Water Margin. Shi Naian

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Water Margin - Shi Naian

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have been appointed quite recently,” they replied.

      Upon reaching the headquarters they entered while Lin Chong remained in the courtyard. The two men then came back and said that the Marshal was in the hall at the back. Upon going there they passed round the screen before the door of the hall and then saw that the Marshal was not inside. Lin Chong stopped there but the men said that the Marshal had instructed them to take him inside. So he went with them through three doors, until they came to a building surrounded by green railings. There they asked him to wait while they were going to announce his arrival. They went inside and Lin Chong stood under the eaves of the hall for so long a time that it would take to drink a cup of tea, but the men still had not returned. Such a delay and silence made him suspicious. He lifted up the door curtain and peeping inside saw an honorary tablet with four black characters, “White Tiger’s Private Hall.” He understood immediately that this was the hall where councils of war were held, and that he was trespassing. He quickly turned round to go away, but just then he heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and looking back saw the Marshal himself. He stepped forward, and called out, “nuo” (awaiting your attention).

      Marshal Gao Qiu shouted, “Lin Chong! How dare you enter the White Tiger’s Private Hall, seeing that I have not summoned you? Moreover you have a sword in your hand, and evidently intended to kill me. I have heard that you have been hanging about these headquarters for several days with a sword so you evidently have bad intentions.”

      Lin Chong bowed his head, and said, “Your Benevolent Excellency! I was favored by a visit of two junior officers who told me to bring my sword here to compare it with yours.”

      Marshal Gao Qiu shouted, “Where are those junior officers?”

      “Your Benevolent Excellency, they went inside this hall.”

      “Nonsense! No junior officer dare enter my rooms! Seize this person!”

      Before he had finished saying this, about thirty men rushed out of the building on both sides, and arrested him. Marshal Gao Qiu pretended to be angry, and said, “You are a Drill Instructor, and yet you do not know the law. Why do you enter the White Tiger’s Private Hall with a sword in your hand, and try to kill me?”

      This event was to lead to much trouble in the empire.

      Marks inscribed on farmer’s backs;

      Fishing boats studded with flags.

      We will now see what happened to Lin Chong.

      CHAPTER 7

       Lin Chong Is Branded and Banished to Cangzhou District; Lu Da Has a Big Row in Yezhu Forest

      WHEN the bodyguard of the Marshal Gao Qiu seized Lin Chong, and were going to behead him on the spot, Lin Chong called out that he was being wronged.

      Marshal Gao said, “What business had you to come to this Private Hall with a sharp sword in your hand? Did you not come to kill me?”

      Lin Chong beseechingly said, “If you had not ordered me to come here, how could I have dared to enter? The two junior officers who just went inside the hall brought me here.”

      The bodyguard obeyed the orders, and took Lin Chong under arrest to Kaifeng Prefectural yamen, and fortunately upon arriving there they found that the Prefect was still sitting in the court hearing cases. Marshal Gao’s officers took Lin Chong into the court, and they knelt down at the steps in front of the bench. The Prefect’s officer got the particulars of the case, and then reported the matter to Prefect Teng. He then took the sword which was still sealed up, and placed it in front of the prisoner.

      The Prefect said, “Lin Chong, you are a Drill Instructor of the Imperial Guard so how is it that you did not know the rules of the army, and entered the Private Hall with a sword in your hand? That is a crime to be punished by death.”

      Lin Chong said, “Most benevolent and wise official, I am falsely accused, and seriously wronged. Although I am a stupid army officer I understand a few of the rules. How dared I enter the Private Hall? The fact of the matter is, that on the twenty-eighth day of last month I went with my wife to the Yue Temple to sacrifice, and there we met the adopted son of Marshal Gao Qiu of the Imperial Guard, who attempted to trifle with my wife, and I interfered and separated them. Afterwards Lu Qian cheated me by asking me to go to drink wine with him, while he employed Fu An to deceive my wife, and told her to go to Lu Qian’s home where they had arranged to trifle with her. As soon as I heard of this I went there at once, and smashed up all the furniture. Thus although they had twice tried to ravish my wife, they had not succeeded, and I have a witness to bear that out. The following day I bought this sword, and today the Marshal of the Imperial Guard sent two junior officers to my home to tell me to take the sword to his yamen. So I went with those two men to the Private Hall. They went inside the Hall, and I thought that the Marshal was inside there. Those men had contrived this plot to injure me, and I hope that you, the benevolent official, will give me justice.”

      The Prefect listened to Lin Chong’s statement, and then gave instructions for a dispatch to be prepared for the Marshal of the Imperial Guard. He gave instructions for the cangue and handcuffs to be placed on Lin Chong who was to be taken to the prison. Lin Chong’s family supplied him with food and money while he was in prison. Lin Chong’s father-in-law bribed many court officials to try to arrange matters for him. Fortunately in the court was a secretary named Sun Ding, who was a very honest and exceedingly good man, and was always trying to help people in distress. Because of his character everybody called him “Sun, the Buddha.” He understood the case, and spoke to the Prefect several times about it. He said, “I think this case has been brought up simply to injure Lin Chong, and it would be better for you to show mercy to him.”

      The Prefect said, “He has committed a grave offense and the Marshal of the Imperial Guard has instructed me to question him as to (1) why he had a sword in his hand; (2) why he entered the Private Hall; (3) why he intended to kill the Marshal. How can I help him?”

      Sun Ding spoke sarcastically, “This yamen does not receive its authority from the Imperial Court, but evidently from the Marshal of the Imperial Guard.”

      “Nonsense!” said the Prefect.

      Sun Ding said, “Does not everybody know that the Marshal Gao Qiu, uses his great influence to oppress people? and, moreover, those under him do the same thing? And if a man unintentionally breaks the least fraction of the law, Gao sends him here under arrest. If he wants him killed he is killed, if he wants him hacked to pieces that is done. So does it not appear that this yamen belongs to him?”

      The Prefect said, “Assuming that what you say is correct how could this case of Lin Chong be settled in any other way?”

      Sun Ding said, “According to Lin Chong’s evidence he is quite innocent, but the difficulty is that we cannot arrest the two junior officers. Now you had better tell him to admit that he ought not to have unintentionally entered the Private Hall with his sword in his belt. And having branded him you can banish him to a distant military outpost.”

      Prefect Teng thought the plan a good one, and

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