Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce. Jimmy Lin

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Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce - Jimmy Lin Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies

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gap is insufficient to justify the price premium of the high-end servers. For data-intensive applications, the conclusion appears to be clear: scaling “out” is superior to scaling “up”, and therefore most existing implementations of the MapReduce programming model are designed around clusters of low-end commodity servers.

      Capital costs in acquiring servers is, of course, only one component of the total cost of delivering computing capacity. Operational costs are dominated by the cost of electricity to power the servers as well as other aspects of datacenter operations that are functionally related to power: power distribution, cooling, etc. [18; 67]. As a result, energy efficiency has become a key issue in building warehouse-scale computers for large-data processing. Therefore, it is important to factor in operational costs when deploying a scale-out solution based on large numbers of commodity servers.

      Datacenter efficiency is typically factored into three separate components that can be independently measured and optimized [18]. The first component measures how much of a building’s incoming power is actually delivered to computing equipment, and correspondingly, how much is lost to the building’s mechanical systems (e.g., cooling, air handling) and electrical infrastructure (e.g., power distribution inefficiencies). The second component measures how much of a server’s incoming power is lost to the power supply, cooling fans, etc. The third component captures how much of the power delivered to computing components (processor, RAM, disk, etc.) is actually used to perform useful computations.

      Of the three components of datacenter efficiency, the first two are relatively straightforward to objectively quantify. Adoption of industry best-practices can help datacenter operators achieve state-of-the-art efficiency. The third component, however, is much more difficult to measure. One important issue that has been identified is the non-linearity between load and power draw. That is, a server at 10% utilization may draw slightly more than half as much power as a server at 100% utilization (which means that a lightly loaded server is much less efficient than a heavily loaded server). A survey of five thousand Google servers over a six-month period shows that servers operate most of the time at between 10% and 50% utilization [17], which is an energy-inefficient operating region. As a result, Barroso and Hölzle have advocated for research and development in energy-proportional machines, where energy consumption would be proportional to load, such that an idle processor would (ideally) consume no power, but yet retain the ability to power up (nearly) instantaneously in response to demand.

      Although we have provided a brief overview here, datacenter efficiency is a topic that is beyond the scope of this book. For more details, consult Barroso and Hölzle [18] and Hamilton [67], who provide detailed cost models for typical modern datacenters. However, even factoring in operational costs, evidence suggests that scaling out remains more attractive than scaling up.

      Assume failures are common. At warehouse scale, failures are not only inevitable, but commonplace. A simple calculation suffices to demonstrate: let us suppose that a cluster is built from reliable machines with a mean-time between failures (MTBF) of 1000 days (about three years). Even with these reliable servers, a 10,000-server cluster would still experience roughly 10 failures a day. For the sake of argument, let us suppose that a MTBF of 10,000 days (about 30 years) were achievable at realistic costs (which is unlikely). Even then, a 10,000-server cluster would still experience one failure daily. This means that any large-scale service that is distributed across a large cluster (either a user-facing application or a computing platform like MapReduce) must cope with hardware failures as an intrinsic aspect of its operation [66]. That is, a server may fail at any time, without notice. For example, in large clusters disk failures are common [123] and RAM experiences more errors than one might expect [135]. Datacenters suffer from both planned outages (e.g., system maintenance and hardware upgrades) and unexpected outages (e.g., power failure, connectivity loss, etc.).

      A well-designed, fault-tolerant service must cope with failures up to a point without impacting the quality of service—failures should not result in inconsistencies or indeterminism from the user perspective. As servers go down, other cluster nodes should seamlessly step in to handle the load, and overall performance should gracefully degrade as server failures pile up. Just as important, a broken server that has been repaired should be able to seamlessly rejoin the service without manual reconfiguration by the administrator. Mature implementations of the MapReduce programming model are able to robustly cope with failures through a number of mechanisms such as automatic task restarts on different cluster nodes.

      Move processing to the data. In traditional high-performance computing (HPC) applications (e.g., for climate or nuclear simulations), it is commonplace for a supercomputer to have “processing nodes” and “storage nodes” linked together by a high-capacity interconnect. Many data-intensive workloads are not very processor-demanding, which means that the separation of compute and storage creates a bottleneck in the network. As an alternative to moving data around, it is more efficient to move the processing around. That is, MapReduce assumes an architecture where processors and storage (disk) are co-located. In such a setup, we can take advantage of data locality by running code on the processor directly attached to the block of data we need. The distributed file system is responsible for managing the data over which MapReduce operates.

      Process data sequentially and avoid random access. Data-intensive processing by definition means that the relevant datasets are too large to fit in memory and must be held on disk. Seek times for random disk access are fundamentally limited by the mechanical nature of the devices: read heads can only move so fast and platters can only spin so rapidly. As a result, it is desirable to avoid random data access, and instead organize computations so that data are processed sequentially. A simple scenario10 poignantly illustrates the large performance gap between sequential operations and random seeks: assume a 1 terabyte database containing 1010 100-byte records. Given reasonable assumptions about disk latency and throughput, a back-of-the-envelop calculation will show that updating 1% of the records (by accessing and then mutating each record) will take about a month on a single machine. On the other hand, if one simply reads the entire database and rewrites all the records (mutating those that need updating), the process would finish in under a work day on a single machine. Sequential data access is, literally, orders of magnitude faster than random data access.11

      The development of solid-state drives is unlikely to change this balance for at least two reasons. First, the cost differential between traditional magnetic disks and solid-state disks remains substantial: large-data will for the most part remain on mechanical drives, at least in the near future. Second, although solid-state disks have substantially faster seek times, order-of-magnitude differences in performance between sequential and random access still remain.

      MapReduce is primarily designed for batch processing over large datasets. To the extent possible, all computations are organized into long streaming operations that take advantage of the aggregate bandwidth of many disks in a cluster. Many aspects of MapReduce’s design explicitly trade latency for throughput.

      Hide system-level details from the application developer. According to many guides on the practice of software engineering written by experienced industry professionals, one of the key reasons why writing code is difficult is because the programmer must simultaneously keep track of many details in short-term memory—ranging from the mundane (e.g., variable names) to the sophisticated (e.g., a corner case of an algorithm that requires special treatment). This imposes a high cognitive load and requires intense concentration, which leads to a number of recommendations about a programmer’s environment (e.g., quiet office, comfortable furniture, large monitors, etc.). The challenges in writing distributed software are greatly compounded—the programmer must manage details across several threads, processes, or machines. Of course, the biggest headache in distributed programming is that code runs concurrently in unpredictable orders, accessing data in unpredictable patterns. This gives rise to race conditions, deadlocks, and other well-known problems. Programmers are taught to use low-level devices such as mutexes and to apply high-level “design patterns” such as producer–consumer queues to tackle these

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