Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce. Jimmy Lin

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Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce - Jimmy Lin Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies

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notoriously difficult to reason about and even harder to debug.

      MapReduce addresses the challenges of distributed programming by providing an abstraction that isolates the developer from system-level details (e.g., locking of data structures, data starvation issues in the processing pipeline, etc.). The programming model specifies simple and well-defined interfaces between a small number of components, and therefore is easy for the programmer to reason about. MapReduce maintains a separation of what computations are to be performed and how those computations are actually carried out on a cluster of machines. The first is under the control of the programmer, while the second is exclusively the responsibility of the execution framework or “runtime”. The advantage is that the execution framework only needs to be designed once and verified for correctness—thereafter, as long as the developer expresses computations in the programming model, code is guaranteed to behave as expected. The upshot is that the developer is freed from having to worry about system-level details (e.g., no more debugging race conditions and addressing lock contention) and can instead focus on algorithm or application design.

      Seamless scalability. For data-intensive processing, it goes without saying that scalable algorithms are highly desirable. As an aspiration, let us sketch the behavior of an ideal algorithm. We can define scalability along at least two dimensions.12 First, in terms of data: given twice the amount of data, the same algorithm should take at most twice as long to run, all else being equal. Second, in terms of resources: given a cluster twice the size, the same algorithm should take no more than half as long to run. Furthermore, an ideal algorithm would maintain these desirable scaling characteristics across a wide range of settings: on data ranging from gigabytes to petabytes, on clusters consisting of a few to a few thousand machines. Finally, the ideal algorithm would exhibit these desired behaviors without requiring any modifications whatsoever, not even tuning of parameters.

      Other than for embarrassingly parallel problems, algorithms with the characteristics sketched above are, of course, unobtainable. One of the fundamental assertions in Fred Brook’s classic The Mythical Man-Month [28] is that adding programmers to a project behind schedule will only make it fall further behind. This is because complex tasks cannot be chopped into smaller pieces and allocated in a linear fashion, and is often illustrated with a cute quote: “nine women cannot have a baby in one month”. Although Brook’s observations are primarily about software engineers and the software development process, the same is also true of algorithms: increasing the degree of parallelization also increases communication costs. The algorithm designer is faced with diminishing returns, and beyond a certain point, greater efficiencies gained by parallelization are entirely offset by increased communication requirements.

      Nevertheless, these fundamental limitations shouldn’t prevent us from at least striving for the unobtainable. The truth is that most current algorithms are far from the ideal. In the domain of text processing, for example, most algorithms today assume that data fit in memory on a single machine. For the most part, this is a fair assumption. But what happens when the amount of data doubles in the near future, and then doubles again shortly thereafter? Simply buying more memory is not a viable solution, as the amount of data is growing faster than the price of memory is falling. Furthermore, the price of a machine does not scale linearly with the amount of available memory beyond a certain point (once again, the scaling “up” vs. scaling “out” argument). Quite simply, algorithms that require holding intermediate data in memory on a single machine will break on sufficiently large datasets—moving from a single machine to a cluster architecture requires fundamentally different algorithms (and reimplementations).

      Perhaps the most exciting aspect of MapReduce is that it represents a small step toward algorithms that behave in the ideal manner discussed above. Recall that the programming model maintains a clear separation between what computations need to occur with how those computations are actually orchestrated on a cluster. As a result, a MapReduce algorithm remains fixed, and it is the responsibility of the execution framework to execute the algorithm. Amazingly, the MapReduce programming model is simple enough that it is actually possible, in many circumstances, to approach the ideal scaling characteristics discussed above. We introduce the idea of the “tradeable machine hour”, as a play on Brook’s classic title. If running an algorithm on a particular dataset takes 100 machine hours, then we should be able to finish in an hour on a cluster of 100 machines, or use a cluster of 10 machines to complete the same task in ten hours.13 With MapReduce, this isn’t so far from the truth, at least for some applications.

      “Due to the rapidly decreasing cost of processing, memory, and communication, it has appeared inevitable for at least two decades that parallel machines will eventually displace sequential ones in computationally intensive domains. This, however, has not happened.”

      —Leslie Valiant [148]14

      For several decades, computer scientists have predicted that the dawn of the age of parallel computing was “right around the corner” and that sequential processing would soon fade into obsolescence (consider, for example, the above quote). Yet, until very recently, they have been wrong. The relentless progress of Moore’s Law for several decades has ensured that most of the world’s problems could be solved by single-processor machines, save the needs of a few (scientists simulating molecular interactions or nuclear reactions, for example). Couple that with the inherent challenges of concurrency, and the result has been that parallel processing and distributed systems have largely been confined to a small segment of the market and esoteric upper-level electives in the computer science curriculum.

      However, all of that changed around the middle of the first decade of this century. The manner in which the semiconductor industry had been exploiting Moore’s Law simply ran out of opportunities for improvement: faster clocks, deeper pipelines, superscalar architectures, and other tricks of the trade reached a point of diminishing returns that did not justify continued investment. This marked the beginning of an entirely new strategy and the dawn of the multi-core era [115]. Unfortunately, this radical shift in hardware architecture was not matched at that time by corresponding advances in how software could be easily designed for these new processors (but not for lack of trying [104]). Nevertheless, parallel processing became an important issue at the forefront of everyone’s mind—it represented the only way forward.

      At around the same time, we witnessed the growth of large-data problems. In the late 1990s and even during the beginning of the first decade of this century, relatively few organizations had data-intensive processing needs that required large clusters: a handful of internet companies and perhaps a few dozen large corporations. But then, everything changed. Through a combination of many different factors (falling prices of disks, rise of user-generated web content, etc.), large-data problems began popping up everywhere. Data-intensive processing needs became widespread, which drove innovations in distributed computing such as MapReduce—first by Google, and then by Yahoo and the open source community. This in turn created more demand: when organizations learned about the availability of effective data analysis tools for large datasets, they began instrumenting various business processes to gather even more data—driven by the belief that more data lead to deeper insights and greater competitive advantages. Today, not only are large-data problems ubiquitous, but technological solutions for addressing them are widely accessible. Anyone can download the open-source Hadoop implementation of MapReduce, pay a modest fee to rent a cluster from a utility cloud provider, and be happily processing terabytes upon terabytes of data within the week. Finally, the computer scientists are right—the age of parallel computing has begun, both in terms of multiple cores in a chip and multiple machines in a cluster (each of which often has multiple cores).

      Why is MapReduce important? In practical terms, it provides a very effective tool for tackling large-data problems. But beyond that, MapReduce is important in how it has changed the way we organize computations at a massive scale. MapReduce represents the first widely adopted step away from the von Neumann model that has served as the foundation

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