a deep sense of acceptance for all the trials that life can offer, considering them as ways to grow in our strengths and abilities. You are designed to be more competent than most in the ways of the world, and when you apply yourself wisely and in accordance with your own Type and Authority, you naturally bring benefit for yourself and others, and you avoid those situations that must be left to others to resolve.

      Sun in Gate 7

       The Personal Life Theme of DIRECTION (THE SPHINX) (3)

       Alexander FlemingWhitney HoustonDustin HoffmanRoger Federer

      Direction is your purpose in life, whether you are finding a direction for yourself or showing the way for others. Many will see you as a lighthouse that allows others to find their own bearings. At times you find yourself pointing a way that defies normal explanation, but if you are true to yourself and your creative impulses, the direction will be the right one. On our planet, the Sphinx in Egypt symbolizes an ancient, forgotten, yet ever-constant mystical guidance toward something greater than ourselves. Somewhere in your being, you remember.

      Be aware that your ability to point the way for someone does not automatically imply you then have to take the lead for them, or that it is your responsibility or obligation to carry others through their lives, even if you could. If you find yourself overly obliged to others and continuously helping them find their way, you might consider reviewing how healthy those relationships really are. Pointing the direction for someone and then encouraging them to engage with their own abilities is the best approach. Ultimately, everyone is responsible for their own life journey, and forgetting this can entangle you in one distraction after another.

      With your Conscious Sun in Gate 7, you give logical guidance that aims everyone toward what you see as an assured future. You can make it your business to either take charge of situations or give guidance that’s often drawn from your own experiences. Ultimately, you seek to be influential, even if you offer your input and then withdraw. Gate 7 has many different approaches to “pointing the way” (according to the line numbers that determine your Profile), but no matter what yours is, you are a beacon for those who have concerns for their future well-being. Remember that your own Type and Authority tell you who gets your guidance, and when to give it, as well as letting you know when to be available to lead the way and when to step aside and let others find their own way.

      Sun in Gate 7

       The Fixed Life Theme of INTERACTION (3)

      Your Life Theme is to be in the thick of social interactions. You find opportunities at every turn to forge relationships in which you can take charge and provide leadership and guidance in one form or another. Through your friendships and interactions, you listen to people’s input and life stories on a very deep level, often interjecting your insights and knowledge. If you find that your input is not appreciated, you will back away and find new places and circles in which to interact. You are often the one who brings many people and viewpoints together, but who then leaves to let everyone get on by themselves.

      You have a very direct way of communicating with people, sometimes coming out with statements that are difficult for others to instantly comprehend. It might be that you are relating something that others have never considered. You have points of view that break people out of their old patterns and lifestyles but that can sometimes be too “different” for them to adopt right away or even over the long term. Certainly you have the ability to listen very deeply to others’ life concerns and empathize with them. You might come to know more about someone than they know about themselves, but there are limits to how much involvement is healthy for you in helping others to resolve their issues. Be aware of the power of your voice and in particular the tonality of your speech. When you are relaxed and speaking in turn, what you have to say will have the greatest effect.

      Your tendency is to be strategic; you are interested to see where social and business interactions can be aimed toward future accomplishments. You have a real gift for interjecting and raising people’s awareness, pointing to a vision that humanity will prosper through clear interactions that serve common interests. However, you are often ahead of your time and too idealistic for those who have strong vested self-interests or security concerns. You will doubtless be disappointed at times when people are not open to your guidance, but if you take time to develop good speech skills and timing, you will have the greatest effect in life. Be clear in your own Type and Authority to know when to commit yourself and when, and how, to withdraw with honor.

      Sun in Gate 7

       The Interpersonal Life Theme of CHARADES (MASKS) (3)

       Melanie GriffithAntonio BanderasSteve WozniakKylie Jenner

      You are here to play many roles in this lifetime to suit a continually changing array of situations. You bring transformation into the lives of everyone with whom you interact, often mysteriously and without them knowing that you have touched their lives. With an uncanny facility to adapt to any role in order to fulfill your purpose in the moment, you must be careful not to overly identify with any particular role, such as those related to university degrees, civic titles, and other “officially recognized” forms of identification. Everyone may want you to play a part in their life. However, it is up to you to know whether to interact or not. In particular, you have a tendency to consistently put yourself in the role of the authoritative “rescuer.”

      You have the gift of being able to resolve almost any dilemma for others and can quickly find yourself in great demand among those who attract crises to themselves. It may be very gratifying to fix others’ problems so easily, but your life will rapidly become uncomfortable if you feel it’s your permanent job to keep the lives of others moving harmoniously. Knowing how to slip into and out of problematic situations graciously is an art form you need to master.


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