Biophysical Therapy of Allergies. Peter Schumacher

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Biophysical Therapy of Allergies - Peter Schumacher

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pathological changes in organs, systems, or subsystems.”

      Measuring the acupuncture point is not exclusively meant to measure the electrophysiological properties of tissue in and around the area of the point, rather it is meant to measure the regulatory field interrelating to the point.

      The ability to electrically measure functional and energetic conditions of an organism on the epidermal layer of the skin is a medical sensation. Unfortunately, it has not been recognized as such by other than a few insiders of the electro-acupuncture community.

      Even more sensational and important was the discovery of the so-called drug testing. In 1954, Voll accidentally observed that a drug held by a patient changes the measurements at the acupuncture points. Initially, this phenomenon seems unbelievable as this change also took place when the substance was contained in a glass tube. The same happened with homeopathic high-potencies, solutions that no longer contain any molecules of the substance, but only intangible information.

      Kramer showed that the “energetic frequencies” of a particular substance are transmitted via metallic conductors. He corroborated that the same information can also be transmitted without a conduction medium, solely “by air” over a short distance. He concluded that the effect of the “drug test” must be caused by “electromagnetic frequencies, similar to radio wave” (Kramer 1979).

      The question arose as to whether the physical information of the test substance could be transmitted by a sender-receiver system. Experiments to that effect were positive. A device was subsequently developed. This device proved to be very worthwhile in clinical practice as it simplified the drug test and saved time. A brass plate attached to the sender registers the electromagnetic information of the tested substance and sends a wireless transmission to the receiver via an amplitude modulated frequency. The patient is connected to the receiver by cables and electrodes. As is customary, the acupuncture points are measured and show the same results as if the measurement were taken via direct contact with the patient and the substance.

      Toward the end of the 1950s we already had a simple procedure, comprehensible for physicians, which proved that the specific physical information of a substance can be tapped. This information clearly possesses the properties of electromagnetic oscillations and unequivocally creates measurable changes in the informational system of a patient.

      These findings were breathtaking and exciting, but too far removed from the well-worn path of traditional scientific thinking. They were not able to find broad acceptance in the medical community. Despite impressive success in diagnostics and therapies, electro-acupuncture remained a medical outsider. It eventually found many supporters among open-minded German naturopaths.

      Unerringly, Voll expanded the method, discovering ever more correlations and new epidermal points related to organs. EAV soon became a very complex field of knowledge not easily accessible for most people. Voll's autocratic leadership style also created resistance within the EAV community. Aspirations to improve and simplify the method soon split the association. New groups started up that developed different methodologies, but never denied the intellectual heritage of Reinhold Voll.

      In the early days of electro-acupuncture a physician from Nurnberg, W. Schmidt, had his own ideas and co-founded a new independent “Arbeits-und Forschungsgemeinschaft fur bioelektronische Funktionsdiagnostik und -therapie” (BFD) (Research Community for Bioelectronic Functional Diagnostic and Therapy) with H. Vill.

      The BFD developed successfully. It endeavored to simplify test methods (e.g., measuring skin conductivity, electro-impulse dermography, decoder dermography) and emphasized regulation diagnosis (Bergsmann, Maresch, Pflaum, Vill, and others).

      Also interested in simplifying the EAV method, H. Schimmel pursued a different path yet again, in the early 1970s. He aimed to replace the time-consuming method of measuring many organ-specific points customary with Voll with simpler and more elegant methods. Using test ampoules of potentized organ preparations as diagnostic indicators, he found it was possible to measure just a few arbitrary points. Now known as the Vega test, this method has proven useful in practice and has found numerous proponents (Schimmel 1991).

      Thanks to the various electro-acupuncture techniques, progress was made particularly in the diagnostics field. Now it was possible to show relationships between certain epidermal points and internal organs as well as functional correlations (i. e., between foci and other organisms). Using the method of drug testing, it was possible to predict the effect of homeopathic substances and allopathic drugs for the first time.

      At that time, the research done by Popp was unknown and hardly anyone in medicine was considering superior regulatory operations in living processes. Thanks to his seemingly clairvoyant perception and intuition, Morell recognized the correlations. He assumed that all processes within an organism must be accompanied, regulated, or caused by electromagnetic oscillations. Just as each substance shows specific electromagnetic information (demonstrated by the aforementioned drug testing), in the same way, each living being possesses a codified informational base consisting of many specified pieces of operational data. This particular frequency spectrum, specific to a patient and valid only at a particular moment in time, should contain all information relevant for this living being. There are physiological, healthy “harmonious” as well as pathological “disharmonious” oscillation patterns. The latter are meant to be weakened or eliminated. Illness, therefore, is an imbalance in an organism's oscillation pattern where pathological “disharmonious” oscillations dominate! Morell's postulations were something to this effect.

      He had the ingenious idea to use the complex spectrum of electromagnetic oscillations intrinsic to a patient for treatment. He would use electrodes to measure the electromagnetic signals of a patient. These would then be modified electronically in a device and returned to the patient as effective healing oscillations. Just as in regular electrical engineering, cables conduct the biological signals from the patient to the therapy device and vice versa.

      The patient's frequency pattern is selectively (depending on the device settings) inverted. That is to say, it is electronically converted into its exact mirror image. Subsequently, it can be amplified, attenuated, and specific frequencies can be filtered out, etc. These procedures do not change a specific characteristic, that is to say the actual physical “code” of the frequency spectrum. The patient's frequency spectrum, when confronted by its own code, can and must react to it. As the information is the patient's own, it is ultimately suitable to the patient's system. This does not apply to any other known therapy modality except the true homeopathic simile. The essentially new aspect about this therapy is that it exclusively uses the body's own individual oscillations without adding any foreign energies or chemical substances, etc. This is indeed the purest biophysical therapy possible! (The therapy device uses electrical current only for its electronics to function. Patient signals and supply current are strictly separated.)

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