Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce. Jimmy Lin

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Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce - Jimmy Lin Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies

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and the Reduce method is called once per intermediate key. In contrast with the number of map tasks, the programmer can precisely specify the number of reduce tasks. We will return to discuss the details of Hadoop job execution in Section 2.6, which is dependent on an understanding of the distributed file system (covered in Section 2.5). To reiterate: although the presentation of algorithms in this book closely mirrors the way they would be implemented in Hadoop, our focus is on algorithm design and conceptual understanding—not actual Hadoop programming. For that, we recommend Tom White’s book [154].

      What are the restrictions on mappers and reducers? Mappers and reducers can express arbitrary computations over their inputs. However, one must generally be careful about use of external resources since multiple mappers or reducers may be contending for those resources. For example, it may be unwise for a mapper to query an external SQL database, since that would introduce a scalability bottleneck on the number of map tasks that could be run in parallel (since they might all be simultaneously querying the database).10 In general, mappers can emit an arbitrary number of intermediate key-value pairs, and they need not be of the same type as the input key-value pairs. Similarly, reducers can emit an arbitrary number of final key-value pairs, and they can differ in type from the intermediate key-value pairs. Although not permitted in functional programming, mappers and reducers can have side effects. This is a powerful and useful feature: for example, preserving state across multiple inputs is central to the design of many MapReduce algorithms (see Chapter 3). Such algorithms can be understood as having side effects that only change state that is internal to the mapper or reducer. While the correctness of such algorithms may be more difficult to guarantee (since the function’s behavior depends not only on the current input but on previous inputs), most potential synchronization problems are avoided since internal state is private only to individual mappers and reducers. In other cases (see Sections 4.4 and 6.5), it may be useful for mappers or reducers to have external side effects, such as writing files to the distributed file system. Since many mappers and reducers are run in parallel, and the distributed file system is a shared global resource, special care must be taken to ensure that such operations avoid synchronization conflicts. One strategy is to write a temporary file that is renamed upon successful completion of the mapper or reducer [45].

      In addition to the “canonical” MapReduce processing flow, other variations are also possible. MapReduce programs can contain no reducers, in which case mapper output is directly written to disk (one file per mapper). For embarrassingly parallel problems, e.g., parse a large text collection or independently analyze a large number of images, this would be a common pattern. The converse—a MapReduce program with no mappers—is not possible, although in some cases it is useful for the mapper to implement the identity function and simply pass input key-value pairs to the reducers. This has the effect of sorting and regrouping the input for reduce-side processing. Similarly, in some cases it is useful for the reducer to implement the identity function, in which case the program simply sorts and groups mapper output. Finally, running identity mappers and reducers has the effect of regrouping and resorting the input data (which is sometimes useful).

      Although in the most common case, input to a MapReduce job comes from data stored on the distributed file system and output is written back to the distributed file system, any other system that satisfies the proper abstractions can serve as a data source or sink. With Google’s MapReduce implementation, Bigtable [34], a sparse, distributed, persistent multidimensional sorted map, is frequently used as a source of input and as a store of MapReduce output. HBase is an open-source Bigtable clone and has similar capabilities. Also, Hadoop has been integrated with existing MPP (massively parallel processing) relational databases, which allows a programmer to write MapReduce jobs over database rows and dump output into a new database table. Finally, in some cases MapReduce jobs may not consume any input at all (e.g., computing π) or may only consume a small amount of data (e.g., input parameters to many instances of processor-intensive simulations running in parallel).

      One of the most important ideas behind MapReduce is separating the what of distributed processing from the how. A MapReduce program, referred to as a job, consists of code for mappers and reducers (as well as combiners and partitioners to be discussed in the next section) packaged together with configuration parameters (such as where the input lies and where the output should be stored). The developer submits the job to the submission node of a cluster (in Hadoop, this is called the jobtracker) and execution framework (sometimes called the “runtime”) takes care of everything else: it transparently handles all other aspects of distributed code execution, on clusters ranging from a single node to a few thousand nodes. Specific responsibilities include:

      Scheduling. Each MapReduce job is divided into smaller units called tasks (see Section 2.6 for more details). For example, a map task may be responsible for processing a certain block of input key-value pairs (called an input split in Hadoop); similarly, a reduce task may handle a portion of the intermediate key space. It is not uncommon for MapReduce jobs to have thousands of individual tasks that need to be assigned to nodes in the cluster. In large jobs, the total number of tasks may exceed the number of tasks that can be run on the cluster concurrently, making it necessary for the scheduler to maintain some sort of a task queue and to track the progress of running tasks so that waiting tasks can be assigned to nodes as they become available. Another aspect of scheduling involves coordination among tasks belonging to different jobs (e.g., from different users). How can a large, shared resource support several users simultaneously in a predictable, transparent, policy-driven fashion? There has been some recent work along these lines in the context of Hadoop [131; 160].

      Speculative execution is an optimization that is implemented by both Hadoop and Google’s MapReduce implementation (called “backup tasks” [45]). Due to the barrier between the map and reduce tasks, the map phase of a job is only as fast as the slowest map task. Similarly, the completion time of a job is bounded by the running time of the slowest reduce task. As a result, the speed of a MapReduce job is sensitive to what are known as stragglers, or tasks that take an usually long time to complete. One cause of stragglers is flaky hardware: for example, a machine that is suffering from recoverable errors may become significantly slower. With speculative execution, an identical copy of the same task is executed on a different machine, and the framework simply uses the result of the first task attempt to finish. Zaharia et al. [161] presented different execution strategies in a recent paper, and Google reported that speculative execution can improve job running times by 44% [45]. Although in Hadoop both map and reduce tasks can be speculatively executed, the common wisdom is that the technique is more helpful for map tasks than reduce tasks, since each copy of the reduce task needs to pull data over the network. Note, however, that speculative execution cannot adequately address another common cause of stragglers: skew in the distribution of values associated with intermediate keys (leading to reduce stragglers). In text processing we often observe Zipfian distributions, which means that the task or tasks responsible for processing the most frequent few elements will run much longer than the typical task. Better local aggregation, discussed in the next chapter, is one possible solution to this problem.

      Data/code co-location. The phrase data distribution is misleading, since one of the key ideas behind MapReduce is to move the code, not the data. However, the more general point remains—in order for computation to occur, we need to somehow feed data to the code. In MapReduce, this issue is inextricably intertwined with scheduling and relies heavily on the design of the underlying distributed file system.11 To achieve data locality, the scheduler starts tasks on the node that holds a particular block of data (i.e., on its local drive) needed by the task. This has the effect of moving code to the data. If this is not possible (e.g., a node is already running too many tasks), new tasks will be started elsewhere, and the necessary data will be streamed over the network. An important optimization here is to prefer nodes that are on the same rack in the datacenter as the node holding the relevant data block, since inter-rack bandwidth is significantly

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