Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce. Jimmy Lin

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Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce - Jimmy Lin Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies

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The distributed file system (DFS) that underlies MapReduce adopts exactly this approach. The Google File System (GFS) [57] supports Google’s proprietary implementation of MapReduce; in the open-source world, HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) is an open-source implementation of GFS that supports Hadoop. Although MapReduce doesn’t necessarily require the distributed file system, it is difficult to realize many of the advantages of the programming model without a storage substrate that behaves much like the DFS.14

      Of course, distributed file systems are not new [7; 32; 74; 133; 147]. The MapReduce distributed file system builds on previous work but is specifically adapted to large-data processing workloads, and therefore departs from previous architectures in certain respects (see discussion by Ghemawat et al. [57] in the original GFS paper.). The main idea is to divide user data into blocks and replicate those blocks across the local disks of nodes in the cluster. Blocking data, of course, is not a new idea, but DFS blocks are significantly larger than block sizes in typical single-machine file systems (64 MB by default). The distributed file system adopts a master–slave architecture in which the master maintains the file namespace (metadata, directory structure, file to block mapping, location of blocks, and access permissions) and the slaves manage the actual data blocks. In GFS, the master is called the GFS master, and the slaves are called GFS chunkservers. In Hadoop, the same roles are filled by the namenode and datanodes, respectively.15 This book adopts the Hadoop terminology, although for most basic file operations GFS and HDFS work much the same way. The architecture of HDFS is shown in Figure 2.5, redrawn from a similar diagram describing GFS [57].

      In HDFS, an application client wishing to read a file (or a portion thereof) must first contact the namenode to determine where the actual data is stored. In response to the client request, the namenode returns the relevant block id and the location where the block is held (i.e., which datanode). The client then contacts the datanode to retrieve the data. Blocks are themselves stored on standard single-machine file systems, so HDFS lies on top of the standard OS stack (e.g., Linux). An important feature of the design is that data is never moved through the namenode. Instead, all data transfer occurs directly between clients and datanodes; communication with the namenode only involves transfer of metadata.


      By default, HDFS stores three separate copies of each data block to ensure reliability, availability, and performance. In large clusters, the three replicas are spread across different physical racks, so HDFS is resilient towards two common failure scenarios: individual datanode crashes and failures in networking equipment that bring an entire rack offline. Replicating blocks across physical machines also increases opportunities to co-locate data and processing in the scheduling of MapReduce jobs, since multiple copies yield more opportunities to exploit locality. The namenode is in periodic communication with the datanodes to ensure proper replication of all the blocks: if there aren’t enough replicas (e.g., due to disk or machine failures or to connectivity losses due to networking equipment failures), the namenode directs the creation of additional copies;16 if there are too many replicas (e.g., a repaired node rejoins the cluster), extra copies are discarded.

      To create a new file and write data to HDFS, the application client first contacts the namenode, which updates the file namespace after checking permissions and making sure the file doesn’t already exist. The namenode allocates a new block on a suitable datanode, and the application is directed to stream data directly to it. From the initial datanode, data is further propagated to additional replicas. In the most recent release of Hadoop as of this writing (release 0.20.2), files are immutable—they cannot be modified after creation. There are current plans to officially support file appends in the near future, which is a feature already present in GFS.

      In summary, the HDFS namenode has the following responsibilities:

      • Namespace management. The namenode is responsible for maintaining the file namespace, which includes metadata, directory structure, file to block mapping, location of blocks, and access permissions. These data are held in memory for fast access and all mutations are persistently logged.

      • Coordinating file operations. The namenode directs application clients to datanodes for read operations, and allocates blocks on suitable datanodes for write operations. All data transfers occur directly between clients and datanodes. When a file is deleted, HDFS does not immediately reclaim the available physical storage; rather, blocks are lazily garbage collected.

      • Maintaining overall health of the file system. The namenode is in periodic contact with the datanodes via heartbeat messages to ensure the integrity of the system. If the namenode observes that a data block is under-replicated (fewer copies are stored on datanodes than the desired replication factor), it will direct the creation of new replicas. Finally, the namenode is also responsible for rebalancing the file system.17 During the course of normal operations, certain datanodes may end up holding more blocks than others; rebalancing involves moving blocks from datanodes with more blocks to datanodes with fewer blocks. This leads to better load balancing and more even disk utilization.

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