Biophysical Therapy of Allergies. Peter Schumacher

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Biophysical Therapy of Allergies - Peter Schumacher

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style="font-size:15px;">      A completely new aspect in therapy was also to make use of a self-regulating cybernetic feedback loop that occurred during therapy. The therapy device does not use the patient's information collected at the beginning of the therapy throughout the course of the therapy. Instead, the device converts patient's oscillation patterns into therapeutic treatment oscillations. Their effect immediately influences the organism and changes the patient's wave patterns. Subsequently, the therapy continuously adapts itself to the new situation it initiated. Patient and therapy device together form a complete and perfect cybernetic feedback loop.

      Morell first introduced the therapy modality using the patient's own signals in 1977. This was initially called Mora therapy (a combination of the first letters of its inventor Morell and of Rasche, an electronics engineer and his son-in-law, who designed the first therapy device) (Morell 1987).

      The development of other devices eventually necessitated a more neutral name. These days the term bioresonance therapy is commonly used as a collective name for this type of therapy modality. The devices developed by Rasche continue to be called Mora.

      Morell's hypotheses and conclusions, initially theoretical, have proven correct in practice with regards to the content. Meanwhile the experiences of several thousand physicians and therapists with their patients speak for themselves.

      A therapy modality using the patient's own oscillations, as does the bioresonance therapy, is automatically universally applicable. In principle, all kinds of illnesses or disturbances may be treated, be they acute or chronic, organic or functional, already manifest or without symptoms. In effect, the patient treats him/herself. Some of the information relating to the illness that comes into play is unknown to patient and therapist, but already a stressor within the body. This prophylactic aspect mentioned is particularly important in pediatrics. Using bioresonance therapy on a child signifies more than simply treating the symptoms; rather it acts as a preventative measure for the future.

      Our experiences and observations span more than 10 000 patients, primarily children as we are a pediatric practice. Meanwhile, in addition to other specific treatments, we routinely apply bioresonance therapy to each patient who is in need of any therapy, for whatever reason. Particularly with children, the therapy is often extraordinarily effective. Almost daily, for several years now, parents have been bringing their sick children to our practice requesting bioresonance therapy, knowing that it usually provides rapid improvement. Concurrent treatment with homeopathic remedies and other naturopathic modalities almost always eliminate the need for the use of chemical drugs, particularly antibiotics. We use them very rarely now.

      Bioresonance therapy plays an important role in “reversing” a child's susceptibility to infections and general immune deficiencies. Daily we listen to the often tragic stories of children who have not been able to escape a series of infections for months, even years. The pathogenic mechanism is the same in many cases: imprudent treatment suppressing the symptoms of each and every small disturbance, starting from infancy. This inhibits, sometimes prohibits, normal “immunological learning processes” and the establishment of effective defense mechanisms. Antibiotics have to be taken in continuously shorter time intervals. Often the child becomes dependent on the medication.

      A disastrous cycle begins: an illness characteristic for the times we live in. There could not be a more typical example demonstrating the erroneous development of our medical paradigm. The only chance these patients, primarily children (of any age), have is to reverse their therapies: Abstain from applying chemically suppressive therapies wherever it is deemed responsible. Instead, stimulate and support the body's own defense mechanisms. This is the only way to train and strengthen the immune system, which will eventually enable the patients to overcome illnesses of their own accord.

      In our opinion, bioresonance therapy has turned out to be an invaluable tool for this important process of reversal. Addressing the organism from a higher level, the regulatory and informational level, toxins can be eliminated, blockages overcome, and the organism can be brought into a state of balance.

      The aforementioned example, from our practice, regarding the susceptibility to infection is meant to highlight the possibilities a therapy offers that is based exclusively on the patient's own bodily regulatory codification. It has the potential to assess and treat the source of an illness by addressing the preceding or accompanying disturbances in the regulatory system. Older patients are often dealing with much more diverse and severe stressors that have accumulated over the course of their lives: disruptive conditions which are a consequence of inflammatory processes that have never healed completely or have become chronic, scars of any kind, disruption of intestinal bacterial flora or intestinal function, disturbances of the mineral or acid-base metabolism, toxic stresses caused by environmental toxins, heavy metals, etc. Finally, there are many exogenous interferences such as technical force fields, weather changes, geopathic stress, and the many unnatural accumulating influences that our modern world offers. We know of no other therapy that is more suited to our times than the bioresonance therapy with its concept of the elimination of toxins and harmonization.

      The specific and impressive potential of the bioresonance therapy to treat allergies will be covered extensively in this book. Before going into detail, I would like to present a general overview of the method, its technique, and its manifold possibilities.

      The technical aspect of the therapy is easy and in no way additionally stresses the patient. At least two electrodes, which are connected to the therapy device via cables, are placed on the patient's body. One of these cables is the input cable, usually black. It is attached to the input beaker of the device and transmits the patient's frequency patterns to the device. A second cable, the output cable (always red to avoid confusion), returns modulated therapeutic frequency patterns (signals inverted in the device or via other methods) to the patient via the output electrode (Fig. 1.2)

      Electrodes come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. Each can be placed on various parts of the body. In our practice it is customary to run a basic therapy on each patient, regardless of diagnosis and treatment indication. This serves to collect the complete spectrum of a patient's information. Everyone familiar with acupuncture knows that all acupuncture meridians start or end at the hands or feet. Therefore the basic therapy usually uses hand and/or feet electrodes. Electrodes can basically be simple conducting metal plates. The development of multicoated electrodes, which use a permanent magnetic field and act like antennae, subsequently have a deep-reaching effect (BICOM electrodes, Regumed, Inc.). They have brought about significant improvement. These magnetic electrodes are flat and come in different sizes. Flexible electrodes for uneven body parts (including the head) have proven rather useful as well.


      Fig. 1.2 Schematic representation of the bioresonance therapy. The patient's own frequencies are transmitted to the therapy device via cables where they are electronically modulated (i.e. inverted) and are returned to the patient as therapeutic frequency patterns.

      As children are generally unable to keep their feet still, we almost always use hand electrodes. Commonly used electrodes are the brass cylinder electrodes, as is customary in electro-acupuncture (Fig. 1.3). For babies (in their mother's or father's lap), we tend to use clamp electrodes as used in electrocardiography (Fig. 1.4).

      Following the basic therapy that primarily aims at altering and bringing the entire body into balance, the second step primarily directs treatment to the focal infection. Various specialized electrodes are available for this localized therapy. When treating children we found the so-called gold-finger electrode with its rounded tip most useful. It is suitable for point and surface therapy. The patients also seem to like it a lot (Figs. 1.5–7).


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