Introduction to Engineering Research. Wendy C. Crone

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Introduction to Engineering Research - Wendy C. Crone Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology

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2.2 Identifying a Research Project

       2.3 Undergraduate Research Experiences

       2.4 The Graduate School Application Process

       2.4.1 Is Graduate School Right for You?

       2.4.2 The Graduate School Application Packet

       2.4.3 The Application Timeline

       2.4.4 Visiting a Graduate Program You Would Like to Attend

       2.4.5 Getting Accepted into a Graduate Program

       2.5 Funding of Research

       2.5.1 U.S. Model of Research Universities

       2.5.2 Funding Your Graduate Studies

       2.5.3 Fellowship Applications

       2.6 Understanding the Organization of Your Research Group

       3 Becoming a Researcher

       3.1 Developing a Relationship with Your Research Mentor

       3.2 Aligning Expectations

       3.3 Developing Expertise

       3.4 Developing Your Own Identity as a Researcher

       3.5 Tracking Your Development as a Researcher

       3.6 Being an Effective Team Member and Collaborator

       3.7 Working with a Diverse Research Team

       3.8 Developing Global Competency

       3.8.1 Other Resources on Global Competency

       3.9 Networking

       4 Building on the Research of Others

       4.1 The Literature

       4.2 Valuing What Came Before You

       4.3 Reading Journal Articles

       4.4 Reading Critically

       4.5 Literature Search

       4.6 Proper Citation

       4.7 Citation Management

       4.8 Preparing a Review

       4.9 Crediting the Work of Others

       5 Conducting Research

       5.1 Scientific Habits of the Mind

       5.1.1 Other Resources on Scientific Method

       5.2 Developing a Research Proposal

       5.3 Getting Started and Staying Motivated

       5.4 Project Management

       5.4.1 Project Management Tools

       5.5 Scheduling Committee Meetings

       5.6 Navigating Roadblocks and Obstacles

       5.7 Research Ethics (Error, Negligence, Misconduct)

       5.7.1 Misconduct Case Studies and the D.I.S.O.R.D.E.R. Framework

       5.7.2 Other Resources on Research Ethics

       5.8 Safety

       6 Documenting Your Research Findings

       6.1 Keeping a Research Notebook

       6.1.1 Documenting Your Research in a Paper Laboratory Notebook

       6.1.2 Documenting Your Research in an Electronic Research Notebook

       6.1.3 Regular Evaluation of Your Research Notebook

       6.2 Data Storage and Backup

       6.3 Avoiding Data Manipulation

       7 Sharing Your Research via Oral Communication

       7.1 Informal Conversations with Other Researchers

       7.2 Informal Conversations with Nonspecialist Audiences

       7.3 Engineering Outreach

       7.4 Poster Presentations

       7.5 The Research Talk

       7.6 Resources on Oral Communication

       8 Sharing your Research via Written Communication

       8.1 Translating Technical Topics in Written Formats

       8.2 Basic Principles of Technical Writing

       8.2.1 Dealing with Writer’s Block

       8.3 Standard Formats in Technical Writing

       8.3.1 Abstracts


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