Water Margin. Shi Naian

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Water Margin - Shi Naian

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wall, which had been partly broken down, he saw a Taoist who was wearing a black turban,56 a shirt, a sash of many colors round his waist, hempen shoes, and was carrying a load suspended from a pole over his shoulder. In one bamboo basket was a fish with its tail showing over the side, and above it was a lotus leaf, with some meat on the top. In the other basket he carried a bottle of wine also covered by a lotus leaf. He was singing:

      “You there, I here: each leads a single life,

      You have no husband, I have no wife:

      I have no wife: how lonely I must be,

      You have no husband: don’t you pity me.”

      All the old monks had followed Lu Da, and they now pointed to the Taoist and whispered, “That is the priest called Flying Ogre.”

      Lu Da took his staff, following the Taoist who entered the abbot’s living quarters without knowing he was being followed. Inside, Lu Da saw an ash tree in the courtyard with a table under it, on which were plates of vegetables, three wine cups, and three pairs of chopsticks. At the table sat a fat monk, whose eyebrows looked as though they had been brushed and waxed stiff. He was very muscular and his face sallow. His clothing was not fastened, and disclosed his belly. At his side sat a young woman. The Taoist put down the baskets and took a seat. Lu Da walked to the table, and the monk, being startled at seeing him, rose, and said, “I request you, my brother, to sit down and have a cup of wine with us.”

      “Why have you two destroyed this monastery?” asked Lu Da.

      “Brother, please be seated and listen to me.”

      Lu Da stared at him and said, “Say on, say on!”

      The priest continued, “Previously this monastery had much land and many monks. Those old monks who are now in the veranda used to drink wine, and use the monastery money for women. The abbot issued an order prohibiting these practices, and as the monks disobeyed the order, he resigned. They ruined the monastery then, and sold the land so that many of the monks left. The Taoist and I have recently arrived, and we intend to repair the monastery.”

      “Who is this woman, and why is she drinking wine here?”

      “Brother, allow me to tell you that she is the daughter of Wang Youjin, who lives in a village nearby. Her father was a donor of our monastery, but now he is ruined, and the family is in extreme poverty. Her husband was inflicted with a disease, and as there was no other person at home she came here to borrow rice. I knew her and therefore gave her a drink of wine. There was no other intention. You, brother, must not listen to all those ‘old animals’ have to say.”

      Lu Da believed what he heard; so replied, “How that old monk has deceived me!” So saying, he picked up his staff and returned to the kitchen. The old monks had eaten all the maize congee, but were still there. He pointed at them and said: “It was you who previously destroyed this monastery, and you have told me a lot of lies.”

      An old monk replied, “Brother, you must not listen to their talk, as they keep a woman inside there. They saw you had your sword and the heavy monk’s staff, and as they were not armed, did not care to fight with you. If you do not believe me, then go back, and see how they treat you the second time. Brother, think a little. They have both wine and meat, whereas we cannot get even congee, and we were afraid that you would eat the little we had.”

      “What you say seems reasonable,” said Lu Da. He took his staff and returned to the abbot’s quarters, but found the door closed. He was angry, and kicked open the door. He hurried inside, and saw that “Iron Buddha” was now armed with a halberd, and was advancing towards the ash tree, with the intention of fighting Lu Da, who gave a loud whoop, and whirling aloft his monk’s staff, engaged “Iron Buddha” in conflict. They fought fifteen bouts, but the “Iron Buddha” could not overcome Lu Da, and then the former took up a defensive attitude, parrying the blows and thrusts, slowly retreating. The Taoist saw that “Iron Buddha” was getting the worst of the fight, picked up a halberd, and came behind Lu Da, with the intention of stabbing him. Lu Da heard footsteps but dared not turn round. He also saw the shadow of a man, and suspected treachery. He called out “Zhao” (I will hit you), and upon hearing this Night Witch jumped out of the way of Lu Da’s staff. Lu Da turned partly round so that he was facing them both in the form of a triangle. The two men combined to fight with Lu Da for ten bouts. He was hungry, and was also tired through walking so far, and knew that he could not defeat these two men with their spare energy. So he retreated, trailing his staff on the ground. The two men pursued him as far as the monastery gate, where they again fought. Lu Da withdrew to a stone bridge where the two men gave up the pursuit and sat down on the parapet. Lu Da went some distance, and then remembered he had left his bundle in the monastery. Moreover, he had no money, and wondered what he must do. He could not go back, as he knew if he faced the two men, it would mean disaster. He walked a little further but was in doubt whether to go on or not. After going a few li he saw a forest of pine trees which had a forbidding aspect.

      In the shadow of the trees he saw a man looking round stealthily, and upon seeing Lu Da he uttered an exclamation, spat, and slipped back into the forest. Lu Da thought the man was a robber, who perhaps thought it would be useless to hold up a monk. But Lu Da decided to vent his rage on that man and take away the man’s clothes which he could perhaps pawn for wine and food. He called, “You, footpad, come out at once.”

      The man in the forest laughed when he heard this, and replied, “I have bad luck, and you come here to pick a quarrel with me!” He then took his halberd, and coming into the open, called out, “You bald-headed donkey! You are evidently seeking for an opportunity to die.”

      “You will soon know me,” called Lu Da, who advanced, nourishing his staff, while the other man also came forward, holding his halberd. When they were near each other the man said, “Your voice is familiar to me. What is your name?”

      “When I have given you a good beating, I will tell you my name, but not now,” said Lu Da.

      The man was angry, and advancing fought Lu Da, but after a little contact he began to appreciate the skill of his opponent, whom he had regarded at first as only a stupid monk. So after a few more bouts of fighting, he said, “Let us rest. I have something to say to you.” They both sprang apart at the same time, and the man said, “What is your name? Your voice seems familiar.”

      Lu Da told his name, and upon hearing it the man threw down his sword, and kneeling, saluted with folded hands; asking, “Do you not recognize Shi Jin?”

      Lu Da laughed and replied, “Can you really be Master Shi?” He then knelt down and saluted. This done, they both went into the forest and sat down, telling their experiences since they last met. Shi Jin had some cold meat and cakes, which he offered to Lu Da who was hungry. He said, “As your bundle is in the monastery I will go there with you and take it. If they decline to give it to us we will kill them.” Lu Da agreed to this, and when they had finished their food, set off for the monastery. On their arrival they found the Flying Ogre and Iron Buddha sitting on the parapet of the bridge. Lu Da called, “Come here, you two men! This time I shall kill you.”

      Iron Buddha laughed, “I have just defeated you—why do you come here again?”

      Lu Da whirled his monk’s staff in the air and Iron Buddha seized his halberd, and went to meet him. Lu Da felt braver because Shi Jin was now with him, and moreover was no longer hungry. He fought for nine bouts until Iron Buddha became weak and thought of retreating. Seeing this Flying Ogre went to his assistance, but Shi Jin ran from the shade of a tree, and attacked him. There were now four men fighting, two on

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