Water Margin. Shi Naian

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Water Margin - Shi Naian

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and went upstairs where there was a table set with food and wine, but you were not there. I was just about to go below when I saw the young man who had annoyed your wife at the Yue Temple the other day. He spoke to her, ‘Please sit down. Your husband will be here shortly.’ I hurried below, and there heard your wife upstairs shouting, ‘Help! Help!’ Therefore I ran to look for you, and happened to meet a man who told me that he had seen you entering the Fan Inn so I came here at once. Please, sir, hurry up!”

      Lin Chong was astonished, and immediately rushed off to Lu Qian’s house. Upon arriving there, and going up the staircase he found that the door of the room was fastened, but heard his wife inside say, “In this day of universal tranquillity why do you detain me, an innocent woman, here?” To this Master Gao replied, “Madame, please take pity of me! Even a woman of iron or stone would change her mind.”

      Lin Chong shouted, “Wife, open the door.” And she did so, while Master Gao being afraid, opened a window, jumped out, and ran away.

      Lin Chong ascertained that his wife had not been ravished, and then smashed everything in the room. He took her downstairs, and on the streets noticed that the doors of the neighboring houses were closed. The maidservant just then joining them, they all three went home. There Lin Chong taking a dagger concealed it in his sleeve, and went to the Fan Inn to look for Lu Qian, but did not find him there. He then went to Lu Qian’s house, and waited outside the door until evening without seeing that man. Upon returning home Lin Chong was exhorted by his wife, “As I did not fall into that man’s trap you must be reasonable.”

      “It is very intolerable to think that that brute Lu Qian who used to address me as his brother should have deceived me. Now I am only afraid that I shall not meet that Master Gao, and get my revenge.”

      His wife strongly appealed to him not to go out.

      Lu Qian hid in the private quarters of the Marshal of the Imperial Guard, as he dared not go home. Lin Chong waited for three days without seeing Lu Qian. On the fourth day Lu Da called on Lin Chong, and remarked that he had not seen him for several days. Lin Chong explained, “I have been somewhat busy these few days so that I have not been able to see you, but as you have favored me by visiting my little hut you should drink three cups of wine with me. Unfortunately I have no wine here so how will it be if we go for a stroll and call at some inn?”

      Lu Da agreed and they went out. They were drinking wine for the whole day, and then agreed to meet again the following day. They even did this every day until at last the affair of Master Gao was almost obliterated from Lin Chong’s mind.

      After escaping from Lu Qian’s house, Master Gao did not dare to mention the matter to his adopted father, and remained at home sick. Lu Qian and Fu An came to see him, and noticed that he still seemed to be depressed. Upon their asking why he was not well, he replied, “I will not deceive you in any way. It is because I have twice failed to get hold of that woman, and have been scared by her husband. My lovesickness is more acute than ever. I think I shall be like this for a long time, and that even my life is in danger.”

      The two men said, “Master, do not worry! We will take this matter in hand, and will be responsible for bringing you and her together. She can only escape by committing suicide.”

      While they were talking the steward came in to see how his master’s sickness was progressing. When he had made the usual inquiries Lu Qian and Fu An asked him to go with them for a private conversation. Upon reaching a quiet spot they said to him, “If you want Master Gao to recover you must report the affair to his father, Marshal Gao Qiu, and put an end to Lin Chong’s life. Then we can get hold of the woman and take her to Master Gao who will recover. If you do not do this your master will certainly die.”

      “That is an easy thing,” replied the steward, “and I will inform Marshal Gao Qiu this very evening.”

      “We have already the plan,” said the two men, “but we will wait until you tell us what’s Marshal Gao Qiu’s idea.”

      The steward went to see the Marshal of the Imperial Guard that evening, and told him, “Your adopted son is melancholy because he cannot have the wife of Drill Instructor Lin Chong. He met her at the Yue Temple, more than a month ago, and ever since he has become lovesick.” He then explained Lu Qian’s plan for curing Master Gao.

      Gao Qiu thought the matter over, but could not see how he could damage the prospects of Lin Chong, and said so. He agreed however to hear what plan Lu Qian had, and sent for him. Upon their arrival they called out “nuo!” in the usual way, and Gao Qiu asked what plan they had to cure his son. Lu Qian explained the plot, and the Marshal approved of it, and ordered them to carry it out the next day.

      Lin Chong had been drinking with Lu Da every day so that he had quite forgotten about the affair of Master Gao. It happened, however, on one day as they were walking near Yue Wu Fang lane they saw a big man with a splendid sword on which was a tuft of grass to indicate that it was for sale. He called out, “I have not yet met a man who knows the value of this sword.” But Lin Chong and Lu Da paid no attention, and strolled along. The man followed them calling out, “A good sword! What a pity that nobody knows its value!” The two friends still paid no attention so the man called out as they entered an alley, “This capital is a very big place, and yet there is no one who knows about military weapons.”

      Lin Chong could not help but hear this, and turned round. The man drew the sword out of its scabbard, and displayed its dazzling brightness. Lin Chong was not aware that this sword would doom his fate as he asked to look at it. The man handed it over for inspection, and Lin Chong exclaimed, “What a fine sword! How much do you want for it?”

      The man said it was worth three thousand strings of cash, but he would take two thousand.

      “It is worth two thousand,” said Lin Chong, “but nobody here knows its value. If you will take one thousand I will buy it.”

      “I am hard up for ready money,” said the man, “and as you want it I will make a reduction of five hundred.”

      But Lin Chong would offer only one thousand so the man heaved a sigh; saying, “Now gold is for sale at the price of scrap iron. But enough! But don’t give me a single cash less.”

      Lin Chong said he would pay him at his home, and so departed with Lu Da, promising to see him again the following day. He duly paid for the sword, and then asked where he got it from.

      “It is a family heirloom, and I sell it because we are very hard up,” replied the man.

      “Who was your ancestor?”

      “If I told you I should be ashamed.”

      Lin Chong did not press the point, and the man departed. He examined the sword, turning it this way and that, and saying to himself, “This is certainly an excellent sword. Marshal Gao Qiu of the Imperial Guard, has a sword like this, but he does not let anybody see it. I have asked him several times to let me see it, but have been refused. By and by I will take this sword and compare it with his.” He continued examining the sword till it was evening. At night he hung it on the wall, but got up long before daybreak to have another look at it.

      The following day he heard two minor officials at the door calling out, “Drill Instructor Lin Chong, Marshal Gao Qiu of the Imperial Guard has heard that you have bought a sword, and he orders you to bring it for his inspection. He is specially waiting for you in his yamen.” Upon hearing this Lin Chong wondered who could have reported the purchase to the Marshal. The two men waited until he was dressed, then he took the sword and went with them.

      On the way he said, “I have

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