Biophysical Therapy of Allergies. Peter Schumacher

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Biophysical Therapy of Allergies - Peter Schumacher

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the discoveries of science more accessible and palatable for laypeople, simple thought modalities have been introduced. They do not claim to be absolutely correct within the framework of the presently accepted scientific paradigm, but offer tremendous illustrative ideas that facilitate often complicated interrelations.

      Fig. 1.1 Even though the “thought modality” of two levels separated by space is surreal, it facilitates the understanding of many biophysical regulatory processes in living systems.

      One of these proven thought modalities is the idea of two distinctly separated ways of operating. Both affect and order our entire world:


On the one hand there is the material level, with its dimensions directly accessible to our senses: substance, form, cells, tissue, biochemical processes, etc. This is what we are accustomed to and the premise allopathic medicine operates under.


On the other hand there is the idea we are less familiar with of a sphere of intangible control and regulatory processes. This is the informational level that the material level is subject to (Fig. 1.1).

      The term level was used to better illustrate the idea. We could also use the term field. This would be closer to the reality of physical science, but would place us between the opposing sides of the physicists still vehemently debating the term.

Information and Medicine

      Our previous findings support the fact that everything in this world that operates in one way or another is subject to the controlling and regulating forces of the informational level. In terms of all areas dealing with living organisms, medicine included, this means that all processes regarding life, growth, development, metabolism, sickness, health, even death and decomposition occur on the material level in biochemical ways. However, they receive their regulatory information from the level above. Without exception, all processes pertaining to matter are subject to the informational level. This also signifies that all processes can be influenced from that level. Therefore a medical evaluation, be it diagnosis or therapy, that can affect the informational level has to be far superior to any method restricted to the material level!

      It is easy to come to this theoretical conclusion. In practice it is difficult to obtain access to a system. We have to find a “code,” just like with a computer, certain information that opens the system like a key and creates the possibility to influence it.

      A homeopathic simile, for example, would be compatible information. Searching for the greatest possible congruity between the patient's symptoms and the effect of the medicine is nothing more than looking for this codification. It allows access to the regulatory level, the patient's informational system.

      Homeopathy as a Physical Therapy Modality

      Samuel Hahnemann, a gifted and brilliant man, intuitively recognized 200 years ago that a substance's intangible information can bring about a profound effect in the body assuming it is the right information at the right potency. The simile and potency principle belong together and are law-governed, as physicist W. R. Adey postulated 200 years later: “Frequency (informational content) and intensity of a biological signal must lie within a certain limited range (Adey window) in order to have an effect on a living system”(Adey 1988).

      Hahnemann and the teachings of homeopathy were too far ahead of their times to be commonly acknowledged. Homeopathy existed in the paramedical arena and was not completely understood, even by its own devotees. Now we know that a purely physical scientific principle had been found empirically and developed into an effective healing method. The healing principle is based on specific physical scientific information, the physics codification, of a medicine interacting with the intangible controlling and regulatory processes of an organism.

      For a medicine to work in the physical scientific framework, it is necessary to largely eliminate its chemically material elements. This is done with the potency process. As is generally known, beyond D23 a potentized substance no longer contains any molecules at all. This fact is the main argument proponents of the materialistic paradigm use against homeopathy (“where there is nothing, there can be no effect”).

      However, it is precisely this fact that is one of the main presuppositions as to why it works. Homeopathy dissects the phenomenological symptoms of illness and medicine into the minutest details and uses them as the key to open the patient's informational system. The more exactly the key fits, the better the medicine works.

      Acupuncture is an alternative method of treatment, but has the same goal: influencing functional processes in organisms.

      The fascinating teachings of Chinese acupuncture are a particularly impressive example illustrating discoveries that were first recorded by subtly watching functional interrelations. East Asian philosophy, wisdom, and patience collected extensive knowledge regarding energetic processes and interrelationships within organisms. The knowledge of two opposite forces (yin and yang) continuously interacting as well as energy flowing throughout meridians (a complex structure subject to clear laws) opens the possibility to selectively influence harmonic and functional disruptions of the entire system. Physical stimulation such as pin pricks, warmth, and pressure applied locally—even laser light of a specific wavelength—can bring about astonishing results when applied at specific points on the body.

      In modern computer studies, I. E. Dumitrescu proved that acupuncture points empirically found and known for hundreds of years indicate “ channels carrying information between an organism and its electrical environment” (Dumitrescu 1989). If that type of channel is stimulated by a pin prick, an electrical field that serves as an information carrier is established. This allows the exchange of information from both ends of the channel and also between channels (when treating several points).

      The essence of ancient acupuncture can therefore be considered in terms of modern research to be a completely physical methodology operating in the informational and regulatory system of an organism.

      In the early 1950s some interested physicians (R. De La Fuye, J. E. H. Niboyet in France, W. Schmidt in Germany) thought of combining the basics of Chinese acupuncture with the possibilities of modern electronics. They started to measure the classical acupuncture points electrically.

      The actual founder of electro-acupuncture, however, is the German physician Reinhold Voll. Thanks to his diligence and extraordinary energy we now have the impressive teachings of EAV (electro-acupuncture according to Voll). Voll and his coworkers created a system of specific points used to measure organs and their surrounding areas. This system far exceeds the original Chinese acupuncture system. Generally speaking, electro-acupuncture uses a special device that emits very low electricity to measure the tension of an organism at specific acupuncture points. Voll was able to prove that there are interconnections between certain points and their respectively assigned organs and corresponding areas. According to Schmitz-Harbauer (1992), they realized that, “pathological response signals at electrically

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