Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce. Jimmy Lin

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Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce - Jimmy Lin Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies

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computation is applied over all input records in a dataset. These operations occur in parallel and yield intermediate output that is then aggregated by another user-specified computation. The programmer defines these two types of computations, and the execution framework coordinates the actual processing (very loosely, MapReduce provides a functional abstraction). Although such a two-stage processing structure may appear to be very restrictive, many interesting algorithms can be expressed quite concisely—especially if one decomposes complex algorithms into a sequence of MapReduce jobs. Subsequent chapters in this book focus on how a number of algorithms can be implemented in MapReduce.

      To be precise, MapReduce can refer to three distinct but related concepts. First, MapReduce is a programming model, which is the sense discussed above. Second, MapReduce can refer to the execution framework (i.e., the “runtime”) that coordinates the execution of programs written in this particular style. Finally, MapReduce can refer to the software implementation of the programming model and the execution framework: for example, Google’s proprietary implementation vs. the open-source Hadoop implementation in Java. And, in fact, there are many implementations of MapReduce, e.g., targeted specifically for multi-core processors [127], for GPGPUs [71], for the CELL architecture [126], etc. There are some differences between the MapReduce programming model implemented in Hadoop and Google’s proprietary implementation, which we will explicitly discuss throughout the book. However, we take a rather Hadoop-centric view of MapReduce, since Hadoop remains the most mature and accessible implementation to date, and therefore the one most developers are likely to use.

      Key-value pairs form the basic data structure in MapReduce. Keys and values may be primitives such as integers, floating point values, strings, and raw bytes, or they may be arbitrarily complex structures (lists, tuples, associative arrays, etc.). Programmers typically need to define their own custom data types, although a number of libraries such as Protocol Buffers,5 Thrift,6 and Avro7 simplify the task.

      Part of the design of MapReduce algorithms involves imposing the key-value structure on arbitrary datasets. For a collection of web pages, keys may be URLs and values may be the actual HTML content. For a graph, keys may represent node ids and values may contain the adjacency lists of those nodes (see Chapter 5 for more details). In some algorithms, input keys are not particularly meaningful and are simply ignored during processing, while in other cases input keys are used to uniquely identify a datum (such as a record id). In Chapter 3, we discuss the role of complex keys and values in the design of various algorithms.

      In MapReduce, the programmer defines a mapper and a reducer with the following signatures:

      map: (k1,v1) → [(k2,v2)]

      reduce: (k2, [v2]) → [(k3,v3)]

      The convention […] is used throughout this book to denote a list. The input to a MapReduce job starts as data stored on the underlying distributed file system (see Section 2.5). The mapper is applied to every input key-value pair (split across an arbitrary number of files) to generate an arbitrary number of intermediate key-value pairs. The reducer is applied to all values associated with the same intermediate key to generate output key-value pairs.8 Implicit between the map and reduce phases is a distributed “group by” operation on intermediate keys. Intermediate data arrive at each reducer in order, sorted by the key. However, no ordering relationship is guaranteed for keys across different reducers. Output key-value pairs from each reducer are written persistently back onto the distributed file system (whereas intermediate key-value pairs are transient and not preserved). The output ends up in r files on the distributed file system, where r is the number of reducers. For the most part, there is no need to consolidate reducer output, since the r files often serve as input to yet another MapReduce job. Figure 2.2 illustrates this two-stage processing structure.

      A simple word count algorithm in MapReduce is shown in Figure 2.3. This algorithm counts the number of occurrences of every word in a text collection, which may be the first step in, for example, building a unigram language model (i.e., probability distribution over words in a collection). Input key-values pairs take the form of (docid, doc) pairs stored on the distributed file system, where the former is a unique identifier for the document, and the latter is the text of the document itself. The mapper takes an input key-value pair, tokenizes the document, and emits an intermediate key-value pair for every word: the word itself serves as the key, and the integer one serves as the value (denoting that we’ve seen the word once). The MapReduce execution framework guarantees that all values associated with the same key are brought together in the reducer. Therefore, in our word count algorithm, we simply need to sum up all counts (ones) associated with each word. The reducer does exactly this, and emits final key-value pairs with the word as the key, and the count as the value. Final output is written to the distributed file system, one file per reducer. Words within each file will be sorted by alphabetical order, and each file will contain roughly the same number of words. The partitioner, which we discuss later in Section 2.4, controls the assignment of words to reducers. The output can be examined by the programmer or used as input to another MapReduce program.

      There are some differences between the Hadoop implementation of MapReduce and Google’s implementation.9 In Hadoop, the reducer is presented with a key and an iterator over all values associated with the particular key. The values are arbitrarily ordered. Google’s implementation allows the programmer to specify a secondary sort key for ordering the values (if desired)—in which case values associated with each key would be presented to the developer’s reduce code in sorted order. Later in Section 3.4 we discuss how to overcome this limitation in Hadoop to perform secondary sorting. Another difference: in Google’s implementation the programmer is not allowed to change the key in the reducer. That is, the reducer output key must be exactly the same as the reducer input key. In Hadoop, there is no such restriction, and the reducer can emit an arbitrary number of output key-value pairs (with different keys).

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      To provide a bit more implementation detail: pseudo-code provided in this book roughly mirrors how MapReduce programs are written in Hadoop. Mappers and reducers are objects that implement the Map and Reduce methods, respectively. In Hadoop, a mapper object is initialized for each map task (associated with a particular sequence of key-value pairs called an input split) and the Map method is called on each key-value pair by the execution framework. In configuring a MapReduce job, the programmer provides a hint on the number of map tasks to run, but the execution framework (see next section) makes the final determination based on the physical layout of the data (more details in Section 2.5 and Section 2.6). The situation is similar for the reduce phase: a reducer object is initialized

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